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Chancellor Palpatine


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:Pepega: Controversy time

Name: Marvel | Boss 

RP Rank: BCMD | Squad Lead | Sergeant

Suggestion: Removing Supreme Chancellor from the in game hierarchy and making him a big boy Event Job that requires like GMC perms to use. (AFTER Korm's term which ends in 4 days)

Implementation: Change the Chancellor Palpatine job to a Event Job, removing him from Server High Command and the rank hierarchy, putting Marshal Commander at the top and in charge of High Command.

Lore: Yes the Supreme Commander was the tippity top of the iceberg when it came to the Grand Army of the Republic, but Chancellor Palpatine was not a frequent face on military compounds and ships. He stayed on Coruscant while under the guise of Sheev Palpatine unless going on diplomatic missions (which was very, very, rare).

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Change

Job: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Slots: 1

Description: Sheev Palpatine was the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars

Model: models/jazzmcfly/jka/palpatine/palpatine.mdl

Weapons: cross_arms_swep, surrender_animation_swep

Other: In a military sense High Command is setup a little... weird. We have the 4 or 5 Regimental Commanders who serve as advisers to their specific Regiment and that's about it then we have the Marshal Commander who's job is to watch over and take care of High Command and then Palpatine who takes that job leaving the Marshal with the sole job of baby sitting baby sitters. Not to mention Directors are also there serving as bosses to a boss to a boss to bosses. 

Honorary Reg can be earned from serving a term or several terms of Marshal Commander

Marshal would be top dog in RP. Marshal would then hold more power in High Command.

The Senate could stay as VIP jobs and maybe bringing back the application system like it was a long time ago. Personally Mas Amedda would need to go too but that's another conversation. Their fate would be up to Founders/Directors/Intel/Whoever.

Directors < MCMD < RCMDs < BCMDs < XOs 

This can also quicken up CMD applications and interviews with one less person needed to listen and vote.

ALSO: Palpatine has proven to be a burnout position several times due to the lack of fun people find in the position whilst playing the server. Plus who would want to look like a shriveled nutsack.

and many other points that I could use but I'm too tired to think of.


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Retired Founder

I'm going to deny this suggestion as it was not cleared with High Command or Palpatine before suggesting this suggestion.

However, I have discussed with our Current Marshal Commander @Omalic and Current Chancellor Palpatine @Korm about the potential idea of combining the two positions into one. Being that the person that holds Palpatine would also be the Marshall Commander as they have the same role within the server hierarchy.

Once this idea is discussed and finalized through discussions with Trad, Korm, Omalic and myself we will post to gain community feedback for this idea.


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