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Mavelle - Specialized - Goofy Ahhh Spec deplo


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Name:  Mavelle

Who helped (If applicable): Day

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): No

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Spec was there they saw it

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

  • Winner 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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4/5/5 ty for taking ur time to do this!

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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Well done really enjoyed the difficulty and loved being able to experience a player perspective on a lot of these set pieces. 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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4/5/5 Only downside was the OP droids, but nonetheless very enjoyable.

Currently: Jedi Master Kit Fisto

Former:  21stGM Commander Ganar | 41st Commander Barriss Offee | 41st Jedi General A'Sharad Hett | Shock Captain Jay | Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig | Omega Niner

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Despite the NPC proficiency being bugged, it was still extremely fun to fight through those canyons and the base.
The dupe, droids, vehicles and the holo comms RP made this event very fun and shows how much effort was put in to make this event work.
I didn't feel any lag the entire time, and as someone who played a Jedi on this, this made lightsaber combat much more enjoyable.

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