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Metals Doom App

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Steam Name: MetalRaptorTTV


RP Name: Metal


RP Rank: Commander 


Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:602523969


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Dooms Unit 



DU PVT - DU Commander 

Jedi Youngling - jedi TG padawan


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I should be a battalion commander because of my ability to change and adapt to the troops of the battalion and its ever-changing future. Ever since I have been part of the server, 

I always thought it was always a significant step at showing genuine love and care for the battalion, and so this is a step I believe I must take to show and prove that DU isn't the stigma most people make it out to be.


I believe that if I were to be put in the position of BCMD, I could make the battalion a better place both in character and in moral standing. 

I have made many friends that have been on and currently play the server, which have been in many lead and Commander positions, so if I ever need some advice, 

I know they will be there with some, which will, in turn, make me a better person and also, in turn, make the battalion better, which in turn makes the battalion grow.



I would also like to believe that I can connect and understand the people in my battalion and my peers as I try to communicate with everyone on the server, and I always try to make sure that people's voices and opinions are voiced and heard on any matters they might be concerned with,

I don't like using my situations where I work with people I know well or have good relations with, which has led to a more professional way to handle different scenarios. 

I always try to listen to situations through and through, listening to both sides so that I can reach a just verdict that would leave both sides happy. 

I am always willing to talk with people to conclude the best decision for something, brainstorm ideas, and go over things if needed.




I think I am a reliable person to work with, and people can always come to me for absolutely anything, both in-game and IRL, 

 I can always be talked to about any issues that may arise within the battalion and help them get resolved, and I can be trusted and looked upon to get the job done and be there when it counts.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:




Monday 4:30-11 pm EST

Tuesday 10am-11pm 

Wednesday all day,

Thursday 4:30-11 pm 

Friday 4:30-11pm

Saturday 4:30-11pm

Sunday 4:30-11 pm

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 


six and a half months now


Do you have a microphone?:




Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


For my battalion, I want to achieve all goals I set below. I want to make sure Doom’s Unit is far and wide in the best state it can be by the end of my term. I’m going to use these key factors to make that happen.





Stability is probably the biggest thing I want to fix in the battalion. One of my priorities is for the battalion to grow and survive. I want to make sure a commander does not have to be constantly present for Doom’s Unit to be active.

We had an issue with this recently, but we are trying to fix it,

 I don't want members of the battalion to only get on if some commander is on and then hop off as soon as they hop off. 

I want people to enjoy playing by themselves and the friends they make within the battalion.


In my experience, a lot of these issues can be fixed by correcting the current state of the morale and oversight in the battalion. 

I will do my best to create an incentive/reason for the player to get on, but it is their decision at the end of the day.




When I say consistency, I mean the people that play and make a presence on the server,

I want for there to be a steady number of people that are usually playing and enjoying their time while they are playing. 

My ideal number would be maybe 5 to 6 people every day, but as long as we stay consistent and have fun, that is all that matters. 


The way I could see myself achieving this is by once again promoting reasons to get on,

 whether it be training, events, or just roleplaying with the battalion, I plan on getting it done.





As of now, I would like to say Dooms Unit is decently disciplined, but I always push and shoot for improvement.  

We all know that there are times to goof around and be severe, and I just want to make sure everyone knows the difference. 

There is always room for improvement, so I hope that we can continue growing and learning together as a community.


In regards to discipline and how to go about achieving this, 

as of now, we seem to be okay, so my goal is to make sure we stay on that path and help those who need to improve on it.





As of late, it seems that the Dooms Unit has been looked down upon for minor issues. These could be from people just acting dumb, people maybe causing unnecessary drama, and so forth. In my opinion, there is this idea of DU in the server that's a very negative attitude, 

I do not like the fact. It can and has resulted in fewer interactions with other battalions. It’s even gotten to the point where there is a suggestion for removal. I love working with other people, so I plan to fix this during my term to get accepted.


I would go about resolving this issue by meeting up with other officers or commanders of other battalions and talking about how we can work with each other more and how to make it fun. 

I never want to have problems or dilemmas with anyone, so I will be sure to do all I can to fix any exciting issues that might have come up under the minge command.  

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


Edited by MetalRaptorTTV
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I have some questions before throwing up a vote on this.


1. Did you attempt to enact any of these plans prior, as an acting Commander in the Doom's unit?

          a. If so, were they fully carried out?

                    i. If they were not fully carried out, what stopped you?

          b. If not, why?

  • Confused 1

Current: Poker

Prior: Poker

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7 minutes ago, Poker said:

I have some questions before throwing up a vote on this.


1. Did you attempt to enact any of these plans prior, as an acting Commander in the Doom's unit?

          a. If so, were they fully carried out?

                    i. If they were not fully carried out, what stopped you?

          b. If not, why?

Sure i'd love to answer!

  B. I had only recently been given Commander by stockings  a few weeks prior to this and these are plans that i am currently trying to work on and enforce with in the battalion as i'm both the only active commander thought out the day and also the regimental lead with the influx of applications my time has been pulled very thin but with BCMD command id be able to step down as the REGL and allow one of the applications for REGO to take over so that i may focus more on implementing of all the changes and structure focus with in DU

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Only problem with this app is u don’t exactly state any plans you just say what you want to happen without a way of actually doing that, like how do you plan to keep activity up? How do you plan for this surge of players to not dwindle back to what the original numbers were? 

  • Informative 1


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1 minute ago, A-a-ron said:

Only problem with this app is u don’t exactly state any plans you just say what you want to happen without a way of actually doing that, like how do you plan to keep activity up? How do you plan for this surge of players to not dwindle back to what the original numbers were? 

As i stated in Consistency/expectations i will increase the interaction within the the community by hosting more elaborate trainings, getting really into the Role play, and really focusing on building a social space which will focus on building on strong bonds and DU is like a family and we always have high activity when there is good communication and relations between the Command core and NCO core


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Just now, MetalRaptorTTV said:

As i stated in Consistency/expectations i will increase the interaction within the the community by hosting more elaborate trainings, getting really into the Role play, and really focusing on building a social space which will focus on building on strong bonds and DU is like a family and we always have high activity when there is good communication and relations between the Command core and NCO core


Ight +1

  • Optimistic 1


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Out of all the applicants, by far you are the best candidate. I think you have what it takes especially the fact that you have stuck it out through all of DU's troubles. Instead of leaving you decide to fight for DU, and I respect you for that. Rather than just joining and immediately applying like I once did, you stuck true to your battalion. +1

  • Agree 1
  • Pay Respect 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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On 3/12/2022 at 3:17 AM, Jaeger said:

+1 , You would make a great BCMD

I have heard good things about you and think you are honestly the best fit for Doom at this point in time.

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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A few questions for you metal.

1. Do you plan to take a more firm stance within the battalion if you get bcmd? 

i have seen it time in and time out that a weak bcmd who allows others to speak over or step over them loses trust of their men quick. Personally I have seen it happen many times what is your plan to make sure things like this don’t happen?

2. What is your plan with all of the transfer officers? Are you going to do an evaluation period or what is your plan overall? 

let’s be honest alot of people came as a power grab how do you plan so deal with the inevitable fact that people are going to leave in mass if they don’t get what they want?

3. besides the basic “activity this , improve relations this” what are some actual plans for issues that you see that you personally want to address and change?


Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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2 hours ago, Dennis said:

A few questions for you metal.

1. Do you plan to take a more firm stance within the battalion if you get bcmd? 

i have seen it time in and time out that a weak bcmd who allows others to speak over or step over them loses trust of their men quick. Personally I have seen it happen many times what is your plan to make sure things like this don’t happen?

2. What is your plan with all of the transfer officers? Are you going to do an evaluation period or what is your plan overall? 

let’s be honest alot of people came as a power grab how do you plan so deal with the inevitable fact that people are going to leave in mass if they don’t get what they want?

3. besides the basic “activity this , improve relations this” what are some actual plans for issues that you see that you personally want to address and change?


Hi Dennis, i understand your concerns and appreciate the questions!

1. Of course, as of now I've stood my ground as CMD and made it apparent that "I have the talking stick", as Cuzzo would say,  and that the chain of command is to be respected at all times in regard to being stepped over or spoke over by any or all personal within DU.

2. I've meet with a lot of transfers one on one and a few have already left for not getting their way, I am open to giving everyone and anyone who fits the requirements and has the genuine concern for DU in mind, regardless if they have come from 41st, 104th, CG, or even 501st we are a community that is in need of a state of healing and if the only concern from someone is what they can change and what they can do to make their time in DU just a power trip than their fitness to hold any or all officer or lead standing will be called into question and evaluated and it will be handled from there.

3. The stigma, the fact the my men can't be on the server with out being called out for simply loving DU its despicable for a community based on cooperation and team building, what's the point to all the trainings and events if everyone is just gonna hold DU negatively in their hearts without giving us a chance to see how we have grown and become a very nurturing battalion for old and new players alike, It is my goal to just show DU in a new light by simply giving DU what it needs and that is time, love, and consideration for the long term. Also, the way I want to change this is by getting to know more and more people who don't like DU and really get to show them its not what people make it out to be or even shunned for.

Thank you again for you time and consideration of my application. 

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-1 i still feel that you have a lot to learn and your plans arent solid enough to fix the battalion in its current state. I wish you the best of luck

  • Dumb 2

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin

+1, good luck

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.




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