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Everything posted by Dono

  1. what kind of music do you already listen to?
  2. This would be a huge dub for the gm team. Having these models could make events so much more immersive and amazing to be in. +1
  3. I see ppl rp on Roblox without any voice chat and create better experiences then Synergy does 50% of the time passively. Having genuine in character interactions with people is so much fun and underrated. Gmod RP has the consistency of something to do in game that other rp games like Arma 3 lack. The potential to be entertained consistently is so much higher but its often thrown out the window. I tend to side on the ideals of semi serious rp where fun is still allowed but when rp occurs ppl are expected to reciprocate rp with rp. Instead you can just have ppl here tell you to fuck off, "I dont need to rp" and walk away. If you join a RP server and tell everyone that tries to rp around you to screw off..... you shouldn't play on the rp server...... thats my hot take. I think the mentality on Synergy can be very anti RP, especially on Main server. Its so bad that many of the GM leadership team just dont even do main server events and only focus on event server deployments. As it stands now from my perspective the best time to do rp is on event server when your pulled away and isolated from the other 70 players on main.
  4. Brian Limmond + 1 its a great mission with a fantastic layout. would be a cool map
  5. Dono


    Name: dono Who helped (If applicable): embark, drew Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): subjugator flagship blew up anaxes. Turned into a full server deployment w/ 50 players Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:
  6. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  7. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  8. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  9. Name: Dono RP Rank: Commander Suggestion: Create a Pitch angle indicator for LFS like shown in the lfs addon below. Why? : The update where a mortar system would come out was probably one of the most interesting additions that was going to be pushed onto the server. Obviously that didnt work so instead we should use what we already have on the server to implement the capability of a mortar. The AV-7 is literally a giant artillery gun. The biggest flaw of the AV-7 is that there is no indicator as the gunner what angle you are aiming the gun at. With an actual angle for the gun, you can actually form a range table for how far the AV-7 shoots at what angle - you have effectively created a fully functional artillery gun that can be shot across the map and hit a target with precision. Spotters will actually become useful and be able to direct fire from the AV-7 utilizing the distance indicator on the suit zoom mod and their compass. We don't need the mortar addon to have indirect fire, just a small hud fix and we have obtained the basic concept of the mortar. Yes the mortar would have been phenomenal, but its clearly never going to happen for whatever reason, this would at least give us something else to play with instead. Implementation: Design a angle indicator for the AV-7 / for all LFS vehicles on the server. Lore: vertical indicator Workshop content if applicable: Requires development https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2049972569
  10. So what your saying is that I need to put another suggestion in on the forums in order to get that damn vertical angle indicator implemented?
  11. more like the book of job
  12. It says it was implemented but I am 90% sure its not on the server. The vertical angle indicator is absolutely amazing for lfs. Its the best way to turn the av-7 into the mortar that we never could have. @Forseen@Jad
  13. +1 this would be amazing for taking screenshots or making videos. I wouldn’t have to load into a single player in order to make an event teaser video
  14. Dono

    docking gone wrong

    Name: dono Who helped (If applicable): bruise Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): docking station ended up being compromised by droids... providence was boarded too Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:
  15. Dono

    Dono - Gree App

    1: My plans with the 41st is to implement more meetings where ncos, SNCOs and officers get together to thoroughly discuss suggestions and improvements to the battalion. I don’t want anyone to feel that their opinion is being completely discarded because of their position. I have a very good understanding of what it feels like to have what you think is an amazing idea to only be faced with absolute rejection and 0 room for consideration. I will not allow anyone in the battalion to feel that their opinion is insignificant. 2: my plan to fix the minge ness is to become more strict on the office corp and mandate from the top-down more seriousness when it’s needed. Often times officers allow thing to go too far and I believe we need to start there. I do not want people to stop having fun, I only want to see more maturity when it’s important. The line in the sand is becoming muddled and a large fault is on the officers being too lax.
  16. Dono

    Goda's Gree App

    Idk If I’m allowed to plus one this but goda is an absolute G. I believe he is also fully capable to take this position.
  17. Dono

    Dono - Gree App

    A point based merit system has no plans to be implemented at all at this time. Only promotion requirements that actually gauge whether an nco is doing enough work to be promoted. The officer channel pinned messages has a rough outline of what we have been working on so please go check those. For SUP I will finish the system that was being implemented under me and pass on leadership to someone else.
  18. Dono

    Dono - Gree App

    The separation between EC and GC isn’t exactly a negative one. It just provides people the ability to choose to join GC who are more rp focused. My plan is to push GC as a more instructive sub unit where ncos in the subunit are training EC troopers, allowing EC to grow. The battalion does not want to change to a fully serious system, that’s not the 41st at all. My plan is to continue our mentality of staying lax when possible and serious when needed.
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