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I do understand with the limited amount of players on a garrys mod server, it would spread numbers out a little bit more. However, 327th being primarily an outer rim oriented battalion makes for amazing event ideas, roleplay, and greater adventure into the vast galaxy the Star Wars universe has to offer. I do not know exactly why 327th was taken out, but with the right care and event planning, this battalion could prosper. I have a star chart of all the planets & moons currently in Star Wars lore and I’ve planned & scripted strategic, rp & action based events that could make 327th the beautiful cherry on top of this amazing butterscotch milkshake. Not only that, but according to Wookiepedia the battalion was one of the most active units of the grand army of the republic. Lastly, I’d like to show exactly how 327th is just as good with RP as they’d be just shooting droids each event. A few months back, I had done a small encounter where a Hutt was looking for rich fuel plots on Anaxes. Once the pirates were cleared from the perimeter, the Hutt has made a deal to live free another day. He had spoken to high command within the 327th of some secret trade routes along the outer rim the republic may find handy for surprise attacks against the CIS in exchange for his freedom. The rp was phenomenal & it could’ve made way for a gorgeous event. Thank you for your time reading this, and if the right person reads this, please give 327th another chance :’( 

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Honestly I felt great when I heard battalions were removed, I still do. Its pretty omegalul poggers KekW. You are residentsleeper rn, trihard


Dumb if you diaharrea, shit head.

Edited by BigZach
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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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@Comics 327th specializes in outer rim missions, whereas 501st usually did the assignments Anakin were assigned to (and chancellor palpatine lowkey was the one who suggested which missions Anakin was to take and not to take in Disney lore). Going on outer rim missions would have given the people in 327th purpose and make them feel special like the other battalions. Whereas 212th and 501st are basically one in the same, 327th is the distant cousin of front line battalions 

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This is a touchy subject for some people and I am going to overall comment on we don't need a new battalion added or one added back YET. Keyword is YET.


I have Willy in DU has a Commander now and I will say he has earned my respect so much, he is a hard worker and busts his ass for sure. I had no problems with 327th and it was kind of sad to see it go the way it did, but in truth I am happy Willy came over because he is one of my most valued officers now.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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327th was yellow 501st. It served no real purpose in the greater picture and only spread our already thin numbers even thinner.

I will always stand behind my point that seeing a few battalions with 10+ people is more satisfying than seeing a large amount of battalions with 0-5 people. 

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i am literally captain tukk

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@Kell Because we all remember all those great missions 327th went on.  There lore position doesn't matter, in the server they didn't have any significant role; 327th was just another battalion to send into CY. It's sad but it's the truth.

Also 212th and 501st are distinguished by their sub units:

212th having a paratrooping unit, elite unit and RC unit. 501st having their lore character squad. That's what makes attack battalions different, I don't know what role K-company actually played 

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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No just no it’s copy paste 501st/212th with less lore and painted yellow.

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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On 2/2/2020 at 5:36 AM, Comics said:

They were useless, like when did they actually do anything which 501st or 212th couldn't. I'm sorry there wasn't enough difference to warrant their existence

You dumb him but this man is right.

501st and 212th on the server did exactly what 327th did. 327th are just the same as them basically. 327th had K-Company but that was about it.

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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30 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

You dumb him but this man is right.

501st and 212th on the server did exactly what 327th did. 327th are just the same as them basically. 327th had K-Company but that was about it.

If you won't take it from a brain dead 212th like me take it from a 327th himself.

love you eclipse      

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Look, I know IN LORE specializes in Outer Rim assignments. But truth be told, When were they ever sent on Deployments by Themselves? Whenever I saw 327th deploy it was usually with 212th, 501st. Which Is Basically proof that, the Attack Battalions are all the same with the exception of sub units. Take it as you may but really right now, We're at a steady numbers of Battalions. 

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Omega Three-Six "Darman"| "Blood for the Blood God!"


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Just now, Bloodless said:

henever I saw 327th deploy it was usually with 212th, 501st

They were deployed with the others because the numbers that were expected never showed:pepeLaugh:

As a game master when i did 327th deployments, i literally got Aayla, and at most 3-4 other 327th.

Edited by Scribbles
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1 minute ago, Scribbles said:

They were deployed with the others because the numbers that were expected never showed:pepeLaugh:

almost as if 327th took up unneeded space and took what could be larger battalions if not for the fact there were two battalions whose use was pretty much obsolete.

it was kinda a testament that they just filled slots to make the server look like it has more content

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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2 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

They were deployed with the others because the numbers that were expected never showed:pepeLaugh:

As a game master when i did 327th deployments, i literally got Aayla, and at most 3-4 other 327th.

I saw that. *Sigh* It was a shame too. Cause They were a Close 2nd For my favorite battalion in Lore.

Omega Three-Six "Darman"| "Blood for the Blood God!"


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The battalions that were removed were either trash or inactive as fuck. 327th wasn't bad/mingy, but they had zero server presence in the past year I've been on. Time to let old battalions lie.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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