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Jayarr's Third (maybe final) staff app


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RP Name:
Dooms Unit 2ndLT Jayarr

Steam ID:



MST - Mountain time 7:00

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):
I was an administrator before and it was fun at some points. There were other points were it was tedious but those are things we must come to accept. I wish to be staff for the reason of assistance. I have tried to grow to know minge lately, and if I do it, it is concealed in teamspeak and never outside of there unless I have the consent of others. I, in no way, would do anything so high to harm the server or anything. I defiantly love the server seeing that I have made a few models for when the suggestions do get open, so that shows how I am willing to work.

I have had some pretty bad experiences lately but I want to clean up. I want to show those who see me wrong that I will be right. All of us have done our shares of wrongs, but I have done a little to much. I have learned I must keep to myself and refuse to argue as that is what most people here do (is argue). I will try to set an example by all means, and I promise to do good.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):
I have played on all but icefuse and synergy in my GMod experience, and they are the only servers I have sat down to staff in and get somewhere in. I want to do that again because I have made a many friends here now and I do not wish to lose so easily. I do not wish to leave everyone behind.

On the topic, I do model in my spare time. I have never committed anywhere professionally but I might one day. I am rather new but I still get the concept and I am willing to make anything anyone needs depending on the matter. I am quite the furfag as some know already, and people make a few jokes about it (I dont mind it at all). That's all I'll put here cause i'm retarded

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes indeed. Some may know of me for my building as I mentioned in my last staff application. But I want to be known for more than building this time. I want to be known for helping and getting somewhere when I was to self absorbed the last few staff attempts to even get anywhere in the manner they wish you too. I want to do good, and so I will. My staff experiences were on Kairos, Icefuse, and for a short time on synergy. I want to start over and do good as I have said I am willing to do before. All in good time, I will wait. I will not get hot headed like I did with tomas. I will act as you wish.

Edited by Jayarr
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