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Tech's Time?


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This is a Weapon suggestion. I want this as a weapon for tech as something special for him. since he really doesn't have any special thing he is gonna get. I am just saying that this weapon can also be used for RP reasons. So it works for him

RP Rank: Im Tech! (LCPL)

Suggestion: Giving Tech a Small Boost

Implementation: Implementing a New Weapon to give to tech which is a Plasma  Cutter. this weapon does some real Damage and I think there could be some restrictions on it. For example. Each clip has 10 shots in it. Id say give Tech two clips for a 20 shot  Gun. The Damage does 150 a hit. and Id say just dumb the damage down to 85 a shot. which is imo reasonable for 20 shots, but if you guys think it should be 10, then Id say keep it at 150 base damage. 

Lore: https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Cutter <--- This Weapon was in lore used for engineering purposes as to cut minerals and metals. Tech could have been given this for his RP role in the Clone wars. He was a engineer as well as a technician, and I think could have come in handy for him

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Slots: 1

Pay:Normal RC Pay

Description:Normal Description

Model:Model he currently has
(Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

Weapons:   Normal weapons with the addition of the Plasma Cutter (Weapon code:     weapon_plasmacutter_bread )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu) 


Edited by Pythin

Former: Liaison


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+1 send it 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Yo what the fuck, Isaac Clarke up in this bitch. But why the fuck you putting dead space lore for real. This server is becoming a mess with lore.


Edited by Jayarr
  • Funny 1
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+1 why not add this to all Tech/Engineer jobs to enhance the class a little and give them a unique weapon? Also maybe nerf it a bit.

Edited by Snow

Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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Just now, Joah said:

Why would a clone use this as a weapon..?

-1. Looks like more resources that the server doesn't need has no lore evidence of use.

I mean it wasn’t ever meant to be a weapon. In lore it was meant to cut certain materials that blades  couldn’t get through as well as serve as a mining tool. The plasma cutter is also used to help split pipes and other certain engineering tasks. 

But in times of need it could be used as a weapon. Anything could be used as a weapon, like for example no one ever thought that scrap guns could work, yet Trandoshans found a way to use them. 

Its just something cool tech could have altered into a weapon as well as a tool.

Former: Liaison


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1 minute ago, Joah said:

@Pythin Looks like more server resources put into a tool people will use as a weapon 100% of the time.

Don’t get me wrong it is a weapon, however I’m just stating that it has RP additions to it as well. 

Former: Liaison


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Also I would like to point out that’s Tech could have made something like this either way.

Tech was very skilled in areas that involved engineering or Technical specialties. He could of crafted something like this to be used on missions as well as a weapon in certian scenarios 

Former: Liaison


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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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gonna have to -1 this brother, it's a deadspace weapon that you linked, and I can't really find any relevant lore to backup that this was a thing Tech would use given the nature of Bad Batch and the type of field work they would be doing. IDK man just doesn't strike me as a good idea. Seems like just a high damage weapon that will break immersion with it's model and end up removed down the line for that reason

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