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Jayarr's Fox Application


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RP Name:
TR SC Major Jayarr

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):
Battalion or squad you are applying for:
Coruscant Guard Commander Fox. No one, not even the battalion officers, are applying. So I thought i'd step in to help.

This is the part that could be great or could drop what ya'll think. I have done a many thing in icefuse but I am just on my third week in synergy. I have done many things I have regretted before, and I hope this does not sway any opinions. I try my hardest whenever I am, but it doesn’t work sometimes. Anyways, a few key things I have done:

Captain of the Red Guard
Why is this important? Why isn’t it. You guard the chancellor with the most pristine quality you can afford. You make sure he is always secure and goes unharmed. Now, some of you who may have been around may know that we did a lot of killing. I mean A LOT of killing. This was from two things. Red guards in their wrong and actually RDMing, but most of the time, it was max's orders. He told us who to kill, he told his what his bidding is. We did it. Simple as that, I was not in my wrong and I hope you all see that.

104th Commander Wolffe
Another trophy that I honestly miss. I loved the 104th, I was with them for months on end. Worked up to this position and tried my best to do everything I could. But in the end, I resigned. And some know what for. Captain of the red guard. I admit, 104th needed help at the time and all I did was dip from the battalion for red guard. The fault was mine and it still bothers me to this day that I did that. I am honestly sorry.

ST Captain Hound
This was when (fuck i’d like to say spacer and sparks or just sparks) was around in the fox position. This was actually really fun to do because there is something appealing about holding the law around on the server and making sure it stays as good as it needs to be. Hound though, with his massiff, oh god. I loved it. I loved it to death. It was fun as all hell, that’s for sure.

SC Major
This is my current state. This is my return, this is me. I am back on synergy and the first thing I did was turn to SC to help. They, no, WE were low on numbers. Aust was LOA king and never helped. Now, look at us. At least 5+ people a day, AND we’ve been teaming with a certain battalion to do trainings and what not. This isn’t all me, but I would like to say that I helped with a lot of this, just ask freck or bbstine or max.

(Little side note. Yes, I have minged quite a bit in all of this time, but I want to change. I can change, trust me. I just need a chance and it will all happen as promised, at least I really hope it does.)

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I feel as if I should be battalion commander because it’s obvious now CG needs help. I want to help that battalion I used to know as ST. I want to amount to something this time and not be frowned upon. Dargon did fucking gods work with CG, i’ll tell you that. I want to be like that and make a battalion the strives for members and perfection. CG will amount to something great once more, sooner or later. Maybe not with me, maybe not with the next guy. But I want to see it happen. I want to make a promise and hold it that I will do everything expected from a battalion commander, maybe even more. CG is the life-line (other than staff) of the server for dealing with arrests and minges that gotta stay managed, or gotta get out of the server. I want to assure the promises of CG by any means needed. I have a few ideas, but I will hold off on those in this post because I really can’t even guarantee the feedback will go well here. But I hope it does.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Everyday, starting at 7:00 AM Mountain time to 8:00 PM Mountain time.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
3 weeks now, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been around before this server.

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want it to be somewhere better than where it is now. Active. Positive. Maintained. Perfect. Anything that can be said can be done in time. If there's a will there's a way. I want good officers to see me out in the end. I want to make sure they understand, as do I, the meaning of proper security on the server.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

(god dammit chumbus, recommending I apply for shit <3)

Edited by Jayarr
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Huge +1 even though he has never been in CG before on this server he used to be one on Icefuse he performed well as hound and took his job in a professional matter. He has also been a commander on multiple occasions. For example 104th commander and my captain the the red guard and since recent applicants decided not to go for the position and atm CG seems to be declining I think he should be given a chance to revive CG. He just did the same thing with SC I made him a officer and less then 1 day the battalion was already better then it ever was. I know Jayarr very well and i'm telling you wont be disappointed if he becomes Battalion Commander Fox. He knows his stuff he understands the constant work and constant stress of this position and he is going to tackle it and deal with it. Also he did go around to some CG and make sure it was ok if he applied for the position. 



Edited by Max
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1 hour ago, Jayarr said:

Little side note. Yes, I have minged quite a bit in all of this time, but I want to change. I can change, trust me. I just need a chance and it will all happen as promised, at least I really hope it does.)

lol, aint no problem with having fun.

+1, you assisted me and others with reviving SC, I can see you do hard work sometimes, and I think if you just focus on one goal and not multiple, you'll make CG a god tier battalion.

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  • Founder

+1 11/10 

Edited by Square
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Just now, Freck said:

+1 Jayarr has helped alot in SC amd if you ge the position it will be sad to see you go *Wipes tears from eyes* I HAVE HAYFEVER OKAY LEAVE ME  *sobs*

love you b

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Just now, Ginyu said:

+1 he had to endure having a closet for a bunk while the senators had big nice rooms and he didn't complain.

Don't bring back the closet memories...so cold

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Just now, Kyle Vanhorn said:

I think the reason you are applying actually is dumb.. I am applying bc no one else is why not. To me not a good reason to apply for an important character.



I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you because I have done that in some other applications, but if you read mostly all of it I don't actually see where I say I'm applying not for the sheer fact of helping. Most of this application is based off helping CG. I mention that no one is going for it, but that's about it.

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5 minutes ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

I think the reason you are applying actually is dumb.. I am applying bc no one else is why not. To me not a good reason to apply for an important character.



Counter arguement: If nobody else will step up to help CG, why is that a dumb reason? I disagree with you this time Vanhorn.

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4 hours ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

I think the reason you are applying actually is dumb.. I am applying bc no one else is why not. To me not a good reason to apply for an important character.



That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard you say.

But anyway, +1 Jayarr.

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21 hours ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

I think the reason you are applying actually is dumb.. I am applying bc no one else is why not. To me not a good reason to apply for an important character.



I think it is a good reason. As of now other people are applying but at the same time doing this gives a sence of personality, one that would sacrifice time and effort for others, and he is not doing this for  himself, he is doing it for CG +1

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Jayarr i love you man, but right now, coming from CG myself, that they need someone who understands the system @Dargon put in place [i.e an insider]. I feel if an outsider comes in the system will go to shit because the incoming Fox wont understand it. And because of that, i give my full support to Keegan, and cannot support an outsider.

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12 minutes ago, Porsche said:


Jayarr i love you man, but right now, coming from CG myself, that they need someone who understands the system @Dargon put in place [i.e an insider]. I feel if an outsider comes in the system will go to shit because the incoming Fox wont understand it. And because of that, i give my full support to Keegan, and cannot support an outsider.

You’re missing the part where Jayarr has CG experience. He knows what he is doing, and regardless of him not currently being in CG, he should still get a chance.

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Just now, Ryx said:

You’re missing the part where Jayarr has CG experience. He knows what he is doing, and regardless of him not currently being in CG, he should still get a chance.

This is correct, I used to be a ST CG And I did help manage the other two branches. I don't believe much should be different, correct me if i'm wrong.

Edited by Jayarr
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(whoops, site fucked up so it made me post twice, sorry)

Edited by Jayarr
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It's very different, a lot different. Different servers, different previous Battalion Commanders, different organization, etc. 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you weren't Hound for long and even was removed from the position, correct?

Edited by Dargon
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Just now, Dargon said:

It's very different, a lot different. Different servers, different previous Battalion Commanders, different organization, etc. 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you were Hound for long and even was removed from the position, correct?

I was hound for long yes, like I said I made it to CPT. But I was removed under a false reason and it did get taken care of. It was a favoritism play, I didn't get removed for doing anything wrong. They said I was "inactive".

Now with your little "correct me if i'm wrong" bit, I don't know if you thought I was sassing or not, but I was genuinely not sure if anything changed. I don't get why you had to include that. Thank you for informing me though.

Edited by Jayarr
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1 minute ago, Jayarr said:

I was hound for long yes, like I said I made it to CPT. But I was removed under a false reason and it did get taken care of. It was a favoritism play, I didn't get removed for doing anything wrong. They said I was "inactive".

Now with your little "correct me if i'm wrong" bit, I don't know if you thought I was sassing or not, but I was genuinely not sure if anything changed. I don't get why you had to include that. Thank you for informing me though.

I stated "correct me if I'm wrong" because I didn't know if I was right or wrong.

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Just now, Dargon said:

I stated "correct me if I'm wrong" because I didn't know if I was right or wrong.

Sorry in that case. I could not tell.

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My standpoint is that you joined Shadow Company to aid them in restoring them up to a high standard.

But in another point you raise, you only want to join CG and become Commander Fox because no one else has applied for said role.

On that note would Shadow Company not be more deserving of your time and commitment?

The Coruscant Guard is doing far better at the moment in terms of application than Shadow Company (not trying to bash them at all), but from a operational standpoint, you would be far better off in Shadow Company helping them out, than you would be if you was in CG.

Furthermore from my point of view as an officer in the Coruscant Guard, no one in the CG battalion knows your experiences on this specific server in terms of leadership, process and utility, we have not yet seen how your command or ability operates and I would say in a professional capacity it would be unwise to put someone in charge of a battalion whom we have had no dealings with, or the commitment shown.

As highlighted, these are my concerns, and on that note, I would have to say in a professional capacity -1.

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Just now, traditional said:

Thats when I got put to MAJ, I was CPT before maj before that lmao check promo logs

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Only reason you are your rank where you are is you were put as a 2ndLT right away bc you know Palpatine. You have been on the server for 3 weeks. Only reason you were given the 2ndLt besides knowing max was to help the SC rebuild. You haven't been on your SC much at all from reports I have heard from your own members. I do not see you being a good Fox. Plus what Trad says on his post you have not met your 2 Weeks yet as CPT+

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Just now, Kyle Vanhorn said:


You were promoted to CPT  on 9/22/2017   I should know. I promoted you. You are also not even on their promotion doc.

Well shit I fucked up the math.

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4 minutes ago, Punda said:

bruh its legit 2 days before its been 2 weeks lmfao so fucking hard making such a big deal out of this when its legit 2 days away like holy shit

It is besides the point, as the rules state, we must abide by them.

Yes it's a few days away, but we can not change rules for one and not the other.

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Just now, Stahl said:

It is besides the point, as the rules state, we must abide by them.

Yes it's a few days away, but we can not change rules for one and not the other.

I know its in the rules, but I find it very retarded that its 2 days away, this app won't even be looked at by a Director until like another week probably, so guarantee he'll be 2 weeks+ before a Director looks at it most likely. You guys are making such a big deal out of 1 small as fuck thing

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32 minutes ago, Punda said:

I know its in the rules, but I find it very retarded that its 2 days away, this app won't even be looked at by a Director until like another week probably, so guarantee he'll be 2 weeks+ before a Director looks at it most likely. You guys are making such a big deal out of 1 small as fuck thing

Hey I'm just stating a fact, I won't lose sleep over this even if he did get through.

People where getting confused that's it.

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(ignore this reply, I need a word with the directors before a final decision)

Edited by Jayarr
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