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Resignation - Once you file this resignation it can only be redacted if you ask a Director within 6 hours of it being posted. Otherwise, it is final. No, if, and's, or buts.
Name: Chumbus

Steam ID: Something with numbers

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 3 days from now

Reason for leaving: Leaving the server boys, got work to do.

Farewells: if i liked you i liked you, if i didn't well go fuck yourself

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12 hours ago, Chumbus said:

Resignation - Once you file this resignation it can only be redacted if you ask a Director within 6 hours of it being posted. Otherwise, it is final. No, if, and's, or buts.
Name: Chumbus

Steam ID: Something with numbers

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 3 days from now

Reason for leaving: Leaving the server boys, got work to do.

Farewells: if i liked you i liked you, if i didn't well go fuck yourself

ur fucking disappearing again nigga

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