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Anaxes/Base Map Changes/Additions


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Name: Unkindled


RP Rank: CSM


Disclaimers: This Suggestion is going to include a lot of changes I personally want changed to the Anaxes map, Reason being is that I think good chunks of the base is unused and has low traffic. I will be going through all areas on Anaxes and the base of ideas I think will increase traffic to areas and overall make the base more maneuverable for players and will allow more options for the GM team to use. For the suggestion I will work with the format of a location, A picture link to the area, and what suggestion I am offering. Also all these changes don’t have to be done in one huge update depending on the situation. Doing a few at a time would be fine.


Terrain near and around Aurek: For Aurek I’d love to see the possibility of the base being moved to the opposite side of the ridge instead of where it is now, this will require a new pathway to be created and the movement of the entire outpost and some of the terrain to be flattened for it to be placed where I’m requesting it. *The reason I think it should be moved is because the outpost is facing the opposite direction of the base and you basically have to walk around it to get to the front. If you were to walk in the direction of it I think it would make more sense. Also another reason is that the outpost seems kind of gloomy with the shade on it and it being in a weird location.
Next is implementing the Tower we had in the initial Anaxes map just relocating it. I’d like to locate the tower to the NW Corner of this area located in Image 2. *I think overall adding the tower back is a simple change and can be easily done. Plus the area where I am suggesting to add it has had literally zero traffic going to it. Adding it to this location would give players a reason to fully check that location and to head to the Tower.




Terrain near and around Village: The biggest thing I have a problem with around the village area is this big rock that divides the two pathways. Originally this was used as a divider for the pathways for going towards where the old outpost used to be but we don’t have that part anymore. All I see this rock as now is just a huge rock in the middle of the road for no reason. Overall I think we should just remove it and add more trees within that area so players can actually have a full pathway instead of these two narrower ones that lead to the same place. Literally all it is just a roadblock for vehicles to go near. Next is the hill right next to the Village and the caves. I think the hill should be more flattened out and have less trees as it stands now. It is a small hill with rough terrain that we never use because it acts as a roadblock so most people usually just go around it. From looking at it looks like it was meant to be walked around which I think is useless so I think we should definitely do that. For the caves, I seriously have only gone there once since the map update. I don’t think that's a map flaw but the fact that I think everyone forgot about it. Or it might be that it’s the new jedi caves. Who Knows… Also right behind the vehicle fixer upper I kind of feel like we should just add a small pathway. Most people don’t wanna walk all the way around and just jump off the rocks anyway to get to the village quicker. I have another Idea for something to add in this area but saving it for a suggestion further below.






The mountains all around: I think we should add a proper pathway to lead up to the top of the mountains and possibly have an arch bridge or normal bridge to lead across two mountains. In the first image below I’ll have where I think we should add the pathway to the top. (Bridge is optional GM’s can just build one). Also having some small rock formations on top would be a nice cherry on top. 




Terrain in front of the base: Gonna be honest, most people who go out in front of the base are just leaving. I rarely see anyone intentionally go over in front of the base or to the right of it unless there’s an event job running around that area. I’m suggesting possibly flatten that hill for more clearance and allow more space in front of the base. 




The Courtyard: Alrighty so there’s a few changes we can do to tidy up the CY area. First I’d like to start with these two hangers we have to the right that literally no one uses at all. These are supposed to be hangers but it can barely fit any flying vehicles and no ground vehicles can drive out of it. What I’m suggesting is that we remove one of them and for the 2nd one we move it to the middle of where they used to be. For the actual hanger adding a large garage door big enough for an AT-TE to drive out of would literally be BEAUTIFUL. Making it actually useful to store out vehicles would probably make it have more use than it does now. The single one right across from it I feel we should keep it as it is in case anyone actually wants to use the hanger or has dupes that specifically used it. Another thing I think we should have are possibly ladders/doorways that lead out of the base on the walls. Nothing crazy maybe just a single door that we can use to leave through the side instead of the main gate.




MHB and the Control Center: I personally think the MHB and Control center is fine as just one thing I think could be implemented is possibly an elevator that leads from the 2nd floor of the control center to the main stairway before BCC. I checked with noclip what's right above the control center and I think it might be manageable to add one there for quicker access to the BCC. This can remove the teleportation one which is just one way. I’ll leave the link images where the elevator can be placed. Also think it would be a nice touch that it’s right next to the admiral’s office. Image one will be where the exit of the elevator will be and the second will be a noclip POV of what's below/where it is. 

SHB: Only thing for SHB is that we can please get actual stairs to exit the hangar instead of having to jump over the entire thing.





Between MHB and Medical bay: Alright so for one part of this I think we should add another sim room but keep the hanger door that’s located where I’m suggesting. Basically all that would be needed is to add a wall to distinguish where the sim room is and a door added to it also. We can still use the area for ships/vehicles to use but all that would need to be added is a single wall. For the medical bay I think we should add the window back that was initially there. 





3rd Floor, Back entrance, SIM Overlooks: We should make the stairs go back up to the 3rd floor and the reason being is that it’s the perfect spot to add a backdoor to the base to allow people to enter/exit. I think this could add things for CG and overall can be used in many different ways. The Map lines up pretty good from the 3rd floor to right outside the village. All there needs to be is a tunnel that leads to it. This tunnel can be used as a backway entry point to allow people to take a more sneaky way in and more under the cover. We should add a tunnel about the same size as the armory room with rayshield controlled doors mainly requiring CG to man the doors. Of course we would have a button on the outside but that one could be locked from inside the main room that would be located up there. I was thinking it could be similar to the tunnel that CG has in just larger shields and smaller rooms with buttons. This is the biggest thing I would want added because I think this adds a lot to the table for people to maneuver around the base and will give more traffic to the floors. Not only that I think adding this will have more people enter the BCC for events/encounters that it would right by there. I think this would just be an amazing addition to the map. Moving on to the other reason for the 3rd floor is that we have the perfect spot to re-add the overlooks for the sim rooms.
LINKS: (1st will show where the entrance/exit would be)

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/487111253421064213/835323736584486952/unknown.png  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/487111253421064213/835345589540487208/unknown.png 



Implantation: Doing map updates occasionally after working through each commissioned thing. Or do it however you like.

Lore: IDK it was a base on Anaxes.

Edited by Unkindled
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So I'm not really gonna +/- 1 this because theirs some things here i like and some i don't and this kinda feels like it shouldn't just be a blanket "lets do all these" but some of them definitely have merit.

For Aurek, honestly i think its fine to leave it where it is.

For the village area. I would like to see our current village just get completely removed, and have an actual village made into the map, be it on anaxes or another planet. Our current village really feels like a place holder that was kinda just pushed into a open space.

For the terrain in front of the base its hard to make that a place people are gonna go when theirs nothing there you know. Unless we make the map have something to the right of the base exit it'll be hard to get anyone to go there. I think its fine to leave as is IMO.

IDK how i feel about the elevator. I'm a little confused by the pictures on where these locations are.

Second sim room in the MHB area. No. Sectioning off the existing area will in my opinion make it just kinda look a bit more shit. Perhaps adding another hanger opposite to SHB that just doesn't have a working door? Idk whats on the other side of that it might run into the citadel but just coming up with an alternative that won't look so bad in my opinion.

The third floor. I would love to see the third floor utilized as a way for people to sneak onto base. Give us a vent system like we had on titan that lead up there.

  • Agree 2


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5 minutes ago, Conrad said:

For the village area. I would like to see our current village just get completely removed, and have an actual village made into the map, be it on anaxes or another planet. Our current village really feels like a place holder that was kinda just pushed into a open space.

We would of had the old village but the village from old map files were lost or something :(

  • Agree 1

Aye I'm in 212th!

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+1 But the current issue is, if i remember correctly the last edit of this map was the edit that we just got unless somehow the founders can convince bananakin to make changes or as a whole get someone else to do it, so in that case i would say yeah it would be nice to have more complexity to the maps and planets itself, but its very unlikely that we'll get someone to do it for us.

  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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2 hours ago, Conrad said:

So I'm not really gonna +/- 1 this because theirs some things here i like and some i don't and this kinda feels like it shouldn't just be a blanket "lets do all these" but some of them definitely have merit.

For Aurek, honestly i think its fine to leave it where it is.

For the village area. I would like to see our current village just get completely removed, and have an actual village made into the map, be it on anaxes or another planet. Our current village really feels like a place holder that was kinda just pushed into a open space.

For the terrain in front of the base its hard to make that a place people are gonna go when theirs nothing there you know. Unless we make the map have something to the right of the base exit it'll be hard to get anyone to go there. I think its fine to leave as is IMO.

IDK how i feel about the elevator. I'm a little confused by the pictures on where these locations are.

Second sim room in the MHB area. No. Sectioning off the existing area will in my opinion make it just kinda look a bit more shit. Perhaps adding another hanger opposite to SHB that just doesn't have a working door? Idk whats on the other side of that it might run into the citadel but just coming up with an alternative that won't look so bad in my opinion.

The third floor. I would love to see the third floor utilized as a way for people to sneak onto base. Give us a vent system like we had on titan that lead up there.

Yea the biggest thing I would mainly want is the 3rd floor everything else is like whatever

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I don’t expect all of these to be accepted obviously I just jotted down a bunch of things I’d like to see added. Main things I’d like from these is that big rock removed, CIS tower readied, and back entrance added. Everything else is whatever. So if people don’t like something just do +1 except...-

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NGL this is a lot to ask, especially considering the map was just finished a few months ago, and most of the changes are mainly aesthetic in nature. Not sure how much you know about hammer, but this is a ton of potential work for not that much of a payoff.


That being said, *if* the map is ever edited, there is a lot of dead space that isn't used, like the area east of Aurek and east of the main base, the wings of the lobby, and the third floor. It would be nice to have a reason to use these areas (or in the case of the third floor, you can always just remove it, or at least get rid of the guardrails so GMs can spawn NPCs up there or something).


I think updating the map would be nice, but ultimately right now the dev team should probably be focusing on more prevalent issues, like the event server and the weapons base.


**EDIT** but for real can someone fix the fucking nodraw textures in Citadel and under the base gate? It's so annoyyying.

Edited by Finn
  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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+1 ultimately I think we just need to try and place more in the areas that are never used. The perimeter of Aurek and right outside of elevation he front gate are the most unused places on the map. Idk what exactly should be done and everyone and their brother is gonna have a different opinion on what they want. Founders should look at the areas that are rarely or never used and edit them somehow to be more useable to the players.  Personally I want geonosis to be cut down in size or even replaced with something actually optimized. As it stands I’ve crashed more times than I can count trying to run events on geonosis as the game master or helping run the event - it’s really just TOO big for the main server. Anaxes performs 1000x better with an almost equal size. 
TLDR: I fucking hate geonosis with a burning passion

If anything I would suggest making the village at Endor flatter and clear some of the trees around it to allow game masters more room to fuck with Endor village. 


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