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[ACCEPTED] Warmac's Staff Re-Application

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CWRP - (Warmac's) Staff Re-Application

RP Name: Navy CMD Dao / CG SGT Warmac

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:181582289

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 21

Timezone: CEST

What was your previous staff rank?: SA

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?:

Burned out IRL, my work gave a lot of stress and had to take some time off everything.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):

I now have been 3 Months back on the server and saw how long it often took for tickets to be taken or initiative for events. I wanna return to the staff team and do my best to help the Community out as I've done in the past. And in my opinion it wouldn't hurt to have another EU staff member that could be online during low hours.

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):

My Previous time as a SA went well. I helped people a lot, I hosted event's alot and I was active a lot. As a GM I mainly focused on main server events but I also did some decent amount of server deployments for Battalions that were not being deployed alot, and I helped a lot with event's of other's. Overall in my opinion it went well.

Do you understand by reapplying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes


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Head Admin

Als ik dit in een andere taal zet zal niemand iets weten, +1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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