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==========[ Commander Application Template ]==========




==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

Steam Name:[SR]Rays[NA]


RP Name:TR 101st Commander Rays/TR Jedi TG KII Rays


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:80059877


Battalion or squad you are applying for:RANCOR BCMD


Experience:I have been on this server since it popped up and since before the dark times on Icefuse and have been in many roles over this time such as:327th Commander and then MAJ but also ARC and ELTL(Elite Trooper Lead),187th MAJ and ARC and EJT.I was a SGT2(When we used that system)in RANCOR as a HVY.and in more recent time 101st Commander under Naavi both times.On top of these things I have also fully completed my ARC Training when Vint was still Colt.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:I believe I should become BCMD of RANCOR as i've been through many different experiences over the times i've been on this server,I have the ability to take a leadership role when necessary,I have the ability to bring up new ideas to try and better the battalion overall and I would push for the continued grooming of the troops into some of the most elite in the specialized corp. under Zomb.I know most of the high rankers within RANCOR as I do still talk to them every so often in their Teamspeak channel when the 101st channel and Temple Guard channel are dead and I have no one to talk to.I do try to keep the mentality of the people I know up no matter who they are even if I do resent them but I do wish to fix broken up relationships if needed.If there were to be a conflict within the battalion if I get the BCMD spot I would push for those troops to bury the hatchet so as to make them work better with each other on the battlefield to bring out the best result.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:I know some of it but I do spend my free time at school reading up on Lore of many different things throughout the Star Wars Universe.


Availability:I am on usually everyday after I get back from school and shower from playing Tennis.The only times I would never be on is if I am burnt out but I would inform everyone,I have a Tennis tournament that day but that won't happen till after Christmas break,or I just am dealing with a family issue,or I am sick but I will still try to get on to talk with the battalion


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:Since it first sprung up on Rishimoon and a bit before Joah's ban from Icefuse in which I came over for a better experience in Community.


Do you have a microphone?:I very well do however its been known to glitch but I usually get it to fix.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:I wish for RANCOR to be a nice thriving group that will have many troops that know the ins and outs of battle and the server that are very disciplined and willing to help in the fight in any way they are told to do it.I also wish to have a few good people that I trust to replace me at the end of my term.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:I do understand this and I will hope to never have to go Inactive unless absolutely necessary.



Edited by Rays
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-1, I would like someone from within the RANCOR battalion or atleast the Specialized Regiment to run for such a complex and hard position of RANCOR  Battalion Commander. I see that you have experience however you have not held an officer position or the rank of CSM/WO in RANCOR or other Specialized battalions and that makes me feel that you are not ready for this position.

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  • Coordinator

-1 As 101st your mindset would be completely different compared to a rancor cmd

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As an Ex-Blitz i have to say that this is not the time for you. i would suggest joining rancor and making it up the ranks and trying to work with the unit before you ask for a position that you may not understand how they work. The 101st is a totally different battalion then the Rancor (the training, the tactics, the people) and to get the position needs someone who understands it more than just "i've done the training of ARC but never worked with them".


327th KCL CMD Deviss

  • Agree 1
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5 minutes ago, Gamerdude032 said:



As an Ex-Blitz i have to say that this is not the time for you. i would suggest joining rancor and making it up the ranks and trying to work with the unit before you ask for a position that you may not understand how they work. The 101st is a totally different battalion then the Rancor (the training, the tactics, the people) and to get the position needs someone who understands it more than just "i've done the training of ARC but never worked with them".


327th KCL CMD Deviss

I love you my baby boy Rays, but this man perfectly outlines the whole situation.


                                   -I remain,

                                                           327th Commander Washington

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@Billiam Clinton @Zander Can you go ahead and Lock this as Rays has already said that this is to be removed


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