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Infiltration on Castilon


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Name: Marvel

Who helped (If applicable): Lil j, Zen, and Onyankypon

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): n/a

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 501st and 212th had to infiltrate a CIS base on the waterworld Castilon to extract a CIS turncoat.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: n/a

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

  • Friendly 1

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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The Gameplay Was Perfect It Had All The Things An Event Should Have In It. It Had A Story It Had A Plan To Execute The Story And It Had Some Depth Not As Much As I Personally Want But Enough To Justify What Happend.

The Care/Effort Of The Event Seemed A Little Bit Lackluster It Seems Like A Basic Idea Which Is Fine. But It Was Nice To Have A Different Scene For Once.

The Server Ran 100% Fine Untill Our Ship Came And Blew Up Thje Base.

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Gameplay: 4 Was really fun and it worked really well was very linear HOWEVER it worked out in this event and the enemies were plentiful but not enough to make it hard to deal with.

Care and Effort: 4 Appreciate the time taken to give an attack deployment even if you stated that you just threw something together you still cared enough to not throw together something shitty

Server Performance: 5 Had no issues at all.


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Gameplay, for a shoot-'em-up, was well thought out. I like that you had the mechanic planned around the Tactical Droid and the negotiations were well-done as well... probably would have been better if the Tactical Droid could talk, but that's not your fault! The enemy variety was also welcomed and nice.

I could tell you put a lot of effort into the various set pieces and it shines, but while effort is definitely there, I'm going to say that you could have been a bit more careful with the droids spawns as there was at least one instance of droids being in the ground. I also wish you utilized hostile event jobs to keep us on our toes. I am very happy with how quickly you responded to tickets, however. Very diligent.

Lastly, performance was perfect.

Thanks to Appo and you for letting me deploy alongside 501st!

  • Winner 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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The gameplay was pretty, well, it was pretty normal! Obviously I'm always all for maybe giving us a more free-form RP section in the middle or beginning, but eh! I liked having Ratio with us. Felt unique, got to get into the headspace that ARC troopers are not just dime-a-dozen, and can be very valuable for missions!

Performance was absolutely fine. I liked the jedi health too :)

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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