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Smokes's Staff aplication


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RP Name: TR GM 4thHROVS 1stLT Smokes

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:607021

Age: 10 in clone years which is 20 in normal human years(about to be 10.1(21).

Gender: All clones are MALE

Timezone: Coruscaunt Standard Time.

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The desire to become a magical fairy is of many reasons, firstly I do desire to assist this ship and republic better by administrating justice if needed, secondly to handle situations that are required of that postions, hopefully wisely also with guidance. Thirdly, to ensure that the ships community runs smoothly, lawfully, and serious like. Fourth, to lend a much needed hand, a ship is only as strong as those inside of it will it to be. Fifth, to be a better Marine! I would like to involve my self more with ship and it's gears that make it run so beautifully and fully. Sixth, To help with requisitioning of materials that will allow people to go through certain training that is involved with EOD, Tech, GMACT and others if called upon(If I am found competent enough to do so.).

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I smokes was born soon to be 10.1 years ago, raised on strong principles that are consistent demand of bettering myself for not only self benefit, but others. I not only enjoy gunning down rows of clankers and spend hours on ship, but enjoy welding, hopefully take it up full time for good amount of credits(but after the war of course.). I overall to this date have developed into a blunt, serious, and hopefully worthy individual.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been a magical fairy before long ago, different times and reasons. They were for datapad games on something call gmod, for modes like DarkRP, Survival, Military RP, PREP, and the addition of another that escapes my mind.

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Okay then. Now normally we leave the application up for 3 days so you can get enough feedback. but in 18 hours tou already have 20 +1




CONTACT AN OVERSEER BY 12/21/17 For your interview in there private communications channel!

Best of Luck trooper. I mean Marine!


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