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Duck's Specialized-Spec Ops Brigade Senior Application


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Before anyone asks, I had permission from Forseen to Void my application so that I could apply for Senior. If you wish for more details why I went for Senior instead of Regimental I explained it at the bottom.   

Steam Name:


    RP Name:

    SOBDE REG Commander Breaker

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


    Brigade you are applying for:

    Specialized-Spec Ops Brigade


As I stated before on my previous applications, I typically hate writing a lot in the experience section, but seeing as this is the 3rd highest RP rank I feel as though I'm required to write a little bit more than I did before.


Sentinel Leader:

I’m guessing most of the people who know me were expecting me to put Windu here instead, but I feel although SL actually has helped me more. When I became Sentinel Leader this was the first time I ever really got the sense of how a battalion should run, how much structure is needed for a battalion, and last of all I learned how much the branch(which is almost like a battalion) depends not only on the leader but also on the people that the leader puts into position to help him run the battalion(as they will be the ones seen on the server more than the leader, The leader is more of there to put together and holding together the structure.)


Foxtrot Tech Trooper Harrison:

Now you probably going wtf, how is a trooper spot anywhere near experience for a Senior. I feel although as this spot gave me experience not because I was an RC member but instead because I was under mereel. Mereel showed me why Trainings were important for a battalion, before then I always thought it was some random bullshit to fill the time, but after being under Mereel I learned that training helps improve relations with other people and teach you how to work with them. I also believe trainings help you get a feel of how a battalion runs shit while also helping a battalion improve their relations with other battalions. Ex: Rancor with their ARC Trainings.


Aiwha Squad Leader:

Now holy shit, this position taught me patience. Through this position, I ran 14 total tryouts before I got my first member. Throughout this time I had people telling me “Just make them easier, just give it to someone already” in which I ignored. I felt that a commander should stay true to what they believe and no crack under pressure because the “process is taking too long”


RC Regimental Ponds and Kal Skirata:

Now I'm putting both of these in the same paragraph as I wasn’t Ponds for long and I also feel both positions were and are almost the same thing. As Ponds and Kal I more of tried to let the people under me run the things how they want to run things and more of acted as an advisor only chipping in my opinion when it was needed.Do note that although I have acted as an advisor I have and will put my foot down when needed, as although I let them run it how they want to run it I put a structure in place. If they begin to tear down that structure such as trying to let people get in easier, that's when I put my foot down as I said before a Commanders should not crack under pressure.


SOBDE Regimental CMD Breaker:

Im just going to leave this brief and quick as I will make a longer and more final note at the Bottom. As Breaker I did few for RC, what I manage really to get done for RC was help establish more organize Training schedule since ION team came out and had messed up the original plan. The most I can say I really did for RC was help "Guide" the squad leads like Punda for example I feel I helped Punda when he needed help creating certain trainings or such. Now as for SC, when Freck was BCMD I wasn't able to do much as he was eastern so we talk very few, but once Ryx got it we were able to talk more. I feel that I helped Ryx look at how to make his trainings more "interesting" and maybe how to make tryouts more appealing for the officers. Finally for SC, I've been helping and spending quite a bit of time writing a tryout Doc for Ryx for something that I will let him announce if he ever wants to.


91st Major:

Although I only made it up to Major within the 91st back in November of last year, I feel as though I learned a lot about leading from 91st. It was during this time I learned from the Commander at the time,Zander, how to run a battalion so that you keep people interested. Such as running extra trainings, PT or just any kind of generally fuckery. I learned from Zander that if you want to keep a alive and well kicking battalion then you shouldn't worry about tryouts first instead you should worry about what you do with your new members AFTER tryouts. I also feel as though 91st help me get a feel for what the other battalions in specialized do, because I often found myself talking to the other battalions alot like talking to Sparks or especially Fizzik when he was redoing Rancor to what it is today.



    Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

I feel I should be Senior Commander because I have not only the experience but also the ideas for helping the wide variety of battalions under this brigade, as few of them are similar thus why most are called "Specialized" .

I also believe most of the battalions have a similar problem in which one most have experience in handling or else the brigade it self will fail. Almost half the battalions in this brigade have the similar problem of "Dying" such as 91st,SC and 104th. Although they are doing fine now if you look at their long history they each have this same arising problem and I feel I can help combat this problem a little by making training's more interesting and more things for the lower ranks of the battalion to do so that they don't find themselves "just twiddling their thumbs".


    Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

   I feel as though I am excellent in the lore of all the Battalions within SOBDE while in Specialized regiment I am excellent in 91st Lore while understanding a little above average for Rancor and 104th Lore as I haven't had as much time to be able to get as depth in their lore as I did for SOBDE or 91st.


Due to school, I'm not as available as I used to be but I can still be semi-active

The times go as listed below


7:30 PM-2 AM EST


7:30 PM-2 AM EST


7:30 PM-2 AM EST


7:30 PM-2 AM EST


7:30 PM-5 AM EST.

Do note at about 8:00 Till about 10:00 I will be busy with dealing with the High staff meeting.

Saturday(On this day More than Often I will go and hang out with my brothers for about 2.5 Hours. The time is often random):

4:00 PM-3 AM EST


4:00 PM-12 AM EST


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


As it is a new server im just going to list my achievement on Synergy, the current achievements in which I have are

  • Setting a structure with Dragon and all the other Original Null for future null to come. I feel as though all of the original null set a standard for all the future null to come and how it is supposed to be ran.Ex: Nulls are ran like a brotherhood, their are only two superiors when it comes to Null, Kal and Ordo other than them all the nulls are suppose to treat each other with respect and work together instead of ordering each other around.
  • Pushing towards null having better relations with Rancor. For the first couple months, I attempted to form good relations with Rancor as I felt it was only reasonable as null are ARC troopers anyways. I event went as far as giving colt the permission to command around any Null(except for ordo),with certain limitations, as he wishes
  • At the current moment still in the process of getting every single tryout doc on Roster thus Null can Run Training's for multiple specializations
  • the pushing towards the implement of SOBDE. Sentence pretty much explains it self. SOBDE was a idea that came due to CG being removed from the senior commander.
  • Helping creation of a elite division under Shadow Company
  • Helping create a more organized training system since ION team was added.



    Do you have a microphone?:

No, I quack through my fucking TTS.


    Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

I'm going to be brutally honest, I want to see the battalions such as 104th and 91st possibly running more trainings so that, as I stated before, it help keeps members interested in the battalion. As battalion like these don't really offer "Special" things but instead you join these two battalions for the people in the battalion. I also want to see RC/Null working on aspects of their job, in which I haven't noticed up until recent(thus ive already tried to implement something), they believe these aspects as to "not be as important" one they must be proficient in all aspects of the job.


So TLDR: I essentially want to run more training's and look for a way to make training's more interesting for battalions such as 91st,104th Shadow Company. As of right now these battalions are the ones I feel need the most attention as they do not have the greatest history. Although their commanders are bad right now, battalions still often maintain habits of its predecessors.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

I'm going to be completely honest, when was the last time you saw a battalion within SOBDE even going to things such as Rancor Training's. I want to improve relations within the brigade by encouraging(Not forcing) battalions such as RC and null to go to the Rancor training's(as they are helpful in some aspects in which RC/Null must be proficient in). I feel as though I could help provide incentives to go the type of training's like maybe paying the one who goes to the most Rancor Training's or excusing them from other type of mandatory training's. Another aspect of the relations I want to work on is battalions such as 91st and Shadow Company to work together more, because although these battalions are different in some ways they share more similarities then they do differences.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

   Yes, although I was fucked over by life hardcore during my term as Regimental

Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Sure, dad.

OK I'm going to leave a side note, I feel as though my Term as Regimental I really did nothing and instead dragged down my Regiment in which im truly sorry for and feel as though I will always be in debt to them for putting up with my shit. I was only here for maybe like 4 Days every 2 weeks due to IRL almost fucking me over week after week.   do feel I did help a lot when I was able to be here and able to communicate to Commanders(Such as Ryx who I've probably worked with the most for a battalion than anyone in the past.)

On a final note, some of you may think I took down my regimental application because I was scared to run against baxter, but it is in fact the opposite of that. I love baxter as a commander and if he wishes to go up I believe I should not block his way for the time being. Thus is why days before my term even ended I talked to baxter about him going up(before he had his time waived) so now that he wants to go up im actually jumpin for joy that I dont have to worry about who will take over SOBDE after me.



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  • Coordinator

+1 though duck was on a loa when he got back he junped right back into action helping the Sobde 

Edited by woeny23
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+1 I had -1'd him for REG but after thinking about it I'll +1 for Senior. do me proud my son.

Former: Director for a bit, Omega Squad Niner for a bit, uhh other shit for a bit it's been a while I forgot :angy:

I was around a long time ago. Now I lurk


Purple Pride Worldwide

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Honestly I have either only saw you on the server maybe once or twice in the last month or longer. Not sure if it's a time zone thing and he's on everyday. But I never see him, for that -1. But if someone can prove to me I'm wrong I'll change it.



Edit: +1



Edited by Fours
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1 hour ago, Fours said:

Honestly I have either only saw you on the server maybe once or twice in the last month or longer. Not sure if it's a time zone thing and he's on everyday. But I never see him, for that -1. But if someone can prove to me I'm wrong I'll change it.

To be completely honest and to answer your thing "it probably is not because of timezone. So the "If someone can prove to me" probably wont happen, as for last month I had to go on two separate week Loa's essentially. It was only recently(I think my last LOA ended November 24th) thus is why I was mentioned this at the bottom of my application as I knew many would have a problem about Activity. Although I have gotten really active since I got back( Like woeny said) I still believe your argument is a valid point, as me just coming back is not enough to make up for the almost entire month I was gone for(November).

  • Agree 1
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+1 this man was able to do alot during Regimental Commander Position. Now i promise everyone (specialy null,RC and RANCOR) that he will smash your minds with hard-work that he will do on his Senior Commander position.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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