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Name: Dono

Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Cyan, Skitz, Lancer

Event Name: Operation Steel Rain

Battalions Deployed: 212th, DU, 104th

Link to Event Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHS8mzhMz-pPcGBOzwjtfPOvhDm6SBbQ0jQN350sDbE/edit



For those nerds: this was the breifing for the op tonight:

Good evening troopers. This report and mission briefing you are all about to receive is highly classified and must be held with utmost secrecy. Recently we conducted a raid on a CIS base located on Umbara. From this base we extracted information that detailed the schematics and operational protocols of a CIS droid plant hidden on the planet of Geonosis. You were all tasked with destroying this droid plant while the Grand army of the republic focused its efforts elsewhere in the Galaxy. This decision was a mistake, what we thought was a CIS remnant facility turned out to be a much larger piece in a large scale invasion planned by the CIS ever since we took Geonosis from them the first time. Due to your troopers tenacity and efficiency, we were able to destroy this base and extract CIS battle plans for this large scale invasion of Geonosis. Because our forces were spread so thin, the CIS launched their invasion before we could counter with this intelligence. The CIS have already established many defenses, the most important, a Planetary Defense system comprised of super charged turbo lasers that will prevent any ship from entering orbit of Geonosis. Now we aren’t just going to let them play in the sand are we? Today, your mission is to shove the sand back in their face and punch those clankers back where they belong. Luckily, we have found a hole in their defense grid, BUT it won't last for long! We will send you into this hole, punch through their iron grip on the planet and destroy one of these Turbolasers in order to establish a foothold on the planet, before they can completely shut us out. Now pay attention, this is the most important part. Any information related to something called the End State Protocol, is of highest priority and must be secured back to the Grand Army of the Republic. Now men, prepare yourselves, report to MHB and go teach these hunks of metal, that they are nothing but pebbles in the dirt.

Edited by Dono


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9/10 Shiit that was your first deployment? That was excellent in all terms. It was very tense, stakes felt high, and it had a great pace to it. Keep doin' events like this!


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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holy shit 9/10 it was so good, from the rp mixed with the shooting to the shout casting coming from jad. Everything mixed well together, other than the staff ticket could have been responded to more as well as questions could have been answered more but its all good.

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8/10 Its a solid even! Though ways to make it above an 8 would be changing around the narrative and possibly some other portions with RP. That ship dupe we landed on would be awesome to start with and try to get us shot out or something that makes us feel stranded. The comms RP was nice but I would of loved to hear more argument or a change of orders. But overall it was solid and a good start to the career!

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