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Everything posted by Bananaberry

  1. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  2. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  3. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  4. 9/10 Actual roleplay event for SOBDE very nice. Much enjoy
  5. Bananaberry


    Suggestion voided //locked //moved to denied
  6. -1 When the weapon system changed the RCMD kits were made to match their regiment style, giving them all westar kinda takes away from that.
  7. +1 Looking around the map things look good. Room for pilots to actually do their thing, new areas to explore, patrol, and do events with, an actual place for space dogfights. There are some small issues like Naffen said but it looks like an all around nice map.
  8. @Canno_n This isn't really something that should be suggested but something that should be in bug reports. I went ahead and edited your post and moved it to bug reports. This is something that should be fixed though.
  9. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  10. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  11. +1 You've changed a good amount for the better I'd like to see how you do in a high command position
  12. Suggestion denied I think it's pretty self explanatory why //locked //moved to denied
  13. Bananaberry


    Suggestion denied 9.) If a suggestion is denied, one must wait 60 days before it can be posted again. //locked //moved to denied
  14. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  15. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  16. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  17. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  18. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  19. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  20. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  21. Bananaberry

    DC-17m Buff

    Suggestion denied 9.) If a suggestion is denied, one must wait 60 days before it can be posted again. //locked //moved to denied
  22. I will continue to send memes as long as I have a way to message you
  23. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
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