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Posts posted by Noble

  1. +1 

    MY time bas on synergy hasn't been the longest, but iv been around long enough to see both really good and really bad Yoda's. Super has fallen more onto the good side. I consistently see him on and his respect for not just his council and masters but the jedi as a whole is a nice change.  While going for palpy is a big step, i beleive super has what it takes to fill those shoes and do a good job.

    • Friendly 1
  2. Bug Type (Server:): Cell Escaping 

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

    Evidence (if you can): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R2Ys1idwv8r7vh6Bc_STmgEdqmWhTB9Q/view?usp=drive_link

    Description of the bug: Can ALT+E and escape from cell

    How can we recreate it: Video provided shows evidence, can ALT+E on the closest corner you can at the top of the stairs. Hit keys to run backwards towards rayshield as you stand up then spam jump crouch

  3. RP Name: Noble/ 332nd SGM Noble

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58082724

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 30... Fuck me, I'm old I know

    Timezone: EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: HA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: With personal issues with both mental health and my taking job me to varying countries, HC and myself at the time saw fit I resigned and took time to myself.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Honestly, I miss creating challenging simulations for everyone to compete in and do. I miss helping out the community behind the scenes and would like to get back into it. It's been great playing these recent weeks and connecting with both old and new friends again. As well as being able to help the community, it helps in greater strides to assist both 501st and the jedi order by being able to place dupes, spawn droids, tryouts etc., As well I believe you can never have to many people around to help in that aspect.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): Overall I believe my time went relatively well, I helped decently with both the GM and recruitment programs. It may of gotten a little rocky towards the end but hey, its been 3 almost 4 years since then. Through that time iv reflected and I see Alotta things different than I did back then.  Conclusively I feel I could've done worse, but at the same time I could've done better.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

  4. Due to recent events I don't feel I have a place on the server anymore. I wont go into details as its not needed and drama is retarded. 
    Iv made so many outstanding friends during my time on synergy and I'm glad that I have. 


    I guess ill say a few farewells: 
    @Beastly You where one of my first and closest friends on the server as well as the Ahsoka I took over after.
    @Cronis You as well where on of my first friends here and still remain one of my closest.

    @Baron Keep HMC Secure. HMC is life. You're counted among my best friends. Take care of bob. 

    @Freck I know you don't play anymore but you're a good dude and we had a lot of good times

    @Bud congrats man you got rex. Don't kill 501st and keep doing a good job both on the clone and staff side of things. 

    @Fyi We had a long road from when you came back and went for SOBDE reg to now as you as MCMD and HA. Keep up the good work. Youre a good friend
    @Bleach you're a dumbass but i love ya man.

    @Shockpoint Oh boy, its been awhile huh? You've come so far and achieved GMD. We had a lot of good memories and ill remember them. Keep it up and keep the GM program strong. 

    @Conrad We made a good team as Anakin and Rex. Hope life is going good for you. 

    @Bbstine You're built different

    @Woeny Ill keep in touch. Weve done a lot all the way from GMOD to WoW.  
    @JadYou are an absolutely amazing human being and i enjoy all the late night activities. Keep making the server fun and enjoyable in downtime. 
    @Forseen I guess ill shout you out as well. You taught me so much on my time on the server and ill be eternally grateful as its not only helped out on GMOD but in other aspects in life. 

    @BigIron Keep the SUP branch alive man. You do great work and don't let others say different

    @Wolfro Another great friend, I know we haven't spoken much recently but al the same i count you as a good friend

    @Ratio :Dumb: Nah you're a good dude and weve had a lot of good interactions. Keep it up. 

    There are many more i could shout out but I believe this is enough for now. 


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    • Pay Respect 5
  5. Your LOA has period has been APPROVED and LOGGED.

    Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @.

    If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.

    @Val3ntyne Your Extension has been approved. If needing to extend it further please @ me here or when it ends or you decide to end it early

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