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Forge's Resignation from staff


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Resignation - Once you file this resignation it can only be redacted if you ask a Director within 6 hours of it being posted. Otherwise, it is final. No, if, and's, or buts.
Name: Forge (Cin Drallig)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76791814

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 1/13/17

Reason for leaving:

Well it has been fun everyone..... I wish i didn't want to do this but everything has gone to shit in high staff and i have been finally pushed over the edge. I have been staff member since about three weeks after the server launched. I was promoted to VA and survived the VA purge. Was a great time and enjoyed most of the time. The server staff has also become absolute cancer with people abusing their powers and thinking its ok to ruin RP when the players are trying to have one during a decent events.

Farewells: Not leaving (Yet) but I got a few things to say to people:

@Jackson Dont fuck with things that dont need to be fucked with same with you @Forseen.

@Kirawrasaurus Rex Help the GM's as much as possible and tell them to stop the cancer events.

@Medic Im leaving now.

@Cmo Do me proud in staff boyo.

@JirachiSirachi dont stop being you when it comes to staff.

@Reaper no more cancer event plzz, but your recent ones have been much better.

@Baxter good luck with the HA stuff.

@Core Hope you get VA soon.

@MocarisThanks for helping me with staff stuff all the time and telling me to strive to do more.

@Washington dont be a bitch boy. (JK have a good time)

This final one is for all the owners:

Thank you for making a great community after we all fled from the cancer zone of icefuse. I will never forget the wait we had until we got our first sneak peak at the server when it launched. This community will go far and the future is right around the corner. Dont stop the flow of new content and keep up the great work.


And now my chains are broken......

Edited by Forge
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