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Madara governor app


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Steam Name: Madara

RP Name Mad'rata

RP Rank: Guild LT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60861308

Why should you become Governor?:
I should be governor because I believe I have the mindset and will to do what needs to be done an if needed I can make those decisions that are tuff and may not be well liked. I also believe I understand the environment of bounty hunters very well and while I don't understand senate as much I do know that there are people in place already that  can assist and help me grow and understand that specific group I would be looking over. I also understand that I am not alone in the things that I would need to do and if need be I can rely on the people around the position of governor for assistance and/or guidance for anything that would come in my way during the duration of my term.

Availability: Almost 24/7 I can be contacted anytime on discord if needed and will reply as soon as possible

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:
I have played on the server for a very long time on and off. During my time playing i have not gained any huge or high up position as this most recent time were I once again am in SOBDE as Crosshair but i also gained VA in staff. During my time playing the server I have always loved how the community was always open and cooperative compared to the other servers and no matter what i just could not coming back to this specific server compared to other ones.

What do you feel the role of the Governor is?:
The role of Governor is one of the major  jobs that oversee and guide of the bounty hunters and senate. The governor is one of the final lines of defense so to speak that looks over both groups. The Governor's job is to make sure everything goes smoothly in the two groups but the main thing is that the governor is there to make sure that both groups grow and improve to greater heights than they are now, wither that is better people in the correct positions or just better RP and other interactions amongst the server. 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

How do you plan to improve relations between the guild and the server?:
I plan to improve relations between the guild and the server by opening up opportunity's for interactions and RP to happen by making passive events and objectives that can happen without staff assistance. Unfortunately my experience and knowledge on the senate is lacking so my plans for them are not as solid and are expected to change or be terminated depending on the circumstances, but i wish for them to have a greater influence on server operations and procedures through they're bills if possible, another thing for example if a citizen or hunter feels they have been wrongly detained or feel violated {for a lack of a better word) by the republic then they can ask for a senator for representation to hopefully help them, small RP things that happen often but that aren't too complex like that is something i would like to give to them.
But I also plan to make the way some things in the guild work a little differently like the evaluation system for the bounty hunters right now so that in the future hunters are more prepared and are more informed of the rules so that certain situations will happen less frequently. Some more of the passive things I was planning for example was a way to increase RP opportunity's and interactions between all players like further enforcing the pass system and adding tiers for it but also like in the case that my fellow Guild Lt already proposed but in the position of governor I would further be able to influence it. Other things I would like to push for are more dramatic changes to hunters, for example Clan only bounties that only a group of clan members can complete do to their complexity and/or difficulty. I would also like to add further titles/sub groups for hunters to strive for. I have a few more ideas but are less fleshed out in the current moment so I don't wish to express them here and, but am also open to more ideas.
The final thing I wish to say in this section is that even though I don't know everything that I could or maybe even should do to help I believe in and trust the people that are around me when I need help or ideas.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term? Yes

Edited by Madara
Fixing grammar and wanted to further elaborate on some topics


Wosy was here

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I'm a little conflicted atm. I know that when you put your heart and effort into things you can make them great but the problem I have is the factions below governor are to be blatantly honest are extremely dead, and I don't see much of a plan to improve each faction in your application and I would love to see your application go into a bit more depth of how you want improve said factions as well has what have to done to help them with your current position?

Edited by Clutchhhx
  • Informative 1

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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2 hours ago, Clutchhhx said:

I'm a little conflicted atm. I know that when you put your heart and effort into things you can make them great but the problem I have is the factions below governor are to be blatantly honest are extremely dead, and I don't see much of a plan to improve each faction in your application and I would love to see your application go into a bit more depth of how you want improve said factions as well has what have to done to help them with your current position?

Thank you for the response I have further fleshed out and added more examples to my app but ill also say this here to you. When it comes to the factions on this server and how dead they are I am hoping that within my plan that the increase in interactions and RP will interest people and that those that see can aspire to do the same things that the people in my faction can do so they join. For example something that was added before i become guild Lt but that I now as a Lt watch over is Rahm Kota's militia which in the past week grew fast enough that they maxed the slots in the unit and still had people asking for it so slots for it where increased


Wosy was here

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literal day 1
Cares a lot about the faction and is willing to do what needs to be done
Very Active
Very Mature
I have full confidence in you with this position

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 Good for the job! Know he will do great things with the position.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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I think its abit sad that if i removed the extra lines in your availability and your experience this application would be about as short as my 1st Alpha ARC application.

Applications show a certain amount of commitment. I don't see that reflected here. You say you want to make changes but then openly admit to having no experience in senate. How will you work around this? Do you have anyone to help you in that aspect?

With Guild, How do you plan to rework your eval systems? How do you plan to open more RP? It's just a lot of basic "people want to hear this" things and not really anything that was critically thought about. 

I feel that this next Governor NEEDS to be on their shit or else the faction is going to continue to suffer. Rahm Kota's Militia has brought some of the most activity and RP the Civilian Faction has seen since the BH whitelist changes. Considering that side of things was implemented by the Jedi Order as the spearhead and the Guild assisting (Not taking away from anyone, but Mazen was responsible for alot of its basic foundation at first) I just don't see anything in this app thats worth waiting for. Nothing against you as a person was always a blast working alongside you as a VA. 

A few questions as well, What issues do YOU see in the Guild/Senate/Civilian factions that need changed? I don't care about what others see what do you yourself want to see changed? and do you have plans to do those things?

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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After reading Mystic's response I agree that the Civilian faction needs a gamechanger just so that they can compete with the Jedi order. This application does exactly "wow" me, even after the changes and the response you give me.

I do hope that if this gets moved to pending that you can prove me wrong and make the factions flourish once again.

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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1 hour ago, Mystic said:

I think its abit sad that if i removed the extra lines in your availability and your experience this application would be about as short as my 1st Alpha ARC application.

Applications show a certain amount of commitment. I don't see that reflected here. You say you want to make changes but then openly admit to having no experience in senate. How will you work around this? Do you have anyone to help you in that aspect?

With Guild, How do you plan to rework your eval systems? How do you plan to open more RP? It's just a lot of basic "people want to hear this" things and not really anything that was critically thought about. 

I feel that this next Governor NEEDS to be on their shit or else the faction is going to continue to suffer. Rahm Kota's Militia has brought some of the most activity and RP the Civilian Faction has seen since the BH whitelist changes. Considering that side of things was implemented by the Jedi Order as the spearhead and the Guild assisting (Not taking away from anyone, but Mazen was responsible for alot of its basic foundation at first) I just don't see anything in this app thats worth waiting for. Nothing against you as a person was always a blast working alongside you as a VA. 

A few questions as well, What issues do YOU see in the Guild/Senate/Civilian factions that need changed? I don't care about what others see what do you yourself want to see changed? and do you have plans to do those things?

- Regarding the amount I said i think its a bit inconsequential if i can at least manage to get my major points out.
- you question my commitment but as of the moment i am one of the most active and online not just guild members on even forgoing the some of the time id rather be on crosshair with my squad
- My experience with senate while lacking is still basic because i have not been apart of it before but i trust and will lean into those around the position that do know it intimately like the senior senators and the current palpatine to increase the depth of my senate knowledge to further help it
- The change in evals i wish to do is to somewhat change it back to the way it was in regards to that it had a strike system and while i am confident i can do that in my current position i also wish to tweak the questions not just towards the current environment the but the future environment that it would appear in the changes planned
- RP is always going to be a priority because civilian is a pretty much a RP fed faction, the plan to open it up is by creating scenarios where they can happen naturally without intervention or setups by the admins or commanders, like a change in the base pass and permit system that would implement tiers so there would not be such a grey area or like my previously mentioned part where if a civilian feels they have been wronged by the republic in some way shape or form that they can request their senator representative, there is multiple ways where the RP can be increased and more will continue to open up as players come and go with fresh and new ideas
- when it comes to me being on my shit for this faction, I am not afraid on what needs to be done or what will happen, while i wont be extremely doctorial and will ask for advice and input from those capable around me if that is not sound or just I am capable of ignoring it, but on the opposite end if i am doing something ignorant or foolish i am more than willing to revert what is happening or reverting it in general while always being open to new ideas from anyone no matter how big or small they may be
- and to address your last part the big problem I see with the civilian faction is the lack of a larger structure (not sure if that's the best way to phrase it), and while its wonderful and great to have all that freedom its almost too free at the point where not just do the players in those factions get bored, tired or confused. But the people out of it do as well, for example since this structure i wish to gradually grow or at the very least wish to lay the foundation of is not there the grey area of everyone not knowing the rules as completely as the should is there the players that go through evaluations I believe get a half assed job at understanding the rules because while I know that we give them the tools freely before, during and even conformation after the evaluations that people still wont get most of it cause i know that a chunk of player will always just ctrl+F to get the answers and this would force at least some of them to read an comprehend the rules better.

So to just make what i said simplified wish to reign in the freedom and grey areas that always happen by creating a structure that will not just increase comprehension of rules and regulations but also put in game procedures that would be able to happen without intervention of staff or commanders.


Wosy was here

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15 hours ago, Madara said:

- Regarding the amount I said i think its a bit inconsequential if i can at least manage to get my major points out.
- you question my commitment but as of the moment i am one of the most active and online not just guild members on even forgoing the some of the time id rather be on crosshair with my squad
- My experience with senate while lacking is still basic because i have not been apart of it before but i trust and will lean into those around the position that do know it intimately like the senior senators and the current palpatine to increase the depth of my senate knowledge to further help it
- The change in evals i wish to do is to somewhat change it back to the way it was in regards to that it had a strike system and while i am confident i can do that in my current position i also wish to tweak the questions not just towards the current environment the but the future environment that it would appear in the changes planned
- RP is always going to be a priority because civilian is a pretty much a RP fed faction, the plan to open it up is by creating scenarios where they can happen naturally without intervention or setups by the admins or commanders, like a change in the base pass and permit system that would implement tiers so there would not be such a grey area or like my previously mentioned part where if a civilian feels they have been wronged by the republic in some way shape or form that they can request their senator representative, there is multiple ways where the RP can be increased and more will continue to open up as players come and go with fresh and new ideas
- when it comes to me being on my shit for this faction, I am not afraid on what needs to be done or what will happen, while i wont be extremely doctorial and will ask for advice and input from those capable around me if that is not sound or just I am capable of ignoring it, but on the opposite end if i am doing something ignorant or foolish i am more than willing to revert what is happening or reverting it in general while always being open to new ideas from anyone no matter how big or small they may be
- and to address your last part the big problem I see with the civilian faction is the lack of a larger structure (not sure if that's the best way to phrase it), and while its wonderful and great to have all that freedom its almost too free at the point where not just do the players in those factions get bored, tired or confused. But the people out of it do as well, for example since this structure i wish to gradually grow or at the very least wish to lay the foundation of is not there the grey area of everyone not knowing the rules as completely as the should is there the players that go through evaluations I believe get a half assed job at understanding the rules because while I know that we give them the tools freely before, during and even conformation after the evaluations that people still wont get most of it cause i know that a chunk of player will always just ctrl+F to get the answers and this would force at least some of them to read an comprehend the rules better.

So to just make what i said simplified wish to reign in the freedom and grey areas that always happen by creating a structure that will not just increase comprehension of rules and regulations but also put in game procedures that would be able to happen without intervention of staff or commanders.

this ^ should've been in your application. This is a very good response. 
(I didn't mean to question YOUR commitment, but i mean't the commitment to the process i.e interview, application juggling positions etc)

I do apologize for being a bit brash on your first ever application, but genuinely since people don't get to know how your time starts and ends from the time you move to pending the application is like a first impression and last impression. If its lacking it leaves a bad taste, if its dedicated and decently full of a snippet of your plans it leaves people wondering and wanting to watch you succeed. Just from an outside view the Civvie faction has been having it rough lately and I would rather not have someone who will just neglect them further which was my reason for asking these questions.

I'll change to a +1. I do hope you stick to some of these things and keep your head up. You'll need it.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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11 minutes ago, Mystic said:

this ^ should've been in your application. This is a very good response. 
(I didn't mean to question YOUR commitment, but i mean't the commitment to the process i.e interview, application juggling positions etc)

I do apologize for being a bit brash on your first ever application, but genuinely since people don't get to know how your time starts and ends from the time you move to pending the application is like a first impression and last impression. If its lacking it leaves a bad taste, if its dedicated and decently full of a snippet of your plans it leaves people wondering and wanting to watch you succeed. Just from an outside view the Civvie faction has been having it rough lately and I would rather not have someone who will just neglect them further which was my reason for asking these questions.

I'll change to a +1. I do hope you stick to some of these things and keep your head up. You'll need it.

I appreciate it and like you said this would be my first time being in this type of position and while id do my best to give the faction what it needs and deserves I will still be learning throughout this whole situation but I still do appreciate your criticisms as well no matter what

Edited by Madara
grammar fixes


Wosy was here

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You're commitment and drive for whatever you set your sights on is amazing. You got this man




                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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  • Founder

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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