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Rogue’s server resignation

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So after being a master for a while I have been just forcing myself to get on the sever and I thought hanging out with SOBDE would make the server feel less like a chore but that had very little effect so I’m just gonna cut this now before I put myself in another position that I’m just gonna hate getting to not be removed from it so yea here’s some goodbyes

@Quill Khan you helped me a lot when I was feeling like dying back when this all started you were a great rex those 2 times and a good friend thank you POGGERS

@Andrews53 you were the man that helped me a lot through out the Jedi order as being my branch lead most of the time and by doing all those god dam ahsoka trials with me (still get PTSD about them) I was very sad when you left for MRP, who know maybe you can teach me how to arma 3 :)

@Bbstine take good care of my branch or I will come back and cut you

@Marvel your a good boi and those couple weeks you were in 501st you did a great job MonkaW (still wondering how in the hell your a HA)

@Korm when you dropped kal just to come help out omega so I didn’t have to go for niner was very nice and you did a great job as niner and I thank you for that

@Venom/TJ let’s play siege some more you greeny boi, I remember back when you me and Andrews each took 4 trials and week and we went on strike 

@ttv.TheMedicTV you used to frighten me when your were grandma and you were the man who put me up for master and now we play siege funny how thing work like that

(If I didn’t @ you I may edit this if I remember more)


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o7 Rogue. You were good boy.











(if ur getting this message. Chambers has my family hostage. He is forcing me to be an HA for the server and if I don’t do it he’s gonna kill em! Plz send help asap)


i am literally captain tukk

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