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Everything posted by Teaa

  1. o7 ghee, from 104th to delta together, it’s been a bumpy ride
  2. Teaa

    Levii's GM App

    Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview. Contact me, or any other GMO by 6/3/20 for your interview or your app will be denied.
  3. Name: TeaaWho Helped: WoenySummary Of encounter: Someone stole 3 huttlings and dropped them off on base. Hutt's started causing chaos and eventually 2 got killed. The caretakers came to the base and attempted to take their hutts back. The hutt that was alive screwed them over and the pilot of the ship wasn't on board so it wall went downhill. Troopers committed some war crimes and everything is well. PS: I know this has been done before, because I was the one who did it ;) just saw the server was getting a lil stale.
  4. Whip us up a SO BDE cake while you’re there. Good luck kojak! One of the best role models in the server that I’ve been able to be led by
  5. Name: Teaa Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65432801 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):5/19/2020 - 5/26/2020 Reason: School is buggin, taking this time to complete my school work so I don't get beaned by my mommy. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yessir Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yessir
  6. Name: Teaa Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name:Almost Nuclear Meltdown Summary of the story: CIS were found to have been planning a nuclear missle launch on innocent civilians. 104th were tasked with moving in and shutting it down. What was the result of the event?: 104th fucked up the CIS and saw a cool explosion Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  7. Name: Teaa Who helped (If applicable): Hades, Snadvich Event Name: Tuskan Ambush Summary of the story: 104th were sent to resupply a republic base. They were attacked by tuskan raiders and eventually found out that the base had been ran through. They found out where the trooper is they entered a LAAT and went after their stolen trooper. What was the result of the event?: 104th survived and figured out where their trooper was. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up. PS I KNOW IT WAS SHORT, THIS WAS THE INTRO EVENT TO THE NEXT 3.
  8. The powers of a Jet B-2 ;)
  9. Teaa

    Bad Batch Upgrade

    What you guys are not understanding is that these aren't normal knives. It is pretty much a mini lightsaber that has lore inside of it. It literally states that Hunter preferred using his blade instead of a blaster. So this suggestion would be lore accurate, it would add new weaponry that would be fun to use and it would make Bad Batch a more versatile fighting force to work with. There is obviously the issue of it being OP. The devs can work with it and tone them down if needed. Personally I see this as a win in everyone's books. Also, with the, "Well we have knives too." To be honest, your knife doesn't do shit except cut things. A normal knife wouldn't be able to mow down droids, buuuut a vibro blade could ;)
  10. Name: Teaa Who helped (If applicable): Ecetera, Levii, Otter Event Name: Operation 616 Summary of the story: High Command received reports of where the Terrorists took the kidnapped clone troopers. Null Squad and one Alpha ARC were deployed to the ship and snuck into the vents. They were tasked with extracting the hostages and taking the Leaders captive/using lethal force. What was the result of the event?: Null captured one of the Leaders and saved all of the clones. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Stealthy Roleplay
  11. if a man has 6000 hrs, I think he knows a little bit on how events work...+1
  12. Take this as constructive criticism, not as me bashing your event. No hard feelings just showing you ways on how to improve yourself as an up and coming gamemaster. :)
  13. 1/4 and here is why. IT WAS A VERY GOOD IDEA. Make sure you have all possible outcomes accounted for. If the ship needs gas and parts, make sure there is gas and parts to find. IF you tell us to save the trooper, but the only way to do that is to find the medical officer. HAVE US FIND HIM. If you don't want us being able to heal him, let us find him dead and say his transmissions were deleted. Things like that will give you a 4 out of 4. All I say for you in the future is to make sure that if you want things to happen, make sure they make sense/are set up to happen. Don't make them pop out of nowhere.
  14. 4/4 always love the stealth events ;)
  15. Name: TeaaWho Helped: Ecetera, NaffenSummary Of encounter: Someone had kidnapped 3 huttlings and decided he did not want them anymore. He dropped them off at the Republic base and they began to eat people because they were hungry. Someone attempted to rescue them but they were shot down. Afterwards, Hutt Caretakers had arrived after hearing something about hutts being taken to the base. They found out they were dead and began to enact their revenge.
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