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Mavericks Ban Appeal v2


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RP Name/Steam Name: Maverick
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65644683
Date of Ban:7/16/2019
Length of Ban: Perma
Offense: Advertisement of server and RDM nitrp and disrespect
Banned By: Poe
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: So it's been quite a long time since i was banned and i have had i believe 6 months to reflect on my actions. The reasons for the ban if i remember correctly:
2 RDMs of which i both served my time for in the shock jail willingly.

NITRP: this was in relation in all honesty, my anger regarding sith at the time.

Disrespect: I think it was rose or one of the NA/Admins at the time i disrespected of which he did not deserve the blatant disrespect and for that i profusely apologize.

Advertisement of the server: I send a single PM/Private Message to 1 person who asked for a twitch link when i was saying some shit about me streaming on twitch ABOUT the server itself. The stream in question was related to the server but i will admit i was talking some shit but again it was in relation to me being angry about sith being removed.

I stayed away for 6 months because it was in my opinion a decent enough time to reflect and consider the implications of my actions. I apologize to all affected and ask that i be unbanned and given another chance. I unfortunately cannot give up evidence of the stream itself due to twitch itself removed vods after 2 weeks i think for users/affiliates and now i think 1 month for partners.  I also especially apologize to scribbles and poe who i blew up at over this ban.

*Side Note: i did ask about posting an appeal but was never answered back or completely forgotten about.*

I also was banned on teamspeak by poe.
Evidence to support your claims: Twitch removed my vod like 6 months ago.


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nah sorry chief but this AINT it -1 

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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You were already told to speak to a Director about getting permission to appeal, also didn't you open your own server with Carvis that people said you still extremely toxic on?


Honestly bruh, I have half a mind to straight up deny this (It ain't hard to get a Director  to okay your appeal or get someone else to appeal for you)


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I would like it noted for the record i did message both directors at least once or twice and never got a yes or no, granted the time frames are a bit different. Regarding my time on my other site i honestly dont remember all of what i said but yeah i did say some stuff, but i was not the only one, and i have no wish to call out people like that as i want it to be in the past and move forward. Also, creating an ALT account was an extreme move i admit.

Edited by Maverick
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He made an effort, read the ban appeal bigheads. 

Honestly, we have unbanned people who have shown graphic things such as people getting blown to shreds by flak cannons, looking at you Mike.

We’ve unbanned people who stole content from us and then ran their own server and spammed it in a whole discord.


Honestly Maverick, you were a fucking doofus; but a permanent ban doesn’t sit right with me.


All I can really say is, good luck dude

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Head Admin

Am I allowed to +1/-1 ???

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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-1 chief more toxic than me 

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13 hours ago, Scribbles said:

You advertised it throughout the entire sith discord. 

Also you don't need to apologize to me, i was never upset at you. 

Ah yeah i had legit forgotten about that. Thank you for bringing that up, i did do that, its been 6 months so i dont honestly remember everything.


Regarding the toxicity comments from others, I could seriously sit here and quote QUITE A LOT of toxic things others have done which would be as bad or even worse than me but im not going to do that. Because i believe people have changed since then like myself. Im not the same "Toxic" person you believe me to be. Also i was fully honest when i made the appeal to the best of my MEMORY. And you have to also cut me some slack due to how long it's been, i dont have the same level of ability to memorize everyhting that "Karen" does.


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After thinking it over and realizing this incident was  awhile back   +1.

I'm aware a lot of people were upset about the removal of sith and some took it harder than others.

We gave people like Comics a chance.    I say Maverick should be given the same chance.   Put his ass on a short less and if he causes trouble,  back in the bin.  


And about him asking for directors for approval to post this appeal:   It's is HARD to get in touch with them and 99% of them they either ignore discord messages or never get back to you.    I've had a complaint about someone on the server who was obviously getting around breaking rules that went ignored.   I'm a bit sympathetic with him about that.

Edited by Zensras
im a defect

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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     Okay first of this guy deserves a 2nd chance there are some many people that are worse than maverick on the server In my Opinion even though what he did was fucking stupid
Second of all I have seen High staff advertise their Twitch stream over team speak global chat, 3rd of all I said to him that he can let people know that he could that he was streaming (But i didn't know that he would ping the whole discord). There are people who have done worst shit on this server that got unbanned.


Edited by Rexko Xeros
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Head Admin

So I am just gonna assume I can say +1 because I am not going over ban appeals... Soooooo +1

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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4 hours ago, Zensras said:


And about him asking for directors for approval to post this appeal:   It's is HARD to get in touch with them and 99% of them they either ignore discord messages or never get back to you.    I've had a complaint about someone on the server who was obviously getting around breaking rules that went ignored.   I'm a bit sympathetic with him about that.

Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you. I can't speak for marvel, but yeah one incident is not indicative of how hard it is to contact us. This specific ban  was not on our list of priorities and was unfortunately forgot about. It was discussed extensively in the chat, but other topics were more and are more important. He messaged me one more time after that and I reminded the topic in the chat and from then on it was forgot about. 

Now for why he was banned 

The situation he was banned for was for advertisement in the sith discord if im not mistaken I wasn't really apart of the situation nor was I high staff at the time. 

The stream was him being extremely salty, promoting minging, and the situation got two people removed from staff.

Yes, it was completely forgotten about. 

But the details about this appeal are either purposely skewed to make  it seem like the offense is lesser or you just forgot about what actually happened.

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Ehhh finna +1, who hasn't had the dream of starting a server and saying Fuck it to your current one? It just takes time and realisation for the server to die and they gone or they come back. I may despise maverick but it'd be a vibe to have em back cus i sure do love looking at server members and being like: ew.



❤️ 2am vibing


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Typically for situations like this I say NO to removing a permaban, but in this case he made a mistake because he was angry about something a lot of people were torn up over. Personally, I don't see him as a liability that will affect anyone's enjoyment on the server, nor can I see him making similar mistakes in the future. He even voided his previous appeal and told everyone he was going to take some time off before trying again, and he did. 

Good luck, bro. Hope I can see you again soon.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Its just a case of him being angry the removal of sith really hit some people hard as they had put alot of work into that part of the server just for it to be removed i dont think that one mistake made 6 MONTHS AGO in a fit of anger should ruin his whole synergy career plus he has waited as he said and hopefully will be better this time around

Hi I’m Pot

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Head Admin
14 hours ago, Sanchez Resident said:

Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you. I can't speak for marvel, but yeah one incident is not indicative of how hard it is to contact us. This specific ban  was not on our list of priorities and was unfortunately forgot about. It was discussed extensively in the chat, but other topics were more and are more important. He messaged me one more time after that and I reminded the topic in the chat and from then on it was forgot about. 

Now for why he was banned 

The situation he was banned for was for advertisement in the sith discord if im not mistaken I wasn't really apart of the situation nor was I high staff at the time. 

The stream was him being extremely salty, promoting minging, and the situation got two people removed from staff.

Yes, it was completely forgotten about. 

But the details about this appeal are either purposely skewed to make  it seem like the offense is lesser or you just forgot about what actually happened.

He literally posted the pictures.. 

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin
4 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

Im talking about the person I quoted not him read everything I typed out I addressed that.

Talking bout this 

5 hours ago, Rohan said:

Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you.


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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On 12/13/2019 at 12:06 PM, Zensras said:

  I've had a complaint about someone on the server who was obviously getting around breaking rules that went ignored


"Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you. I can't speak for marvel, but yeah one incident is not indicative of how hard it is to contact us. This specific ban  was not on our list of priorities and was unfortunately forgot about. It was discussed extensively in the chat, but other topics were more and are more important. He messaged me one more time after that and I reminded the topic in the chat and from then on it was forgot about. " All of that was talking to him rohan. Why would I quote him otherwise. I told you to read everything not glaze over it.

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Head Admin
57 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:


"Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you. I can't speak for marvel, but yeah one incident is not indicative of how hard it is to contact us. This specific ban  was not on our list of priorities and was unfortunately forgot about. It was discussed extensively in the chat, but other topics were more and are more important. He messaged me one more time after that and I reminded the topic in the chat and from then on it was forgot about. " All of that was talking to him rohan. Why would I quote him otherwise. I told you to read everything not glaze over it.

lmao, just give me that dumb already i am dumb

  • Winner 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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On 12/12/2019 at 9:47 PM, Machina219 said:

Advertisement of the server: I send a single PM/Private Message to 1 person who asked for a twitch link when i was saying some shit about me streaming on twitch ABOUT the server itself. The stream in question was related to the server but i will admit i was talking some shit but again it was in relation to me being angry about sith being removed.

You @'d everyone in the sith discord, and it wasn't even an @ everyone

you @'d every individual role so that it would override the @ mute that discord has and ping everybody, and you knew that, and you did it on purpose.

On 12/12/2019 at 9:47 PM, Machina219 said:

Disrespect: I think it was rose or one of the NA/Admins at the time i disrespected of which he did not deserve the blatant disrespect and for that i profusely apologize.

You were pretty much harrassing me when I was trying to deal with you in a sit and you just kept leaving your cell and when I put you back you just kept insulting me

I would love it if I could find that stream and I know everyone who watched that knew you were just straight up trying to get yourself banned, and try to make a whole big show out of it by advertising your stream everywhere. 


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+1 give him another chance this is olf drama let it go plz

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NGL Maverick on of the first jedi's i've met that were dedicated but with the whole @ situation was kinda ass but hey like someone said if we let comic back i wouldn't hugely mind you returning just don't end up like last time when you got perma'd 


                                               So Basically ANIME


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I sincerely apologize to you then sniff, you did not deserve that in anyway.

9 hours ago, Adam-KaneKi said:

+1 Got dammit Maverick | Come on here deserves a Second chance | Not sure if he already got one but whatever he did enough good to be worth to come back let him in Dammit

This is the only ban that i am aware of ever having served so far.


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On 12/13/2019 at 6:06 PM, Zensras said:

We gave people like Comics a chance.    I say Maverick should be given the same chance.   Put his ass on a short less and if he causes trouble,  back in the bin.  

I waited a year, remained as respectful as possible in DMs. Sorry to be rude but this guy deserves this Perma (+ he used an alt account without waiving it)


The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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42 minutes ago, Comics said:

I waited a year, remained as respectful as possible in DMs. Sorry to be rude but this guy deserves this Perma (+ he used an alt account without waiving it)


Ah yes every perma ban can only be handled a single way and if not, its a -1.

Maverick should be able to come back. +1


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On 12/13/2019 at 10:22 PM, Sanchez Resident said:

Unless you messaged me and deleted it or just messaged marvel that is not true. I have no messaged history with you. I can't speak for marvel, but yeah one incident is not indicative of how hard it is to contact us. This specific ban  was not on our list of priorities and was unfortunately forgot about. It was discussed extensively in the chat, but other topics were more and are more important. He messaged me one more time after that and I reminded the topic in the chat and from then on it was forgot about. 

Now for why he was banned 

The situation he was banned for was for advertisement in the sith discord if im not mistaken I wasn't really apart of the situation nor was I high staff at the time. 

The stream was him being extremely salty, promoting minging, and the situation got two people removed from staff.

Yes, it was completely forgotten about. 

But the details about this appeal are either purposely skewed to make  it seem like the offense is lesser or you just forgot about what actually happened.


  • Funny 2

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Here's the previous ban appeal that has the stream on it boys. You guys can watch it and decide there, personally I think it's a pepega situation he got himself into... Also, pls don't mind the staff member that may or not be me abusing his powers like a 5head...


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Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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