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Everything posted by Korm

  1. Korm


    Name: Trykk Govorst | Korm RP Rank: Jedi Master | Old Man Suggestion: Adding Delta 7's from LSF packs to the Event server for more pogu flying. Implementation: ^ Lore: Commonly referred to as the Jedi starfighter, was a starfighter model designed by Kuat Systems Engineering and used by the Jedi Order before and during the Clone Wars. The variant Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also used by the Jedi during the Clone Wars Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=947544869 If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Slots: Description: Model: Other: Delta 7's! They have multiple colors so Mace, Plo and other lore jedi's have their starfighter! Tested in SP, works fine IMO. Kind of like the ETA-5's we have. Not sure how they'd match up on a server tho. if It was discussed before I was gone for a few months and returned about 2 months ago so ye. <3
  2. I got to fly as Jedi and shoot people as my clone. Also RP 10/10
  3. Korm

    New main map!

    That's perfectly fine.
  4. We need to come together as a community and have fun. We need to do like @Marvel said and actually talk and RP with eachother. The past month I've been super active on my clone and Jedi. I've been offering comms rp and vocal RP. I want more of it. I'm hoping we can fix it, but no one can do it alone. We need to do it together.
  5. The server is a good place for me to escape reality. Like any other game. I am a bit upset at the style of events. We need more variety. More multi battalion deployments. Stop favoritism of the battalions the GM's are in or like. This is a bad thing for the rest of the battalions that aren't often deployed. As part of my perks I get to do events on occasion, and as such I will. You can count on me to do some Jedi deployments, get some 41st some action. Send my 104th boys in with tanks to support 501st during a charge, ect. But as it stands now, most deployments / and main events are "send 501st/212th/21st to dagobah." Leaving everyone on the base screwed. Some GM's and Encounter hosts do the people on base justice but not fully. I think this is a good reason in the declining numbers in some battalions. I'm working hard in CG, and Jedi. I'm tired, I wanna do something else but I can't. They need my help and the server could use some higher quality events. So 104th boys, Grandpa korm is here to help, as well as anyone be it naval, jedi or bh that needs my help. I'll do it. It'll be hard but I'll do it. <3
  6. Korm

    Alec's Wolffe App

    I've worked with Alec since 2017. He's a good lad. Hell, i remember he didn't wanna talk at first but now he talks all the time. +1
  7. I see a lot of rodians. Most of the new padawans are rodians.
  8. If it sparkles and pleases. We can get rid of a few. Like Umbaran skin, why umbaran jedi? Lul. We can yeet the masked battle lord skin, it's not ever used. and I'm sure we can find 1 or 2 more.
  9. Korm

    New main map!

    So a - 1 for main man, how about event map? it is in the post.
  10. Korm

    New main map!

    This isn't going to be added for awhile. So we'll be here on Titan base for like another 3-6 months, then it's a good time for a change.
  11. Korm

    New main map!

    There's render distance for sure. https://i.gyazo.com/11749ca3ff55a0b55c09430ee2a1e19e.mp4
  12. Korm

    New main map!

    Unless this is what you mean https://i.gyazo.com/9357e0a4ed11d0c025466a56f0555a8b.mp4
  13. Korm

    New main map!

    @Jayarr Nothing seems to be dissapearing when I run in and out of the "bunks" door way" with mat_wireframe 1 on This happens, if that's what you mean. https://i.gyazo.com/9357e0a4ed11d0c025466a56f0555a8b.mp4
  14. Korm

    New main map!

    My only other issue is there are no CSR rooms, but we can improvise. We're smart. And as I said. I'm willing to pay 50 or 100 USD to get some added or something.
  15. Korm

    New main map!

    Name: Korm | Thire | Trykk RP Rank: Oldman | 2ndLT | Jedi Adept Suggestion: Either switching the main map to this, or adding it as an event map for some epic city siege events. I'd prefer the first. Implementation: Making this the main map or a sweet event map (which would feel like a waste) Lore: Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. During the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, it was ruled by Queen Breha Organa and represented in the Galactic Senate by her husband, Senator Bail Organa. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2117764384 Other: I absolutely love this map. It’s epic. It’s huge. It’s gorgeous, it has cool stuff everywhere. I only have 1 concern on spawn points, since there isn’t any room in the ‘main’ base but there is some to the side. I’ve recorded everything. Here is a video. Excuse the quality, I don’t record in 1080p and excuse my voice and stuff, I was super tired when doing this. Credit to @Forseen for the original idea a few months ago before it was taken down but it's back now. The skybox is huge so Pilots can fly. The map is huge so vehicles won't feel absolutely useless. There's literally tons of things that can be epic on this map in my opinion, I showed the video to @Freck and he loves it. There's a sweet spot for BH's. A nice little underwater base for some cool RP to happen, A senate building for some more passive RP. My only issue, again, is bunks. The only place I can see legit for them is the big building with multiple floors, but it'll take some battalions ages to get down, unless we let them have their tacs down on the bottom floor or inside the building. The Jedi temple is absolutely lovely. It's yuge, has multiple rooms for things. The brig in the Jedi temple can be used for RP so temple guards feel useful again. Gates require two people to open them. I recommend checking it out via singleplayer if you don't wanna listen to my idiot voice. We can also get the VMF from the main author to make edits, or ask/pay him to do it. I'm personally willing to chip in about 50-100 dollars to get some edits made.
  16. Idk how a pod got into GR, but I did slice and dice rp on it with a padawan and saved the day. pog 6/10 wasn't there for all of it as I got ace trained and passed :D
  17. Name: Korm | Thire | Trykk RP Rank: Grandpa | 2ndLT | Knight Adept Suggestion: Rishi moon! Summer! Implementation: Summer vacation on rishimoon! for events. Lore: It's a planet on star wars, and we've been there before. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1678071372 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1678060851 If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Slots: Description: Model: Weapons: Other: Lmk if you have any questions
  18. Name: Trykk Govorst RP Rank: Knight Adept Suggestion: Putting a Mon Calamari skin for Padawans/knights/masters. Implementation: ^ Lore: Many species of the galaxy were force sensitive, so why not? Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1834690854 If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: Jedi_padawan / Jedi_knight / Jedi_master Slots: Current Description: Current. Model: models/player/grady/starwars/mon_cala_padawan.mdl models/player/suno/beta/mon_calamari_knight.mdl models/player/grady/starwars/mon_cala_master.mdl Weapons: Whatever is current. Other: Fish folk! They have all the body groupers our current jedi models have.
  19. 7/10 us sentinel's got into the monolith super early, lmao was fun tho
  20. You did fine for a small "relief mission" 6/10
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