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My time has come

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Hey everyone. so the time has come for me to move on. will i be gone forever? maybe idk.

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the good times. when i came to synergy from icefuse i was in a real bad spot. i was really depressed had almost no friends and was recovering from getting bullied (im in the process of revenge planing). but here i found a home. i have made so many friends here and ill remember all of you, this forum, the events, my demotions, the minging, the amazment that i only got banned one time, and more. I just want to say: thank you, from the bottom of my heart. for everything. now ill still hop on from time to time of course. just because i dont have the drive to play everyday...or every week....or every month...does mean i dont want to play from time to time! it just means i have to be extra stupid when  DO play to make up for it :)

ah yes and now the @'s. 

@BlackiSblack soundboard communist

@Chop ill never forget all the times we RDM'd in bunks and how fucking fun it was

@JBFox Brother

@Slate RIP my dude. you deserve it :( hope you can see this from wherever you are now

@Jayarr How was it you were the ONLY person to ever have the sense to blacklist me. and how is it that i was able to break you in submission? lifes weird man

@Avavel Best GM. good luck out in the field solider 07

@Scarecrow i still see that damn flamethrower in my nightmare

@Zim  is the " being locked in joahs basement" joke still relivent? because i still have the key to let you out and this is your last chance to claim it

@Doc fucking little mac main ass

i know ive missed SO many people, but if i had to @ all the people i have good memories of, i would be here for like a week so ill just say, you know who you are ;)

Ill still be in discord and ill pop on the forums or server from time to time, but for now this is Ccmonty signing off. stay cool everyone

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You came to my bunks and poked me on TS 2 weeks in a row, of course I gave into the insanity.

Take it easy, small pink character lover. Perma blacklist from 101st starts now!

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Godspeed young gamer, I never really interacted with you too much, but you were always a pretty funny and cool dude. Try and have fun out there in the real world and dont forget to leave a little bit of time for yourself, because time really does fly by, and before you know it, the fun times might have slipped by, so try and enjoy it every chance you get.

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6 hours ago, Ccmonty said:

i just wanna say thank you for all the kind words :)

its seeing comments like these that make me so happy that i was given the privilage of being part of this amazing community

/Me only retired for the negative forum rep and will be back in a week

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