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JBFox's BCMD Wolffe Application


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==========[ JBFox/Sinker’s 104th BCMD Wolffe Application ]==========

Steam Name: [SR]JBFox/Sinker[A]



RP Name: TR WolfpackL Commander Sinker/TR Wolfpack Jedi Padawan Sentinel Bored



Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:51710115



Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th/Wolfpack




I’ve been with the 104th for over 4 months, and in that time, I’ve learned how to effectively lead my fellow troops, how to conduct myself, and how I should act as an officer. I’ve had the pleasure of serving and learning under some very good Commanders and an amazing Battalion Commander, and have not, and would not trade my time in 104th for anything. I’ve never been in another battalion, which some people might see as a detriment, however I think that having been in the 104th for so long I more closely understand how this battalion runs and what I should be doing as Battalion Commander. I’ve learned how to lead from ARC training with CMD Colt (Vint at the time).

Becoming Wolfpack, and Sinker eventually, was a long and challenging process that I worked towards over 2 months. Wolfpack used to be a lot harder to get into than it currently is, and was run completely differently. I had to prove myself over many training sessions and pass ARC training to even become Wolfpack. After becoming a Wolfpack trooper, becoming Sinker took a very long time, however was very rewarding when I achieved it.

Where I am now, I am currently Sinker and the Wolfpack Leader, without the challenges and hardships it took to get to these positions, I do not believe I would be half the trooper I am today. The road to becoming what I am now has taught me that you need to not only lead your troops well, but have their trust and cooperation to effectively lead them. There were times when I was working towards Wolfpack and Sinker that I thought, “Maybe it’s not worth it and I should just go to a different Battalion”, but then I remembered the things I was taught during ARC training and cast away those thoughts. The 104th has always been, to me at least, a place where hard work and loyalty is rewarded, so I’m happy I’ve stayed with the 104th all this time.




Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I feel as though I’ve learned a lot from the people and leaders in this battalion and that I’m ready and fully equipped for this position. I know how to effectively lead and how to set an example for my troops thanks to the ARC training I underwent. Becoming the Wolfpack Leader taught me that, to lead effectively you need to not only be hard on your troops, but to find a middle ground between being an ass and being the nice guy. I’ve lead the Battalion in many trainings and events effectively. I helped revamp how Wolfpack operates and runs, and helped to revive the battalion when it was on the verge of possibly being cut from the server. I’ve always believed that, a key in leading effectively is to lead by example all the time. If you want tryouts done, do them yourself, if you want your men to follow you into battle, get up there and be the first man in the fight. Another reason I believe I should become the Battalion Commander is that I am very active, and to re-iterate I believe the best way to lead is to lead by example, if a battalion’s commander is inactive, how do you think the rest of the battalion would be motivated to stay active? The answer is they wouldn’t, because the most important thing to a Battalion most of the times, is the commander running the battalion.



Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I definitely do.



Availability: Mondays through Thursdays: 2 PM EST through 11 PM EST. Fridays and Saturdays: 10 AM EST through 11 PM EST. Sundays: 1:30 PM EST through 11 PM EST.



Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I’ve been with this community for four months now, day I joined the 104th was June, 3rd 2017.

On Synergy specifically, since the server opened. (And the really buggy beta test too).



Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do.



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

After my term ends, I want the 104th to be stronger in numbers than it is now, and for the Battalion to be even more alive than it currently is. I believe the 104th is currently in a great spot, as far as structure is concerned, so no changes there. However, I hope to revamp how our current Wolfpack functions and to make becoming Wolfpack more accessible for 104th members.

Eventually, I hope to find a specialization for the 104th that is unique, and that we can use to draw in more members. Negotiations is something that many people can do, and is also a specialization that doesn’t really happen all that often and when it does it can be interrupted.

I hope to also improve relations with other battalions on the server, increase cross-battalion training sessions, and cooperate during events with them more often as well.



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand this clearly.               


Edited by JBFox
A few grammatical errors.
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I was gonna apply but I think i'm better fit for SC.

Don't ruin my battalion <3

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Just now, ccmonty said:

not yours anymore bitch ;)

stfu kddo

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{Insert Russian ear rape anthem} 

Edited by Square
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+1 This man here knows how to lead. I look forward to seeing what 104th has in store with him as wolffe.

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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