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Everything posted by SquishyFishyy

  1. Systems that make the server run itself. I know this is wild to say but random encounters. Not something you need to start a quest for or something like that. Like randomly walking around the base and a bug crawls out of the event or something... Things to keep people on their toes and non complacent. truthfully that's always been the thing that kills gmod for me is in between events everyone is AFK sitting around. There needs to be things just happening the world needs to feel alive. I know that might not be possible or very hard in gmod but IF theres a way to make random shit happen and i mean RANDOM... no gm, staff, or players setting it up. Then that would make the server bar none LEAGUES ahead of every other server on gmod... Icefuse and Superior would look like shit if there was a way to do that. Please keep in mind just spitballing an idea here and I don't know jack shit about LUA. But if it's possible I will learn LUA to help this server get this system rolling. IDGAF how long it takes me to learn LUA I will actively give my time and effort for free to this server to get a system like that going.
  2. I love how everyone is saying -1 like it's a vote.. it kinda already happened loool But I do agree with everyone else this is really limiting and also nothing to differentiate council and master when I specifically separated them as Yoda so that's kinda weird
  3. I'll change my vote to a +1 I spoke to you a bit and you are telling me that you have no plans to change the good systems set in place... I do hope this to be true I really do. Good luck.
  4. I have absolutely no idea what your plans are with the order from this app. Sure I may not play anymore and truthfully I don't really mind who gets the position as a full yoda after me. But I would still personally like to see ideas, goals, and plans. And with this theres really none of it. It seems like one of those apps where you say what people want to hear. This really doesn't need to be in the app because its what you should be doing regardless and really doesn't need to be stated. At this very moment even though I doubt my vote matters anymore its gonna be a -1 from me dog. How does anyone know youre not just going to revert everything I did in my term which people seem to think was a positive thing. No one knows what you want to do besides the things you should be doing.
  5. by creating a new faction that is dividing the player base more... currently those players will do this as freelance / friendly bounty hunter. You are then taking them away from that bounty hunter faction and putting them into a new faction there for dividing the playerbase from bounty hunter and putting them in a civilian faction. this is exactly what im trying to say in dividing the player base more youre making another group out of something that kind of already exists and can be fleshed out there. The server does not need more factions right now at all....
  6. Lol yeah because the server needs more things to divide the player base at the moment... just throw this some how under friendly bounty hunters and it'd work very similarly plenty of people play civilians as bounty hunters already and dont even take bounties.
  7. So lets say you do get this position and you are able to fill people in the BCMD and RCMD positions. How do you plan to keep them there? That seems to be the bigger issue from what I can tell. People want these positions but with current server health it seems people get burned out very quickly. How do you plan to keep these people motivated to stay in these positions?
  8. +1 This should have always been a thing.... Some staff dont wanna be gms and some gms dont wanna be staff.... For the most part its like that
  9. Im just gonna say the biggest demotivator for me was the AFK.... I would hop on the server see like 12 people on in the morning and theyre all sitting in the jedi temple or standing AFK in bunks.... I get on an RP server too RP and seeing a number which is basically just 0 makes me log off... I ended up resigning because of IRL but yeah the AFK was very demotivating I dont wanna log on the server see everyone AFK and then what do i do? AFK too? No I can do something much better with my time.
  10. +1 youve been windu twice now its your turn to be yoda and I trust you to continue taking the order in a good direction and continue making it better! You were there when i needed help and i appreciate that a lot!
  11. Thank's I appreciate you and I will still be around in the master / little green friends chat if you guys need me lol
  12. Thank you that means a lot... tried my best and honestly feel like I didn't do enough sadly.
  13. lol appreciate you haha im not really playing games right now ill hop on world of warcraft to run a dungeon and then get back to homework lol that's about it though.
  14. Appreciate you and enjoyed all the fun we had late nights on the old map. I don't think I will ever forget spamming music while you flew that LAAT and shot things for like an hour lol Appreciate you more than you know! I will definitely reach out every so often see how youre doing and I will hop on the server every so often :)
  15. that actually means more than you know tbh I didn't think I was doing enough one day bro I will be back but I was honestly addicted to this server and was skipping assignments to get things done here.
  16. Battalion: Jedi RP Name: Yoda Date: 9/27/2022 Reason: So I just took an LOA I finally got caught up on school and everything is good. However I am now only at 18 hours in the last 2 weeks. This means that I am going to have to grind again to get back up to my hour requirements which i may have fallen behind in school again doing that because honestly this server was like an addiction for me. Goodbyes: Alright so this is it im resigning from everything. For those of you that I don't tag just know this doesn't mean any ill will towards you I am wanting to focus on school and make sure I get good grades this semster and my DMs are always open if anyone wants to add me SquishyFishy#0001 For those of you that think you can't do anything. I was jedi for 5 months before I got Yoda and I had a lot of haters and still did it. Honestly the best tip I can give you guys is if you have worries about something like that set yourself up with a cushy fall back something that will make you happy if you don't get the position because then you won't worry as much. @ClutchI am glad to have had you as my windu you really helped me when I asked for it and were there for me as Luminara when I was Barriss as well. You really helped me more than you know. @ConradYou were there when I had stupid questions and realized I am my own biggest critic which you were able to help me out better. I appreciate you a lot and actually looked up to you on the server if I am being honest. @Xaze I know I am leaving on the wrong foot with you besides the few arguments we've had honestly you've done some pretty crazy shit on this server keep it up! @Gears I left senate with the reasons I gave you but I still respected you and appreciated you and even though C9 is way better than FNATIC it's ok we can still be friends haha. You 4 keep the Jedi afloat. I am sorry I couldn't do more in the order I really am and I hope that I left it in a decent enough spot to get the ball rolling. I believe you guys can get shit going in the right direction and that's why I let Xaze and Gears be voted on for the positions even though it states Yoda chooses the overseers. @Lovestruck @BlueBeetle First of all beetle consider this my resignation from staff lol. But yeah you 2 were with me in rebuilding the consular branch to the powerhouse it is today. Although ya know imma take most of that credit :p because ya know 80+ trials haha. Thanks to you 2 for being there for me. I vented to you guys a lot and I always thought it was funny that you beetle had plans to be Yoda at one point and said you'd make me Windu looool look at you now not an active Eeth Koth lol. Lovestruck you were there to let me vent and I appreciate you for that a lot more than you know. @MasonAThe only british person that wasn't a huge dick to me <3 love ya buddy LOOOOL I think this is everyone I got for now if I missed you and you respond to this don't worry I will respond to your message on this post. If there is anything I will leave you guys with is remember this is a video game. I struggled to forget that at times and got way too worked up and ended up forgetting about school because I honestly cared too much about my reputation on this server and knowing people disliked me I was still trying to get them to be ok with me. I wish I learned sooner that fuck the haters but don't be dicks back lol. If you are going for a leadership position IT IS A LOT MORE WORK!!!!!! I knew it was going to be hard as Yoda but people were telling me that they were going to leave if we didn't get a Yoda so honestly, I didn't want the position I was going for it in hopes that if I got Yoda less people would leave than if we didn't have one and all I wanted was the best for the order. I am really sorry I couldn't do more for the order and I hope I left it in a decent state. Don't worry about reaching out to me if you guys have any questions. I will hop on here and there but I am not looking for any type of commitment on this server for the time being..... Maybe I will just become a forums old head and cry about the good ol days all day lol
  17. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62093210 RP Name: Yoda Battalion: Jedi Who is in command until you return?: Clutch Length of Absence: 7 days Additional Info: Ok, So I am going to explain myself here. I have taken some LOAs recently here.... However every LOA and ROA ive taken I was still focused on the server. Even during my grandma's funeral. I am getting so stressed and frustrated lately that I need a break. I have asked Jayarr to remove my access to see the master + chats in the discord and such so I can force myself to take an actual LOA for the first time since literally february. I hope you all understand but I am 100% going to avoid the server come back refreshed and be ready to push forward with jedi!
  18. its not randomized lol if it is its extremely rare... i think its based on spawn in because since release of this change ive only had it not be 6 seconds 1 time..
  19. I don't think twitch self promotion should be a perma ban imo. I think the advertisement rule should mainly be for other gmod servers and communities that their intentions are to steal members. A twitch link what's he gonna do? Have people put his stream on in the background or afk while watching it. Twitch streams are in no way malicious! I vote +1 let this person come back!
  20. +1 lol. Nah we talked and I think you will be able to do the palpatine position well!
  21. I personally feel overwhelmed. I feel like everything I do is for the best interest of Jedi but it still feels like its not enough which makes me extremely overwhelmed and burned out. I have people to help but at the end of the day I feel like it all falls back on me if anything goes wrong.
  22. Looking for people to add on Duolingo that actually use it. I get motivated by trying to do more and I know other people also get motivated similarly to competition. If anyone is looking for someone to help push them we can kind of base it on XP. If you would like to add me its SquishyFishy16 on duolingo or let me know your name.
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