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Asbestos's Bacara Application [Waived]


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Steam Name:

Asbestos/Shadow 1-1/ Poptart

RP Rank:


STEAM_0:1:194317153 and 76561198348900035

Battalion you are applying for:
Galactic Marines

212th 2ndLT 2ndACO REGA Parjai-2 "Baar'ur"

During my time as a 2ndACO and a REGA had the most experience finding the best person to put in positions with my greatest achievement being Hailfire becoming HVYL. 2ndACO got me into being open as much as possible to taking messages anytime of the day and being to host tryouts or give trainings whenever needed.

21st CPT ARCL Shadow 1-1

Jedi knight and Temple Guard

104th 1stLT ARFO Mortar

As ARFO I was responsible for helping remake the ARF tryout for the new map which I felt help me get more acclimated to helping make docs and trainings for my battalions.

Why should you become battalion commander?:

I want to see this battalion become something greater than we are now and I believe I have the ability to do that, I believe we need to make changes to the 21st to be able to help it and I have the determination to do it. I plan on making sure the officer core is running at maximum efficiency at that people are in the proper positions due to their contributions or lack of. I have a decent bond with the NCO core which I would like to help to use to get them more involved in the battalion through encouraging them to push forward their ideas for the battalion as I've seen some have ideas for trainings or entertainments would be beneficial to the battalion if given the attention they need.  These trainings can give current and new players in the battalion a proper reason to get on or stay around instead of switching battalions or not returning to the server. Overall I feel I have strong goals for the battalion and have the ability to put them in the battalion while taking feedback to improve and refine them where needed.


On weekdays: 5am-7am EST then 4pm-9/10pm. 

Weekends: Most of the day unless something important comes up

There will be one LOA early into my term for family matters but after that it should be clear.

Time on Synergy
Since around February 15th last year

Do you have a Microphone?

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term
Like everyone I leave I'd like to have it be nicer than when I found it, I'd like to see a stronger bond in the battalion alongside a stronger NCO and officer core to lead the battalion when I'm done.  I also want to see the AV-7 and tech get used more in the battalion as I feel we currently aren't using them as much as we could which could be which I believe could be best started in encouraging the NCOs to get trained and become trainers for them. I would like to encourage the use of the AV-7 as it requires a three person team of equals which allows our NCOs and officers to interact on level ground instead of subordinate to superior. For tech I want to raise our level of tech RP to be beyond what is just in the handbook as I feel learning to improvise and improve in one sector of RP can help us improve other forms of RP on the server. My optimal goal is to have 10 active and different 21st on Saturday and Sunday not just during deployments though it can be spread out through the day. I plan on doing this by encouraging more battalion and in regiment trainings utilizing our trainings and our fellow mech regiments training ideas to give people reasons to get on to be apart of them. I have more specific goals for the officer core which I hope by the end of my term can have one entertainment/training hosted a day for the NCOs and the enlisted.

Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?



Edited by PumpkinPoptart
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Ill be the first too reply to this. Asbestos, or Poptart is a great solider. Although his application may seems barebones I believe he will be the next great bacara. I had time to talk with him about his plans and it seems as if he knows on how hes gonna do things and has good plans for 21st! Hes also an easy person to approach and takes constructive criticism well!

Ill wait till this application is updated and provides more indepth for the community first.

Edited by RadJames
Changed my +1 too nothing until he updates it
  • Confused 1
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I have no doubt you could do this...but couple of things man:


4 hours ago, PumpkinPoptart said:

I plan on making sure the officer core is running at maximum efficiency at that people are in the proper positions due to their contributions or lack of.

4 hours ago, PumpkinPoptart said:

I have a decent bond with the NCO core which I would like to help to use to get them more involved in the battalion through encouraging them to push forward their ideas for the battalion as I've seen some have ideas for trainings or entertainments would be beneficial to the battalion if given the attention they need.

4 hours ago, PumpkinPoptart said:

I plan on doing this by encouraging more battalion and in regiment trainings utilizing our trainings and our fellow mech regiments training ideas to give people reasons to get on to be apart of them. I have more specific goals for the officer core which I hope by the end of my term can have one entertainment/training hosted a day for the NCOs and the enlisted.

This is stuff you should be doing as a senior officer or pitching in doing.   Why do you need BCMD to do this?   I'm very confused right now as it's one of the main roles of senior officers on the server.  

You should be actively pushing officers to get NCOs to get NCOs to speak up with any problems they have with people and the battalion.    You should also be pushing or least helping with getting joint trainings. 



I also want to see the AV-7 and tech get used more in the battalion as I feel we currently aren't using them as much as we could which could be which I believe could be best started in encouraging the NCOs to get trained and become trainers for them. I would like to encourage the use of the AV-7 as it requires a three person team of equals which allows our NCOs and officers to interact on level ground instead of subordinate to superior.

This does not change the fact that AV-7 is one of the most hulking piece of shit on the server.   I can't recall 21st on the server ACTUALLY using it but if you can provide i'll eat my words.



For tech I want to raise our level of tech RP to be beyond what is just in the handbook as I feel learning to improvise and improve in one sector of RP can help us improve other forms of RP on the server.

How? Are you going to be rewarding people for excellent RP? 


Edited by Zensras
  • Agree 1

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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I don't really see a plan here. I see alot of "wanting" but not any "how to achieve"

How do you plan to achieve some of these goals?
How do you plan to incentivize people to host trainings?
How are you planning on keeping the battalion afloat as a whole.

I feel like this is alot of high hopes and not really touching on current issues within the battalion.


  • Agree 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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2 hours ago, Zensras said:

I have no doubt you could do this...but couple of things man:


This is stuff you should be doing as a senior officer or pitching in doing.   Why do you need BCMD to do this?   I'm very confused right now as it's one of the main roles of senior officers on the server.  

You should be actively pushing officers to get NCOs to get NCOs to speak up with any problems they have with people and the battalion.    You should also be pushing or least helping with getting joint trainings. 


This does not change the fact that AV-7 is one of the most hulking piece of shit on the server.   I can't recall 21st on the server ACTUALLY using it but if you can provide i'll eat my words.


How? Are you going to be rewarding people for excellent RP? 


You "confused" reacted to me. In TS I asked about his plans and he went a little more in-depth. Unfortunately its not my position to explain them so Ill allow time for him too respond and give you more information.

However, I can answer ONE of your questions
For the "No one using AV-7 In 21st," we have tried but GM's usually get us too despawn it as its loud and defeats boarding purposes.

However, after reading your responses I have changed my +1 too nothing until he provides more info like he did for me


Edited by RadJames
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I definitely would like to hear a more detailed and long-term plan that you have for the battalion before giving my vote. This application is a little barebones and similar to the others replying on this application, I would like to see more before giving my vote. 

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1 I don’t think your ready a lot of I want but how do you plan on doing these things?

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I feel like this app was rushed as you felt you needed to put one out as soon as possible. You mentioned problems, or what you believe are problems, but not explained them or proposed solutions to them. All you have done is said, as Mystic put it

"I want this and I want it by then" 

Almost like a mildly incompetent Manager demanding the world in by next week.

It may be best for you to re-evaluate your app, make adjustment if needed and go from there. It is by far not the worst app, but as this is your first app, there would be some issues.


I'll refrain from voting until you have given some thought into your actual plans and not your goals.

  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Neutral, you lack experience and the app is mediocre.

the experience lacking, I’d like to see at least a senior officer position under your belt. 

the app itself is…. Let’s just say I put more details in my app for alpha arc and still didn’t get it. The app has length sure, but for you to get mine, and most likly others votes you need more then a I want it to be like this and that, you need to tell us the plan 

I’ll help you out. But don’t respond to me, fix the app 


On 4/3/2023 at 5:55 PM, PumpkinPoptart said:

I believe we need to make changes to the 21st to be able to help it and I have the determination to do it.

What changes? You can’t tell a mf your gonna make changes and not tell us even a tiny bit of the things you doing. (More then increasing tech rp and doing more av-7 stuff)


On 4/3/2023 at 5:55 PM, PumpkinPoptart said:

I believe I have the ability to do that,

What makes you believe you have the ability to take up this position? With never holding a battalion leadership position it’s hard to get down with this.


On 4/3/2023 at 5:55 PM, PumpkinPoptart said:

I've seen some have ideas for trainings or entertainments would be beneficial to the battalion if given the attention they need. 

First one of a few grammar errors that make this hard to read

second what trainings? Give us details:(

Third, as a officer you can already encourage them to host trainings, fuck that’s literally what I would consider the job of a officer.

On 4/3/2023 at 5:55 PM, PumpkinPoptart said:

Overall I feel I have strong goals for the battalion and have the ability to put them in the battalion while taking feedback to improve and refine them where needed.

Usually this is a good ending sure, but with no hard set details in implementation what you feel doesn’t matter to the community/battalion when you don’t bring the blueprints to the build site.



-overall ima give you a respectable 24 hours to read my and others comments and fix the app, I’d like to think you have some good ideas to get waived.

-your applying for a bcmd position, this app looks like your applying for a officer position. If you got this you'd be In charge of a whole battalion, the battalions structure, legacy, and overall depending what you do you could make the battalion rise to the top or plummet to the sea of removal.

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This application has been VOIDED by the author.

You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however;

If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying.




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