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Give combat medics bacta grenades


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Name: Maple

RP Rank: SFC

Suggestion: Give bacta grenades to (not necessarily all but some) medical jobs. Mostly combat medics. I think it would be a real force multiplier cause the bacta kit is slow and the syringes aren't great... I'm asking to add it to 41st medical jobs but it can be applied to other regiments if they want it too.

Implementation: Give the weapon (bacta grenade) to the jobs that are chosen to receive it.

Lore: There's no real lore behind this suggestion, if anything, lore would probably go against it cause I've never seen it used in the shows. I do think however that this should only go to COMBAT medics if were talking lore.


Add or Change: Change
(Any job modification requires all this information)

Job: 41st Medical Trooper, Green Company Medical Scout, Improcco Company Fi (and whatever regiment would also like to have them for their COMBAT medics)

Slots: Varies (also I don't think I can check)

Description: All the jobs are combat medics that would greatly benefit from having a bacta grenades. I would recommend limiting the number of grenades to avoid lag / becoming too op.

Weapons: rw_sw_nade_bacta
(If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu))

Other: I don't have the authority to suggestion additions for other regiments, so I'm only suggesting it for my own, if other regiments are interested pls join in!

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Isn’t every medic on the server a combat medic… we don’t have any conscientious objectors as clones.

Also I think the Bacta nade is too op to just give to every medic as they would just spam it while people rush it down mid




Wait did a CMD+ say you could make this suggestion?

Edited by A-a-ron
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i talked to some of my CMD yeah.

I get your point, but honestly, healing someone right now takes like a 1 minute +  minimum if they got max health points. Add to that the lack of medics sometimes and the number of troopers getting shot and the medics end up just sitting doing nothing but holding their LMB from one person to an other, i think adding the bacta grenade (and im talking like 1 or 2 for each medic) would add some tactics and situation reading for the medics. They would have to use the asset at the right time and the right place. My experience as a medic has been pretty dull over all, i just think that could spice it up.


Also, i dont consider naval to be combat medics, mostly cause they dont got armor and are more of a rp role.

Edited by Maple_Guy
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16 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

Isn’t every medic on the server a combat medic… we don’t have any conscientious objectors as clones.

Also I think the Bacta nade is too op to just give to every medic as they would just spam it while people rush it down mid




Wait did a CMD+ say you could make 

He has approval from two CMDs in 41st

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medics are criminally underpowered and generally boring to play when you and another person have to wait a solid 30 seconds to get them to full health just for another person to walk up to you meaning you sit there for another 30 seconds and its a cycle that just keeps going. the syringes are so bad they aren't even worth using and I could see batca nades replacing them, you get like 5 nades when you spawn and thats that.

even if this suggestion gets denied there needs to be a buff to medics and I would gladly brainstorm ideas with a CMO once that position is filled or even anyone else who has the power to actually implement a change.

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Head Admin

-1. I think the same reasoning under this recently and nearly similar suggestion says enough as to why. 


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1 hour ago, Rohan said:

-1. I think the same reasoning under this recently and nearly similar suggestion says enough as to why. 


There's a difference between the 2 suggestions, the biggest being capacity. If a medic has 2 bacta grenades, it's very helpful 2 times. It gives them a boost, but it's not so overpowered that it outclasses everything else. 

I think giving every base battalion medic job a few bacta grenades would be a really good way to encourage using base battalion jobs without nerfing subunits, and limiting the number of grenades to 2 or 3 doesn't make the medic OP.

Not a fan of only giving them to 41st though, if this gets implemented I'd like to see every battalion get them.

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I personally wouldn't mind if SOME medics got it (i.e. Lore Medics such as Kix), but don't just give it to normal medics, it'll be way too many bacta nades and the bacta kit would basically be rendered useless. 


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+1, as a medic man myself. im always looking for faster ways to heal people

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-1 ain't no way you guys think 41st is getting bacta grenades, neither is all medics, rn like 3/4 jobs in sobde get bacta grenades and these are extremely op, if we buff all medics we will make all troopers not die during combat which will make g.a.r seem op and in reality they really weren't 

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