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What cheers you up?


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I’m currently stressing over college work and i’m getting like hella depressed. How do you get over your overwhelming feeling or depression due to like work/school...etc?

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

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What cheers me up is the amount of edginess I see right now. "Watching my enemies suffer" Meaning the NPCs you kill in a Gmod SWRP server? "Russian Roulette" Have you actually ever played? 

LMAO, I get the whole trying to sound cool thing but sometimes it comes off as cringe. I'm not trying to be a dick but it's funny.

But all seriousness, the people that I get to talk to everyday and play a game with other people that have the same interests as myself. That's what cheers me up, and it should cheer you up too. It's not the class that I have, or the amount of credits I have, it's the people. I could be a CT for all I care and I'd still be happy running around with a bunch o' nerds.

Love you nerds.

Edited by Zest
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2 minutes ago, Zest said:

What cheers me up is the amount of edginess I see right now. "Watching my enemies suffer" Meaning the NPCs you kill in a Gmod SWRP server? "Russian Roulette" Have you actually ever played? 

LMAO, I get the whole trying to sound cool thing but sometimes it comes off as cringe. I'm not trying to be a dick but it's funny, plus facts don't care about your feelings kek.

Lol wtf is wrong with you man 

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2 minutes ago, Zest said:

What do you mean "like that". Like, being real with people? lol

MAN that's not being real lol THIS is all memes like ALL OF RP is cringy do you expect people to not reply like that like what the actual hell do you think tbh and if it's cringy why do you care why are you even replying or playing

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I try to do things that relax me. I read, watch a video, or talk with friends. I am pretty outgoing so it's usually not hard. Issue is the things you are struggling with are very real and can be serious. Best way to deal with it is to reach out and seek professional help. A lot of schools offer free counseling. Overall, just do what makes you happy.

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I make stuff in SFM or work on maps for gmod when i'm bored or stressed or need something to do, helps out a lot to just do something.

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Making fun of my fellow defective loners and tucking in my homies at night. Forcing people to listen to my shitty music. Also playing a video game where I get to walk around for hours on end cuz I've got nothing better to do.

Edited by Poe
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327th Papa


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Bly x2

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