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Everything posted by Aeon

  1. +1 Some Rotation is nice every once in a while
  2. I had a time between 2018-2019 where i would join back only for short times at a time since i had alot going on so i never really had time to get on. To answer your question about my fourm account i lost the credientials to my old account so i had to make a new one since in the three years between now and 2015 i never was active on the fourms And to answer your curiosity of me "either lying or something strange going on" i was never social on this server at the beginnning as i was younger and did not like to talk. i never really used the TS unless it was for events or sims. and i was always on 2-3 days a week. and back then i used multiple names between battalions since some of which i dont even remember anymore. The name i remember being was GM Thrax and RANCOR Thrax back on the venator So if that answers your questions your welcome and please let me know if you have others have a good day comics
  3. Aeon

    Holo (Anton)

    The ship was a good concept but almost impossible to breach, too many NPCs especially in the main hanger making RP almost impossible. after being arrested you flamethrower the entire brig and lock yourself into the brig to where it is impossible for anyone to breach it from the outside since the outside button on the map doesnt work Not trying to shit on your event just wanted to give input
  4. Aeon

    Holo (Anton)

    2, Good Plan....Executed Horribly also lots of asspull
  5. +1 More than Deserving for this position, conrad ive seen you fly through the ranks of the 501st and Staff in the little time ive been back. You Deserve this position more than anyone
  6. +1 just fill this slot already
  7. I do not have another steam account ive always used this account for this server
  8. Just got told updated hours
  9. RP Name:Aeon Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:52955685 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age:17 Timezone:Eastern Standard Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I Want to help the server in anyway i can to help it expand and grow. Ive played this server for a very long time, 5 Years in fact and in that time i have watch Synergy Mature and grow into the server it is today. I Wish to be apart of that growth, I want to make players who join back after not playing for months or even years to come back to a server where if they require assistance they will receive it in absolute no time and get a person who can solve any problem they might have. I want players to feel welcome onto a that can solve any problem that they have that isnt within their control. Staff has been a milestone i have been wanting to shoot for on this server for a very long time and i want to be a administrator to prove this application isnt just hot air. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I work very well in groups of people for projects or just overall team applicated events. I am very sociable and organized i take others needs before my own and never think about myself. I am very charismatic with conversations and situations. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Owner of two DarkRP Servers Head Staff on a TTT Server Moderator on DarkRP How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:130
  10. +1 Deserving of this position
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