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Everything posted by Seabass

  1. +1 very active member of the server and would make a great staff member
  2. 5/5/5 Was an origional event idea and i had fun
  3. Definitly something nice to add, even if it just starts as a basic system and over time changes to a more complex one, it would be cool to have on the server
  4. 5/5/5 Commadner doohickey
  5. Silly put up an LOA for a month, and was gone for that time with a medical issue, he was not in discord, game, or teamspeak for this time and had a planned LOA, you must be thinking of someone else. +1 I cant say enough about how much silly contributes to the batallion in almost every aspect, from intel, to TC, to being a commander, and helping 332nd, Getting BCMD would greatly move the 501st in a positive directon, i dont think 501st would be as successful as it is without silly. Also, in the month silly was gone, communication with jedi/jedi officers was at an all time low, now that silly has returned, communication has improved, but still things to work on. Having silly as a BCMD would help this a ton as he is the bridge between jedi officers and 501st officers.
  6. With the removal of SO i feel mixed on this suggestion, neutral for now but leaning towards -1.
  7. Comms roleplay aswell as just passive RP and during deployments off the top of my head, and the amazing work leading tc has been shown from many deployments, trainings, events, and communication with members of the batallion in the past few months. At the time, communication with TC wasn't as good as it is now, sure a ping would've worked, but the meeting was more of to catch up with everything in TC, pretty much half of TC was chosen that week so a meeting to discuss things wouldn't hurt. I understand this part, but drage is one of the most active commanders and does an amazing job in leading the 501st and TC with events and deployments. I can't imagine anyone else in this position personally, no disrespect
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