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Void's Resignation


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Battalion: Rancor Battalion

RP Name: Rancor BCMD Blitz

Date: Today


While this is not a "community resignation" this is indeed a resignation from the rank of Battalion Commander of the Rancor Battalion. It has taken a month to realise that I simply wish to have fun in the community and enjoy my time on the server without the consistent obligation to worry. I believe that I have made some significant hurdles inside the battalion and would argue that this will leave those annoyed at me, but for me fun is a priority and I hope people are able to understand that. I will remain an integral member inside the community and promote the best standards that I am able to promote, but not as a Battalion Commander. For me its about dividing my time into things that I enjoy inside in the community, paired with being able to delegate time elsewhere.


@XazeWhile I have many thanks this one is directed at you. You have been exceptional Marshal Commander, at first I was shaky at the idea of working with you. But it is evident that you act with reason and you have made my time as a Battalion Commander feel valued. I feel horrid to disappoint you, but for me fun is important. You are a brilliant person to speak with and are amazing when you present arguments and ideas which has made me feel confident in you as a Marshal Commander and as a friend. I will still do what you have asked me no matter where I am. Thank you.

@FinnAn interesting lad with a brilliant outlook and a friendly individual all around. While limited interaction you have open my eyes and provided me with great ideas and a new look at the community. You are someone I will always feel comfortable speaking to, no matter the subject. I know you will do well and I look forward to seeing what you can do this term.

@Bleach I was warned about you and yet I fail to see it. You're such a fun person to talk to and honestly get to know fully. You are a brilliant member of Rancor and I have the upmost faith in you when it comes to the future of Rancor. You are the person I have spoke to the most on multiple things and I will always be consistent in talking to you still. Absolute lad.

@Ratio The same applies to you, genuinely you have made my time in Rancor extremely enjoyable and eye opening. Keep up the good work and do not hide from sharing your opinions and ideas, you are genuinely a good person and I look forward to seeing you progress. I understand why you got Medal of Honor and it is well deserved.

@Noodles While brief, you are genuinely a good friend and mentor and while it was sad to see you go, all I can do is wish you the best in life as you are away from the community now. Take care of yourself and of course we still talk.

@Ollie_ We'll still be together, like always. I must say an exceptional, if not perfect Officer in Rancor. Kind, professional and approachable. Its the reason I have managed to keep my mindset straight for the majority of my time as Battalion Commander. You will do wonders for this community. Furthermore, lets kick some ass!


  • Friendly 1
  • Pay Respect 6
  • Confused 3
  • Optimistic 1
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Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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@Void @Ollie_I see this as a win!

  • Disagree 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Founder

o7. Thanks for your service as BCMD. I appreciate you for putting your time and effort in! 


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Well, you yourself said that I shouldn't be afraid of sharing my opinions in this post so... here goes.

I'll preface this with the fact that I don't dislike you for what you did, nor do I have any sort of skewed perception of you because of it.

But I am disappointed. I'm disappointed that I asked about this exact situation in your application and you seemed to still maintain that level of enthusiasm that it would be different from your Fox term. It was, I think you did fine with what you managed to accomplish. I'm sad to see that the enthusiasm didn't continue to carry over, and the timing of this is just putting me (and I imagine others as well) in an awkward situation since it wasn't just you that ditched. That's on the structure of Rancor for constantly putting all of their eggs in one basket, but it doesn't make this any less unfortunate. You had big plans and drive, but not the resolve to see it through--and I'm really disappointed in that fact.

Still, hope to see you around. I will say that people seem to be annoyed with this, but hopefully that'll change sooner than later. Take it easy.

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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