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[Accepted] Grief's Ban Appeal


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RP Name: Grief

Steam Name: Carter 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194110049

Date of Ban: November 18, 2018

Length of Ban: Perm

Offense: Minging and Disrespect

Banned By: Joah

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I really want to comeback to Synergy. It has made me think of all the bad things I did to get me banned. I am trying to be a better person now that I am just graduated from Army Basic Training. I know what I did was wrong and I am trying to help myself and others around me. I want to come back to the community and start over and start fresh. I know I have disrespected Joah, Dragon, and other people in the past, but I am looking to change that now and I want everyone to know who looks at this that I want to be nice to everyone and be a good person overall, that is why I want to start fresh as a CT PVT and make my way back up through the ranks, redoing ARC training, Jedi Training, anything like that. I used to be dedicated to Synergy and now I want to have that same motivation and that same dedication to comeback and play back on Synergy. Joah I know I have been a straight up dick to you but I am hoping with this ban appeal that you will see differently in me and see that I do want to comeback and I do want to help out the community. I want to show people that I am a better person than I used to be. Army Basic Training showed me to not take things for granted and to show that I am willing and able to get my tasks done in a timely manner. It has showed me not to be mean to everyone and to make friends and make teammates. All I am trying to say is that I want to comeback and be active in this community again and to be apart of battalion where I can grow and I can succeed. I want to join the community where I have climbed through the ranks and I want to push myself again to achieve great things on this server. I want to show that I can be nice and I can be a good person. All I ask Joah is that you take the time to read this and take the time to talk to me about this. Even if I don't get unbanned I just want you to see that I am a better person. 


Evidence to support your claims: I don’t have any evidence but I will be a better person if I do get unbanned I promise.

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I have been with and seen grief through his best and his worst, when he is good, he is amazing, and when he is bad, honestly, it can be pretty bad. Although he has done quite a few bad things, he has realized these mistakes and reflected upon himself and his actions that have brought us here to this appeal. He has spent the last few months going through army training and I believe that has taught him some of the necessary skills and values that were lacking at the time of his ban almost a whole year ago. As his old BCMD, friend, and member of this community, I believe that this lad has changed his ways from being toxic and hostile and is capable of being an upstanding member of this community once again.


And with that, I give my +1

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Head Admin

Honestly thought this was a minecraft related post, I am big dumb. +1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Oh lord 


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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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