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Keegan's BCMD Fox Application


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Steam Name: Keeganf706


RP Name:TR CG 2ndLT Keegan


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:221487717


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

CG Battalion Commander Fox




5th Fleet PVT-SSG

I joined 5th Fleet in Mid June and played on there until I heard that Synergy was up and running


501st TR2

I was recruited into 501st with a slight rank transfer but decided it wasn't for me and left.

187th TR2-CMD

I joined 187th and worked my way up through the ranks and eventually was able to stand at the side of BCMD Reaper and became good friends with him

501st CSM

I joined back but realized it was a mistake and went home

187th CPT-CMD

I joined back and over the process of 2 weeks due to my past experience was able to get CMD again after we demoted Three CMD’s


I left one 187th to find the closest thing I could to 5th Fleet and from there I progressed from a Trial 2ndLT to CMD Thorn and was demoted in a officer wipe about 2 weeks ago.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

When I envision CG I see great potential not being used. I want to continue the foundation the previous Fox left for me. Since I know personally the force behind CG I can Envision a Active Battalion with very great troopers.So if I become Fox the first thing I will Do is Get named Characters Taken Care of we have went to long without our Named characters filled. I have much experience in the field of CG I want to take and make a system so we have a document to record all recommendations. I want to take the Officer cooldown from 14 days Back Down 10. And the past commanders have left us whether it be Dargon to get yoda or some other reason well I'm not gonna do that as long as I'm on this server I will live and breath CG. And in addition I want to make a strong system of guideline for a CG to follow not some flimsy document that eventually just gets thrown in the trash. I want CG to at least maintain an active schedule during the week. And you only get two chances in the battalion if you get a strike the first strike will count as a 1-2 rank demotion after evaluating the Severity. If you get a second strike you will either be given 1 week to clean it up or you will be kicked from the battalion no ifs or buts about it. And you must be promoted within 10 days of your cooldown finishing (Unless of LOA). And the WO will actually do his Job and supervise all Enlisted and NCO’s which means within CG Hound will be held to a higher standard than some others in the battalion. Now this being said I know I talk about high numbers but no matter what the grand rule will be Quality over Quantity. No matter what happens I don't want minges they ruin battalions and give them bad reputations which I intend not to let happen.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

I do understand that we were stationed on the planet of Coruscant and were in charge of protecting the Chancellor and the Senators on the planet.



Mon 4pm-10pm

Tues 4pm-10pm

Wed 4pm-10p

Th 4pm-10pm

Fri 4pm-3am

Sat 8am-3am

Sun 8am-10pm


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

About 4 ½ Months


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

A active very well behaved Battalion that see that wrongdoing does have consequences.

And one without Minges if I can help it.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I do understand that if I go Inactive I will be removed from Fox


This App Has Been Waived by the Directors.

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-1 I see you as a power hungry person who cant take criticism or something not going your way. You have no sense of loyalty or respect to anywhere you go or for anyone and you think that you are better than everyone else. 



Your boi,

Egg/Commander Gree

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-1 stuff there is pretty damning, anyone who lashes out at a temporary rank wipe (which pretty much is mandatory for Fox, since CG needs a serious change in order unless someone wants to literally just continue the next one)


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Big ol -1 Judging from your exp. it seems you have no sense of loyalty and move around. It also seems that you left CG because of circumstances. You also tried to powerplay your own BCMD from what I've seen and you have no support for your own leader. Sorry bud, but compared to someone like PUCK who has stayed with the batt through issues, compared to you who fled from it.

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6 hours ago, Egg said:

-1 I see you as a power hungry person who cant take criticism or something not going your way. You have no sense of loyalty or respect to anywhere you go or for anyone and you think that you are better than everyone else. 



Your boi,

Egg/Commander Gree


5 hours ago, Washington said:

Big ol -1 Judging from your exp. it seems you have no sense of loyalty and move around. It also seems that you left CG because of circumstances. You also tried to powerplay your own BCMD from what I've seen and you have no support for your own leader. Sorry bud, but compared to someone like PUCK who has stayed with the batt through issues, compared to you who fled from it.

I'm gonna have to agree with both Egg and Wash here buckaroo sorry, -1

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14 minutes ago, kfox277 said:

Well then I apparently the only one that commented on that report then because Im the only one gettin trash for it Hmmmmmmm.....

Nah, you are just the only one who decided to apply after doing so, and didn't act the best when said powerplay failed. 


EDIT: You are not the only one, however just the one who acted the poorest when the powerplay got oofed

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I don't think he power played at all but this is my opinion only. I believe he left CG bc he felt that he was treated unfair. The whole post in the discord he was mad and we can all admit when we get mad we say stuff we do not mean. I think the two people that I see that are running for BCMD Fox would be great to have them run against each other to see who the directors see are the best. I do notice that when a specific person does a -Support there are always 3 other followers.. Everyone has a right to their own opinion is what makes voting like this great.


I say +1 but I am also going to +1 another person who is running against him to see who the directors choose to be the best. I saw your leadership in CG. Everyone has left at one time and came back.

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Guys, you are all judging him based on his outburst at Halpert, that mind you HAPPENED TO FUCKING WEEKS AGO!

We should all be judging @kfox277 in game capabilities, not his OOC life. Please anyone who -1'ed him based on the halpert situation, step back and look at his capabilities in game, for which he has many. For this, is what we should be judging him on.

Thank you.

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On 11/12/2017 at 2:42 AM, Washington said:

Big ol -1 Judging from your exp. it seems you have no sense of loyalty and move around. It also seems that you left CG because of circumstances. You also tried to powerplay your own BCMD from what I've seen and you have no support for your own leader. Sorry bud, but compared to someone like PUCK who has stayed with the batt through issues, compared to you who fled from it.

I agree with Washington, BIG OL -1

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4 hours ago, Porsche said:

Guys, you are all judging him based on his outburst at Halpert, that mind you HAPPENED TO FUCKING WEEKS AGO!

We should all be judging @kfox277 in game capabilities, not his OOC life. Please anyone who -1'ed him based on the halpert situation, step back and look at his capabilities in game, for which he has many. For this, is what we should be judging him on.

Thank you.

How you conduct yourself out of the game also impacts his capablities as a CMD its the same deal lets say I am a cunt OOC most likely im going to be a cunt in-game. This incident was pretty recent as well 2 weeks isn't a very long time what's to say something like this won't happen in the future. That's just my 2 cents P.S. You spelled two wrong

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4 hours ago, Porsche said:

Guys, you are all judging him based on his outburst at Halpert, that mind you HAPPENED TO FUCKING WEEKS AGO!

We should all be judging @kfox277 in game capabilities, not his OOC life. Please anyone who -1'ed him based on the halpert situation, step back and look at his capabilities in game, for which he has many. For this, is what we should be judging him on.

Thank you.

Being a high ranking clone is much more than just in-game, especially being Commander Fox. We're judging his character, how he acts, and if he can properly run the battalion in game and out of game.

Commander Fox needs to be someone who can handle the pressure and keep his composure to the best of his ability. For example, when I was Fox someone made a Commander report on me for doing my job. I didn't go off on him and call him a slimy fuck.

One more piece of advice I have for you is to not take this hard and as hate. These applications are so others can give opinions and criticism about whether or not you'll be a good Battalion Commander. If you don't get the position than prove to those who -1 you that you can be a BCMD.


I don't believe I posted my opinion yet, so here it is.

-1 I don't think you're fit for Battalion Commander yet, especially not Fox. 


Edit: I forgot to add something. Just because his outburst happened a few weeks ago doesn't mean shit.

I'm going to use some exaggeration here, so apply this as much as you feel. Say for example I murdered someone a few weeks ago and just now got caught, would the police still arrest me? Yes.

Edited by Dargon
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On 11/12/2017 at 3:45 PM, Medic said:

-1 From what I've seen from you and what I've heard, a dead ferret could be a better leader. 

Dead Ferret confirmed?

I can't say I've heard anything positive about you. 

And there are so many ways that you could have phrased that little rant with Halpert that would not seem power hungry or confrontational. 

For example,

1. The Non-Confronting Passive-Aggressive Route: "I'm disappointed that I didn't get the position, but I guess you'll be an okay commander."

This isn't exactly a good response, but it lets off steam without looking like a douche nugget.

2. The Minimalist: "Cool."

It doesn't let you give off steam, but it can't be taken confrontationally.

3. The "Rub Some Dirt On It and Walk It Off" Route: Literally say nothing and suck it up.

This is the hardest but most effective route of showing disapproval. To just not. say. anything. 

I haven't always been able to go down this route, but i recommend it. Take the high road. Don't stoop low and defame your image.



Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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-1 I feel like Fox is not like the other BCMD, I'm not saying that Fox is more important, all I'm saying is Fox needs someone trusted and sure that can be faire to every one. As Fox you will have to be really patient since every day a lot of people come to you with complaint, and 80% of these complaints are dumb since they are not really inform of the rule. Like I said Fox is not more important then the other BCMD but has more work to do at this position. I dont see you as Fox after all you did against the old Fox, power play is not the synergy way. Dont take it personal I'm just saying my opinion.

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When I met Keegan, he seemed like an alright guy, and seemed like he wanted to actually help the 187th get out of the rutt that they were in. Over time though, I saw quite a few things about him that I didn't like:

-when he became CMD of 187th again, he manipulated and coerced the BCMD to start a mock-Torrent company called hell-hound and gave his "named characters" to people as a form of bribery, as well as tried to do massive powerplays with the BCMD and the other CMDs

-when Joah announced that the battalions were going to be removed, instead of allowing them any chance to figure out how to fix it, he instead went straight to Joah despite asking me and going against advice telling him not to and to at the least let things cool down before he did anything

-When we told him how ludicrous the Hellhound company idea was, and that the 187th wasn't a lore battalion, he kept fighting it until the other CMDs out-voted him on removing it, in which ran away to join CG

-He has barged into gamemaker's rooms and demanded for CG to be included in Event-room events, which though is an admirable thing, he did it for all the wrong reasons.

I do not, nor will I ever support him getting a BCMD position. he is not a capable leader figure. He showed that time and time again when in the 187th in actions alone.


-Former 187th/101st CMD Jirachi, SM TGK II Jirachi/Mute

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