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Prophet's - Operation Greenhorse


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Name: Prophet

Who helped (If applicable): Silver, Gaster, Nick, Synyster 

Event Name: Operation Greenhorse

Summary of the story: There are two very high ranking CIS personnel (one vice admiral, and one senator) on board a frigate with a fleet escort . The fleet is just above the planet Korriban, and on that planet, is a CIS base, but it has a secret room, a data center that contains the ship location that the admiral and senator are at. So the republic will try to break into the base and clear it out, as well as securing the data center, but the base also contains civilians, the republic under no circumstance are to fire at them, otherwise they will be court marshaled. After the republic finds out which ship they need to board, they get back on the LAAT and head to the ship, while an acclamator commanded by the republics rear admiral, begins to provide cover and suppression fire for the LAAT to board uninterrupted. Once inside the ship they will attempt to capture the VIP’s and bring them back to the FOB.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic took the Base and got the data so fast, that the CIS was really unprepared to fend them on the ship, so the vice admiral and senator got captured as a result. Mission success.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up oriented

DISCLAIMER: This is my first ever event server deployment, so please understand that I'm new to making event server events. So please take it into consideration when rating my AAR please, I'm really trying to not screw up.

Edited by Prophet. Jr
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9/10, it was one of the best deployments this week. Your preperation was well worth the wait. Also, regarding to some battalions, you guys completely ignored the EJ pilot. He volunteered to help and Prophet didn't want him to go to waste. I've seen his document for pre-planning. He just wanted Nick to have a fun time as an EJ. You took his LAAT, and just flew around going "whoop de doo." You even flew to another fucking planet which wasn't even a part of the event. You guys had no fun doing jack shit because you chose to do jack shit when we took away the LAAT from you guys. Be happy that you were actually deployed instead of Recon.

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I don't like to do low scores, but this seemed a tad ambitious if this was the first deployment the GM has ever done.

Too many battalions were deployed, and there were no specific orders for any of the battalions except SOBDE, on which the main objectives were given to.

The GM did above state that he was not prepared for how quickly the troopers would push, you should always have a backup plan in case Plan A Fails. Adapting is a requirement to be a good GM in the future. If something doesn't go according to plan, change the script.

Make sure if there are roles available to do jobs, they should be doing those jobs. Don't force everything on one unit, that's the point of deploying multiple units at once.

Finally, make sure you make the most of what you have to work with. Make sure the people you choose are capable of doing said job. Get creative, make sure everyone knows what to do and everything EC and GH-wise is sorted and organized. They are there to help, but in the end you are the one who makes the final word.

Mistakes are part of being human, just learn from them and make yourself better in the future. Hope to see more quality content in the future.

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-After every reg. get's assigned to a duty, turns to specialized battalions and says "Specialized battalions just do whatever."

-Assigned SOBDE to a hostage situation when 104th and a Wolfpack was present and assigned to the deployment

-Assigned a game helper to a 104th pilot job, yelled at our pilot LEAD when he tried to do his job.

-Turned into a cluster-fuck  with a general lack of organization.

-Only positive was the event job getting sucker punched off of the DB stage.

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9 minutes ago, Moros said:


-After every reg. get's assigned to a duty, turns to specialized battalions and says "Specialized battalions just do whatever."

-Assigned SOBDE to a hostage situation when 104th and a Wolfpack was present and assigned to the deployment

-Assigned a game helper to a 104th pilot job, yelled at our pilot LEAD when he tried to do his job.

-Turned into a cluster-fuck  with a general lack of organization.

-Only positive was the event job getting sucker punched off of the DB stage.

Its kinda hard when nobody on the server listens to nobody, When 104th Takes matters into their own hand and steals a Ship from our designated Pilot, and overall just questions our leadership.

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11 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

Its kinda hard when nobody on the server listens to nobody, When 104th Takes matters into their own hand and steals a Ship from our designated Pilot, and overall just questions our leadership.

Shouldn't have anyone getting priority over an actual Pilot. His whole job is to fly and it was handed to someone else who isn't a pilot. Like I said communication wasn't good.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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11 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Shouldn't have anyone getting priority over an actual Pilot. His whole job is to fly and it was handed to someone else who isn't a pilot. Like I said communication wasn't good.

Communication was good you guys just decided from the beginning not to listen. And the Pilot was for guiding would you have been able to know what planet to go to? No i didnt think so. Now leave it.

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Just now, Josh Schneider said:

Communication was good you guys just decided from the beginning not to listen. And the Pilot was for guiding would you have been able to know what planet to go to? No i didnt think so. Now leave it.

LOL communicate with the pilot so he knows what planet to go to.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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Solid idea that could have been a bit better if people didn’t rush. 


I was the one who sucker punched Bruiser off the stage in DB at the end, so I’m glad I brought some enjoyment to the event lmao

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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I know this is pretty late to be posting, but I usually avoid +1/-1 for events.

TBH I could not get this event out of my mind. 



We deploy to the event server (Awesome very rare we get to, let alone CTs getting deployed!!!!) 


Briefing > 

We all get on LAATs and fly to location >

fight npcs while SOBDE hack everything and capture enemy>

oh no ambush > fight like 15 more NPCs > Laats come back and we go to DB

So far its probably taken me longer to type this up then how long the actual mission part of the event lasted.

we shot some NPCs and ran around, great I could go do that on the main server.


The purpose of the Event server is to develop a super cool event that couldn't be done on the main server, something special that gets players excited for deployments,  something that makes it worth the wait.


But when you throw together a TERRIBLE event like that it discourages me, and probably other players from wanting to get on and participate because they are so bad. To put it into perspective this event is like the time waste quests in Bethesda games where you go and loot the same chests and fight the same enemies for some gold/caps/money. Except what you did was took those time waste quests and turned them into the MAIN STORY. You made an event that is meant to be held on main at 1am for the few people on to give them something to do, and tried to make it a prime time event server event.


What I dont get (to the people that gave a +1) if this was not considered a "bad" event then what is considered a bad event? 


gonna go into the specifics now, since I think my random typing rant is over.


- Pilots, I dont really care if pilots get to fly or not (cause im not a pilot) but in the end it is the purpose of their job, when positions such as flying are allocated to staff it just pulls a player away from the event who otherwise would have a good time taking command of a bird.

- Plot, ? we went to capture some enemies at a base and SOBDE had to hack some data and stuff. That sounds like an encounter more than it sounds like an event server event. Add meaning to the event, why was it important that we captured those people, what data was needed. Cause based on the NPC count that data and those 'prolific' people were not that important, otherwise they would have allocated a TON more resources. Maybe we get to the laats but realize that some of the data is missing or there is one more VIP that needs to be captured and we go somewhere else (dont make event server events last 15 minutes). expand on it, maybe one of our officers gets capped and now we need negotiations for release, or we can just attack the enemy base and save them. Linear boring plots are never fun, when choice is given it adds that extra value, should we risk losing more men and attack the base or negotiate with CIS? The plot carries the event sometimes and really makes it more than what was expected ( especially when the players involved get creative)

- One Life, I'm an absolute sucker for one life events, gotta love them! BUT, when only like 2 people die, is it really even a one life event? When you make one life events hella difficult we value our lives, which makes it more of a survive and complete mission than run and gun and complete mission. Then when you introduce options like the negotiations or base attack, where we could successfully talk and compromise on an exchange for our guy, but we lose something, or go in guns blazing with the risk of a high casualty rate. GIVE MEANING TO ONE LIFE.

-  Battalion roles, similar to the pilots, battalions have different roles, and when you step away and ignore those roles not only do those battalions complain, but it gets confusing because then you have several battalions fighting to do something, when you could just assign stuff at the start and if a battalion needs help they can call for another to come assist.

- Effective and quick briefings and deployment, when the briefing alone takes almost as long as the actual deployment it becomes a problem. When you host an event server event you want everything ready to fire. This is the Briefing, here are the laats, pilots are going here, boom we are here done. instead we drag out super long briefings because the goal is not clearly mapped out enough, LAAT deployment should be fast, instead you have 2 battalions that didn't even get on a laat and had to sit at the spawn for another 5 min waiting for another one to arrive, event was already 1/2 way over for them. We want to fight, participate in the mission, the bulk of the time should be spent doing those things, not talking and waiting around to do those things. 


- Experience, I know you're new and im probably making you depressed because of how much I am ripping into you, but you've seen events happen hundreds of times and you should be able to think hey, is this a repetitive boring event that everyone will get upset about, or will I be the GM that people get excited for when I host and event? Because right now you just seem another repetitive GM who will get little attention payed to their work because of the lacking creativity. Inevitably I dont think that it being your first time can really be used as an excuse. You've had the training (time as a GH) and you applied and thought you had what it takes to move up. But I dont think you do have what it takes, of course time resolves everything and you can prove me wrong (which I hope you do because I would love to see more good events) but as of right now I am left with a horrible impression of your work.


Events as a whole - The purpose of the event is to engage the players, give them a battle, or an intense rp situation, something to keep their attention. The best events are the ones I just play and dont want it to end, I want to keep fighting, rping, PLAYING. If you really want to kill events I'd honestly recommend talking to @Daytona211 his events in an old community of mine were fa-nominal and each one was different than the next, sure they had similar concepts, but he made it exciting, had us wondering what would happen next. And most importantly he was organized, was quick about things and got us into the mission asap. 


gonna be real here chief I just spent about an hour typing all of this up, was it worth it, probably not, was it necessary, yes. I never want to see an event like this again.


Edited by Sock Monkey
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@Sock Monkey
Publicly destroys GM team using facts and logic 



Disclaimer: This is a joke take it as one. We all have events that are not our best but we can learn and grow from them. I have had plenty of shitty events 

  • Funny 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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