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BOOM's Rex Application


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Veteran Admin

Steam Name: No2DriftKing | Syns.gg


RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: 76561199258802757

Battalion you are applying for: 501st Legion


501st Legion (PVT-CMD)

I first joined the 501st Legion back in April of 2022. The 501st has been the only battalion that has had my heart from that moment forward. I was very new to Star Wars roleplay during that time. I shadowed my fellow Senior NCOs and Officers to challenge myself to be the best leader within the NCO core I could be. I continued to push myself and was offered to join the legendary 332nd Company from Corey who was a Commander as Vaughn during that time. It was one of the best decisions I made to try out for a sub-unit. I went for and was accepted to be a 332nd ARC lore character known as Vyse. I continued to climb the ranks before some of the original ranks were removed and made it to Sergeant Major. I was serving my country in the United States Army during this time and didn’t have much time to play on the server due to having multiple field training exercises to attend. I then decided after six months of being in 501st to resign from the server. Seven months later, I decided to come back to the server since I had more free time from completing my four years of active duty. I once again without hesitation joined the 501st Legion. I decided to try out and join ARF since the regiment was struggling at the time for numbers. I once more pursued and was accepted by Cronis who was Jesse at the time; into the 332nd Company as Vyse again. As I spent more time in 501st I decided to try out and switch to the HVY regiment since ARF became popular once again. My goal while being a heavy trooper was to meet the requirements and try out for one of the three Heavy Ordinance slots. Of course, I met and passed the tryout requirements. Due to my outstanding performance in the battalion, the 501st Regimental Advisor was Ajax at the time before he became Regimental Lead. He advised me to go for the second open Regimental Advisor position so I could help all the regiments in the battalion. I decided to apply and was accepted for the position by the Regimental Lead, Major Elijah as Appo at that time. Ajax and I collaborated on what was best to do for each regiment in the battalion. We would split the regiments with each other and communicate with the Leads and Officers so we could constantly improve the regiments. With each regiment, we would assist in updating their tryouts, and publish new guidelines. We would also help guide people to get tryouts for the regiment they want. I was able to go from Warrant Officer to Lieutenant fairly quickly. Being in 332nd Company, I was the only one active within the sub-unit. By the time Zeros became 501st BCMD Rex, he wiped everyone from 332nd Company except for me. The sub-unit was struggling for numbers and did not have a proper structure to thrive. Together, Zeros and I collaborated to make changes in 332nd Company to become popular and successful again. Zeros and I collaborated on a new tryout dupe that would be a perfect fit for 332nd Company and its history. We researched and introduced new 501st lore characters into 332nd Company with some of the previous ones. We initiated new requirements to join 332nd Company to make the sub-unit more challenging and competitive to try out for. The reforming of 332nd Company was very successful from those days forward. The interest in 332nd Company went from none to one hundred real quickly. Because of my dedication and work to 332nd Company; Zeros decided to promote me to Captain and appoint me as 332nd Company Commander Captain Vaughn! After Zero’s term as 501st BCMD Rex ended and Rohan’s term began shortly later. I decided to step down from Captain Vaughn and was eager to gain more commanding experience. I made a plan and goal to go for Torrent Company Commander Appo since Torrent Company did not have anyone as TCC nor was interested in it. During this time, Joyboy stepped down as Appo and was 501st TC Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. I wanted to receive and gain experience in what it’s like being in Torrent Company and leading it. After I attended and passed Torrent Company tryouts, I became Kano as my first TC lore character. Rohan shortly later promoted me to Torrent Company Officer. Through some time I further understood how Torrent Company operates compared to my previous experience in 332nd Company. I was very confident and helped keep Torrent Company running and successful with Joyboy and Nissan who was Torrent Company Commander Fives during the time. I continued to carry the legacy Joyboy planted into Torrent Company after he also reformed the sub-unit with Zeros during his term. In less than no time, Rohan decided to promote me to Torrent Company Commander Appo! During my time commanding Torrent Company, I kept the sub-unit active and running as I would try out new people and keep them engaged. Throughout some time transitioning into Joyboy’s term as BCMD Rex; I decided to step down from TCC Appo. I went back to 332nd Company since I had enough experience from what it was like leading Torrent Company. I once again became 332nd Vyse and was eager to lead 332nd Company once more! I met and communicated with Luxz who was a 332nd Company Jedi. We both wanted to see 332nd Company flourish again and brought our heads together to change/reform the sub-unit. Reborn, who was 332nd Commander Jesse (XO) of 332nd at that time; promoted me and Luxz to 332nd Officer. Luxz and I did some revamping to 332nd Company to make it more of an elite sub-unit of the 501st Legion. Joyboy and Reborn additionally decided to transition Heavy Ordinance into 332nd to add more flare to the company. I updated the Heavy Ordinance tryout guide/handbook to fit 332nd Company. Because of the hard work and dedication being put into 332nd Company, Joyboy found it right for me to be promoted to 332nd Company Commander Captain Vaughn once again! During this time, Joyboy revamped the Officer and NCO core with new promotion requirements. I took the changes very seriously and saw an opportunity to show and represent what it means to be an Officer in the 501st Legion. I took responsibility and kept the battalion's administration up to date. I constantly would train our battalion and others as well in different battalions in joint trainings, and EODs. I would shadow and instruct our NCOs so they could train our battalion which also helps train themselves. Joyboy and Reborn decided to promote me to Major as a Senior Officer. During my time as Major, I took control of our Officers and focused on instructing and training them. I made it a priority to shape our Officers into the absolute best leaders in the 501st Legion. I created a new Officer Training Guide/Handbook which goes over everything that Officers need to learn and perform to be successful to have the absolute best, smoothest performance out of the battalion. As we promoted and introduced new troopers and Jedi into the Officer core, I would have a meeting/session with them to train them on what's new expected of being an Officer. Additionally, I would train them to have them instruct and shadow our NCOs so the NCOs can be the best professionals when training, recruiting, EOD training, patrols leads, event/deployment leading, etc. to people. Within a short time, Joyboy decided to promote me to Commander! Since my promotion Joyboy, Reborn, and I have been working together to keep the battalion running and strong!                         

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I should become a battalion commander because I am unconditionally dedicated to the 501st Legion! 501st is my favorite battalion compared to all of the other battalions in the garrison. I love the amazing rich stories of the 501st and its glorious history with all the characters within the Legion. I grew up on Star Wars and of course, like anyone else became obsessed with its universe, or should I say a Galaxy far far away, Ha Ha! The time I have spent being in 501st has led me to want to continue our story and legendary legacy. My experience from all of the positions I’ve obtained has shape-shifted me into being the best I can be so I can transition into being 501st Battalion Commander Rex. I want to continue running the battalion as a battalion commander with our officers so we can keep being successful. I want to ensure from all the past legendary BCMD Rex’s I have served under that their planted seeds in 501st continue growing and thriving. I want to implement some concepts I have that can increase and improve our battalion’s performance more than it is currently. I want to be Commander Rex because he represents what being a leader is and because of the strong bonds he has with everyone in the 501st Legion. Rex is brave, has respect, is trustworthy, and is loyal to his soldiers. I believe I represent those leadership values every single day as I continuously help and build 501st to be the best and brightest!                            


About every day from afternoons through late nights/early mornings.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

15 Months - 900 Hours

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

I want the 501st Legion to be super active and for people to want and hop on the server because of how amazing this battalion is! I want the battalion to be very open and heartwarming with everyone. I want the battalion to have the best of the best Officers and NCOs before my term ends; this way I feel comfortable I can rely on them to continue the mission. I want the battalion to have accurate, up-to-date documents throughout every level of 501st. I want to have my Commanders be prepared and trained to take upon the mantel of this amazing battalion. I want the sub-units and regiments to have all the support they need from me being the battalion commander before my term ends to be successful. I want the battalion to have plenty of things to do; I want to have quests/tasks for people to do on and off the server. I want 501st to achieve receiving battalion of the month before my term ends. BOTM gives people motivation and inspiration that we can do anything with some work. I want people to have more than one leadership position so they can gain more experience to move up in 501st. In all I want the battalion to be smooth-running, organized, convenient, and effective. We are THAT battalion! HOOAH!                    

NCO Core

The Non-Commissioned Officer core is the backbone of the battalion. The NCOs serve the battalion the best they can and bring honor to the 501st’s name. They represent what it means to be responsible, disciplined, professional, trained, and proficient. They are accountable for our junior NCOs to train and bring them up to be the best soldiers. The NCOs heavily train and instruct the battalion every day to keep the organization going. Currently, we have a plentiful of NCOs in the 501st. I feel that they need more education when we train our Corporals to shape them into being NCOs. I want to revamp the SGT Training Document with even more elaborate details about what should be expected of them to do. I want to also create a Senior NCO Training Document. This document will teach the NCOs from SFC-SGM how to be a SNCO and in leading the NCOs below them in 501st. I want our NCOs to be excited when they do trainings, recruiting, and entertainments. When they do these they can move in the battalion and do new tasks. I want to change the quota for each rank and add new things they can do to lead and train 501st.                

Officer Core

The Officer core coordinates, plans, and assigns tasks to their subordinates to keep the battalion’s establishment flowing. Officers are the head of 501st, they delegate and carry out orders to the NCOs. The people in our Officer core are amazing. With the people we have within the officer core, I know we can build and keep 501st strong. I want to have each officer rank to have a purpose than just it meaning a higher position in 501st. I want to go through each rank and introduce a quota system much like our NCOs have. Even though they are an officer, I want them to keep up in leading and shadowing the NCOs. This will keep both cores together and strengthen their performance and education when training the troops in the battalion. I want to have each officer rank divide their workload so the system is balanced that way people can be decompressed. For our Warrant Officers, I want to have our Senior Officers properly train them. I want to have the Warrant Officers focus on training Corporal through Sergeant. Warrant Officer will be a two-week trial period and if the quota is reached to determine eligibility of being within the officer core and moving up to Lieutenant. For our Lieutenants, I want to have them focus on training the Senior NCOs which would be Sergeant First Class through Sergeant Major. To be promoted from Lieutenant to Captain will be a time in grade of three weeks and if the quota is met. For our Captains, I want them to focus on training the Warrant Officers to transform them into an official officers. The time in grade for Captain to Major will be four weeks including quota. For our Majors, I want them to concentrate on commanding the officer core from Warrant Officer to Captain. Being a Major also makes you a Senior Officer, meaning that Major’s have the most experience being an officer. As a Major, you are the most trained professional besides your Commanders and help run the battalion. This is where Major’s step into being in command of 501st and serve more into being staff to task personnel with operations and logistics. Promotion to Commander is decided from performance in training the officers and in commanding the battalion. I want to have my Commanders trained to the point where if I am absent, they can run the battalion without even needing a battalion commander. The Commanders are in charge of everything from the regiments, sub-units, NCOs, Officers, and administration of the entire battalion. Altogether, the Officer Core will be the finest it's ever been with everything organized and planned for the 501st to continue advancing.                                    


The Jedi in the 501st Legion are just as important as our clone troopers. Once in a while, we do get people who want to try out their Jedi for the battalion, which is amazing! I do want to see our battalion Jedi get more recognition. I would love to collaborate with our Jedi General, Anakin Skywalker, and the Jedi Commander, Ahsoka Tano to create new trainings the Jedi can do that would match their speed compared to the clones. I also want to have a sit down with them and revamp the battalion Jedi tryout document. The current one we are using is not up to date and isn’t smooth and needs to be perfected. Recently, we have changed where you can’t have a clone and Jedi in 501st, it's either or. Additionally, we have also removed rank transfers for clones and Jedi. Meaning that you can’t switch your clone rank to your Jedi and the same for Jedi to clone. Moreover, I desire to talk to Anakin and Ahsoka to get ideas for promoting the sub-unit Jedi positions as well since we have not had there Jedi slots filled in some time.          


The regiments in my opinion are critical for having a successful battalion. I want to have a sit down with our newest regimental lead to discuss improving the regiments. One of my main goals is to create weekly training for each regiment. For each regiment, we have the documents for people to train when they try out, however, they never really go back and reevaluate and continue to train themselves. Additionally with our REGL, interview folks who are interested in becoming an Officer and/or Lead. Once we have strong leadership we can further update or add to the regiment tryouts and guideline handbooks.    


For the Heavy’s I want to incorporate specialized trainings for them to train and focus on utilizing their heavy weapons loadout.    


The ARC troopers are the best of the best and require higher intensive training than other clones. This being said I also want to have the ARC troopers have their specialized advanced training.  


For our Medics, I want to create trainings where they are in battle and need to care for those who are injured. I can see this training being tied in with Naval as well for joint trainings.     


For our Support troopers, I want to produce training that specializes in air combat maneuvering. Dogfights are cool so I can see this training being fun and immersive. Additionally, engineer training should be practiced, especially when the ER has been destroyed we need knowledgeable troopers for repairs.         

And for ARF, I seek to generate recon training. This would help them to become experts while out in the field to have fewer casualties in the garrison as a whole due to them reporting back to the troops behind them. This training furthermore shapes them into being expert sharpshooters.            


The battalion training numbers have been amazing these past couple of months! People have been motivated to host trainings so they can be rewarded with Trooper of the Week, trooper of the Month, and being promoted as well from it. We also like to reward them with in-game credits so they can buy whatever they want from the server’s store. I want to continue doing this as the battalion commander. The 501st Legion specializes in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). My priority is to keep having our team training and certifying people on the server for EOD. We will still host all kinds of trainings as well. As an attack battalion, I want to focus and collaborate with our brothers in 212th. I want to create and see more joint trainings, missions, etcetera with them. Additionally, I would love to have the sub-units from 501st & 212th collaborate and go on special operations. Doing this will boost morale and relations with 212th. Joyboy and Reborn created 501st operations for us to do which are events on the server for 501st. I want to carry that on and continue having our officers and add our senior NCOs as well to create events for the battalion. I would also like to bring back the training dupes channel in the battalion discord. This way our battalion admins and GMs have access to the training dupes the server Staff and GM team have built for people to use.              


As we continue to receive more people into the 501st Legion, I want them to engage in more roleplay. When we are in events and deployments sometimes people tend to get sidetracked. I want our focus to be entirely on the mission so we can reach the goal. I want our battle comms to be more serious because it trains people to be efficient leaders on the battlefield. I want people who are lore characters to act as if they were the character themselves. This way playing in game on the server becomes more immersive and fun.       

332nd Company

The legendary 332nd Company! 332nd specializes in siege warfare to surround and cut off enemy forces into isolation to capture and secure ground. 332nd Company has been doing amazing since all the changes it has gone through the past couple of Rex terms. We have switched out the previous 332nd Company tryout dupe with an enhanced one. We have also incorporated a 332nd Jedi tryout dupe. Ever since transitioning Heavy Ordinance (HVO) to 332nd Company, it has helped gain attractiveness. The 332nd HVO tryout as well has a dupe. During my time as the previous Vaughn, I utilized Reborn’s HVO tryout document and added some 332nd flair and additional rules and regulations. This way our people who try out are aware of the rules HVO carries. 332nd Company currently has six slots for clone troopers. 332nd has gained much popularity over the past couple of months and I would like to add two more slots making it equal with Torrent Company. I would like to get with our newly selected Vaughn and change the current lore characters since some of them aren’t very popular and known very much. I want to also have 332nd Company go on missions with other sub-units with other battalions across the garrison. Our current Ahsoka Tano who is Luxz, and I have been working on a dupe that helps train 332nd Company in siege warfare. I would like to eventually shift the dupe into 332nd as well so they can become elite and proficient as they train. I furthermore want to submit a new suggestion in the forums to change Jesse’s model to switch out his backpack to an actual jetpack like Kano has in Torrent Company. Collectively, with a couple of updates in 332nd Company, the sub-unit will continue to flourish!                         

Torrent Company

What can I say about Torrent Company? They are the best of the best of the 501st Legion! Torrent Company is home to some of the most famous clone troopers, not to forget, the Jedi General Anakin Skywalker! I can see a few improvements I can make with our current Torrent Company Commander Appo, to enhance the company. I would love to change the tryout dupe to something more challenging than what the current one is right now. I want to have TC tryouts to be more immersive in roleplay for the character the person is going for. Torrent Company is more of a serious sub-unit meaning that the members must uphold the standards and guidelines. Furthermore, I want to enforce the activity rule again so people must be active or else be removed within one week of inactivity. This helps with sub-unit activity and morale when people are on. Additionally, I want to have Torrent Company go on missions with other sub-units across the battalions in the garrison. There has also been a struggle for some time now for getting Tup and Dogma filled. The kit on Tup and Dogma is quite boring and basic in my opinion since they are not in any regiments. They both have dual DC-17 pistols and that’s it. I would like to enhance their kit and include the DP-24 which is on 501st officer jobs. I believe submitting this suggestion on the forums and if approved, will help Torrent Company Command be able to get people recruited into Tup and Dogma more easily. In all, I believe with these changes that Torrent Company will continue to thrive!               


All-inclusive, with my goals and intentions being put into action for the battalion. I believe the 501st Legion will grow and evolve with proper structure, support, operational readiness, logistics, and standards set in place. I want to keep positive engagement and morale with the community we have. I want to constantly help develop my personnel so they can advance in their career being in 501st. I want to keep the balance for the battalion to maintain smooth operations. I will uphold ethical standards and lead with integrity and professionalism. My commanders have set me up for success and want to see me excel taking upon the mantel of 501st. With my experience leading 501st, I know I am ready and capable of taking and upholding the responsibilities and duties of being a battalion commander. I look forward and strive to have 501st to be the best environment everyone wants to be!

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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Head Admin

+1 app needs a little more structure, but your intentions are overall great and you're a hard working guy. Best of luck with your process!

  • Friendly 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Boom's candidacy for a first term holds tremendous promise for the future of our community. During his initial term, Boom demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of our society. His dedication to serving the needs of the people has been evident in the numerous positive changes and advancements made under his guidance. Boom's visionary approach to governance has resulted in significant improvements in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, paving the way for a more prosperous and inclusive society.

One of Boom's notable achievements has been his focus on education reform. Recognizing the pivotal role education plays in shaping the future of our society, he spearheaded initiatives that enhanced access to quality education for all. His emphasis on educational equity has resulted in reduced achievement gaps and improved opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By prioritizing investments in education, Boom has ensured that our youth are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.

Furthermore, Boom's dedication to healthcare reform has significantly improved the well-being of our citizens. He championed policies that expanded access to affordable healthcare, making it more accessible to marginalized communities. Under his leadership, healthcare infrastructure has been strengthened, ensuring the availability of adequate medical facilities and resources for all. Boom's commitment to public health has been particularly evident during the recent global health crisis, where his proactive measures and effective communication strategies helped mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our community.

In addition to education and healthcare, Boom's focus on infrastructure development has been transformative. He recognized the importance of investing in sustainable and modern infrastructure to drive economic growth and enhance the quality of life for residents. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, he successfully revitalized aging infrastructure, creating new employment opportunities and fostering innovation across various sectors. His vision for a well-connected and sustainable community has attracted new businesses, resulting in economic prosperity and improved living standards for all.

  • Funny 1
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Veteran Admin
32 minutes ago, Poker said:

1 question before voting

What do you think can were not capable of achieving with the CMD power that made you want to go for the BCMD position?

It's nothing much I couldn't achieve, it's to carry on the legacy and continue leading and improving the battalion just as a battalion commander. Being BCMD can help me continue to enhance 501st and teach the next generation of folks to ensure the battalion will be in good hands as it continues to thrive. As the battalion commander, I won't necessarily need to ask for approval to undertake initiatives that can benefit the 501st. I would rather seek guidance from the Attack RCMD and collaborate with my Senior Officers.   

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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On 12/18/2023 at 12:14 AM, Banshoodle said:


Boom's candidacy for a first term holds tremendous promise for the future of our community. During his initial term, Boom demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of our society. His dedication to serving the needs of the people has been evident in the numerous positive changes and advancements made under his guidance. Boom's visionary approach to governance has resulted in significant improvements in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, paving the way for a more prosperous and inclusive society.

One of Boom's notable achievements has been his focus on education reform. Recognizing the pivotal role education plays in shaping the future of our society, he spearheaded initiatives that enhanced access to quality education for all. His emphasis on educational equity has resulted in reduced achievement gaps and improved opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By prioritizing investments in education, Boom has ensured that our youth are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.

Furthermore, Boom's dedication to healthcare reform has significantly improved the well-being of our citizens. He championed policies that expanded access to affordable healthcare, making it more accessible to marginalized communities. Under his leadership, healthcare infrastructure has been strengthened, ensuring the availability of adequate medical facilities and resources for all. Boom's commitment to public health has been particularly evident during the recent global health crisis, where his proactive measures and effective communication strategies helped mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our community.

In addition to education and healthcare, Boom's focus on infrastructure development has been transformative. He recognized the importance of investing in sustainable and modern infrastructure to drive economic growth and enhance the quality of life for residents. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, he successfully revitalized aging infrastructure, creating new employment opportunities and fostering innovation across various sectors. His vision for a well-connected and sustainable community has attracted new businesses, resulting in economic prosperity and improved living standards for all.


make it alot longer

Certainly! Here's a more detailed endorsement for Commander Rex:

"In the turbulent galaxy, where chaos reigns and the forces of darkness threaten our very existence, we find solace in the presence of true heroes. Commander Rex stands as a beacon of hope and a paragon of leadership in the midst of the galactic conflict. His journey from the front lines of the Clone Wars to the heart of our struggle against tyranny has been marked by resilience, courage, and an unyielding commitment to the principles that define the Republic.

Rex's storied career has been a testament to his exceptional leadership qualities. Through the crucible of countless battles, he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to navigate the chaos of war with strategic brilliance. His tactical acumen, forged in the crucible of combat, has earned him the respect of his peers and the unwavering loyalty of the soldiers under his command. Rex has not merely risen through the ranks; he has earned his place as a symbol of inspiration and steadfast dedication.

What sets Commander Rex apart is not just his skill on the battlefield but also his genuine concern for the welfare of his troops. He has forged bonds that extend beyond the duties of a military leader; he is a brother-in-arms, a mentor, and a guardian to those who serve alongside him. In the face of adversity, Rex's leadership style has proven to be a source of strength, fostering a sense of camaraderie that transcends the trials of war.

A +1 for BOOM is not just a vote for a capable commander; it is a resounding endorsement of a leader who exemplifies the values that define the Republic. Rex's leadership is characterized by a rare blend of wisdom, empathy, and a relentless pursuit of justice. As Commander, Rex will undoubtedly bring these qualities to bear, ensuring that our forces are not only well-led but also inspired to rise above the challenges that confront us.

In times of uncertainty, the galaxy requires leaders who lead not just with authority but with a profound understanding of the sacrifices and struggles faced by those on the front lines. Commander Rex embodies this understanding. He is not just a soldier; he is a symbol of hope, an architect of victories, and a guardian of the Republic's ideals.

In casting your +1 for BOOM, you are casting a vote for a leader whose legacy is etched in the annals of valor. Commander Rex is not just the right choice; he is the embodiment of the leadership we need in these trying times. May his experience, his resilience, and his unwavering commitment guide us to victory and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the Republic."

(Seriously though Huge +1. BOOM is active and has good plans. Best of luck to you and Reborn.)

Edited by Mystic
  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.



i am literally captain tukk

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