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The Battle Of Malastare Narrows


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9/10 Great Event Loved the story and the throw back to cat and mouse it added alot perspective of how it would of happened. Those ships were nicely detailed the only thing bad was maybe at times to many npc ships.  Over all great event thanks to you and the people who contributed and help build.

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9/10 This event was the first event that I enjoyed in a long time, both Jedi and troopers played a part and the story line was amazing

- Reason why not 10/10: Its small but the ships after restart were all blue and so they weren't really shooting back


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9/10 Great recovery from the server crashing. One of the most fun events I've played in even though it was a decently simple story. Appreciate the late night event and 212th had a great time. Thanks for doing this and playing as 2 or 3 event jobs at once went surprisingly well considering everything.


Jedi Youngling

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10 I really enjoined flying an A wing into a shield gen after jumping out landing in the fucking MHB and solo fighting the fucking MHB doing well until Jakee came and ended me, then nova came like a guardian angel and saved me. Then Shockpoint with the fucking voices, this is perfection I had fun, pilots had fun, landing people like me and 21st and Nova, had fun.

Certified Giga Chad


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-Fun and relatively stable with the amount of shit going on
-Exceptional Enemy AI ships mixed with Player enemy ships. Had fun gunning them down
-Got 78 Ship to ship kills
-Great voice acting by Cockpoint as always.
- Fantastic story line that was entertaining and engaging.

-AI ships tended to fly in groups and gang up behind ships
-Server crashed once, easily recovered however.
-Event took 20 minutes to get started.


  • Winner 4

Why am I still here?


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The event server killed itself in the middle of your event. And even then- it only got better. 9/10

Your roleplay, the overall premise of the event, the builds, it showed that you guys put a lot of work into this and were very passionate about the event going well. My only complaint is that I have school and need to be awake in 6 hours...

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Forum Admin


The building on the map added for so much immersion, The custom frigates, the effects and entities you guys added huge hour long dog fights, comms rp all added up for an amazing event. Everyone got involved with flying, gunning, staying on the ship and shooting, Repair RP, GROUND CREW RP!

Only reason this doesn't get a 10 is because I had to wait till 2:30AM for this ;)

  • Winner 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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10/10 loved the rp and how much thought was put into this event. It was definitely nice to have a little space battle and have others attack ships. If there was a few more people there could have been more boarding's. Overall great event and hope that there will be more like it in the future

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9/10 - Random Engineer = MVP

I'm a turret bitch

And i'm still not MED Trained.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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The only reason I don't put a 10/10 is because I don't believe in perfection, and I always want to look forward to the future especially when there could be a follow up of some sort that is even better, so I will be giving an official rating of 9/10.

Where do I start? I'm not even pilot trained in the very slightest, never flown a ship in my three years of playing gmod, let alone synergy. The fact that I got to fly out a ship for the first time in an actual event, where we were encouraged to do so even if we weren't pilot trained is greatly appreciated. It's a pre-cursor if you will to people to who would actually like to become pilots within the future, especially becoming say, Pilot Lead/Oddball. It's really opened up my eyes to piloting on the server, now even more so as I've heard good things about the new map we're going to and how efficient it is for flying (definitely looking forward to getting pilot trained/reserves now). 

Let's begin on the actual setup/progression of the event. People bitched about the setup because it took 30 minutes before it even began, but PERSONALLY for someone who takes roughly 30 mins to 1 HOUR to load in, I loved it, adored it being delayed so much. Once the event began I was originally was on my naval, but slowly I wen't onto my 212th because I realized that since the AA guns don't work at all since the lasers fire so slow. Once I was on my engineer job, or just 212th, I ended up just going on ship, after ship, and ship. SURPRISINGLY, I only crashed two V-19's on takeoff, and then I crashed two more on the walls of the map, and personally that's an accomplishment for someone who hasn't flown. Shit, I didn't even know how to go into forward flying mode to start shootin'. Taking down 14 vulture droid over the course of the first part of event (before crash), 3 transports, and multiple kamikazes into hyena's, I feel accomplished to say the least.

By far, THE BEST event I've attended within the last 3 weeks, which is my return to Synergy. Good shit Cuckpoint.

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