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Everything posted by Trall

  1. +1 He was just trying to get others to play on another server. I also want to mention others have sad stuff like join me on 'Example Server' just too play other games,is that banable clearly not as i don't see people getting banned when they say join me on TTT. Also CBlake, posted and @here everyone on the announcement. Also, it was not meant to cause damage and it did not cause any
  2. -1 The 212th battalion is doing fine the battalion is active and I’m sure that the most of the battalion would agree as well. sidenote-Curently he is on LOA and has been focusing on creating an updated intel program for the battalion therefore has been doing a lot of work outside of the game.
  3. -1 They are not CGI and before you say RM are not RM are getting CGI models
  4. +1 Your a great TR and do a lot for 212th so I am 100% sure that you will be a great Admin.Hope you get accepted!-Wooley
  5. Your name seems familiar but ayyy welcome
  6. -1 We already have the 2ndAC and NO LORE whatsoever
  7. -1 Whats the point of the hyperspace and its too big.
  8. +1 Your very active so I can see you being on a lot too make good events.And, wookiepedia exists so google any lore needed!
  9. +1 Who cares if you cant remember every detail about the clone wars as long as you can use wookiepedia quick and make good events everyone will be happy!
  10. Trall

    Replacing Maps

    +1 Lets retake Ryloth!
  11. Trall

    2ndAC Skins

  12. +1 Make it a new thing THEY WERE NOT CLONES
  13. Erm I was removed as a New Admin as well as kicked from the discord without being told or anything. Can someone explain what I did wrong.
  14. Trall

    Koval - mad boi

    +1 Sounds very detailed would love too see more events like this
  15. Trall


    +1 A massive cuck
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