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Everything posted by Teaa

  1. +1 has the correct training to contain the cat girl stans
  2. dont care, didnt ask, plus youre old
  3. Name: Teaa Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65432801 Staff Rank: Senior Admin Were you VIP: Yessir Date: 7/5/2020 Reason for leaving: Becoming very burnt out from the server in general. Don't have that drive for staff like I used to. Hopefully this helps! Farewells: No one, yall mfs suck. (jk ur kinda cool) I'll probably come crawling back from the dead eventually, see ya.
  4. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview! Please contact me, or any GMO+ for your interview before 7/09/20 or your app will be denied.
  5. nooooo the bonk master's gone :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  6. 3/10 For a first encounter I can't blame ya, take the constructive criticism from the replies above and improve!
  7. Okay...hear me out. This man camps Australia, leads his army around the map to stop everyone's troop bonus, THEN makes everyone think he's not the bad guy and wins the game. I think he can lead a dinky clone army. +1
  8. Bug Type (Server:): Event and Main. Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): I don't have shadow play sorryyyryry. Description of the bug: Not sure if it's because of lag, client side FPS, or just hitboxes, but what happens is when I lag a lot or there is a lot of NPC's, everyone around me gets stuck. Now if I walk into someone my hitbox gets them stuck so that's why I think it's a hitbox issue. Especially on Main, the waste management is the only place on the map where you get the anti toxin screen (I think). When everyone gets stuck around me, I get that screen and begin dying, so I think my hitbox expands and engulfs the whole map. ALSO, I get teleported to a random area most of the time when that happens. I'll be in the hallways, everyone gets stuck, I get teleported to high command offices. So I think my hitbox hits an elevator or something. How can we recreate it: Go on the Wrecker job, with alotta NPC's, lag, and players around you. (I think idk how it ACTUALLY works)
  9. 8/10, had a good time pranking sith and sith pranking me back.
  10. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview! Please contact me, or any GMO+ for your interview before 6/30/20 or your app will be denied.
  11. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview! Please contact me, or any GMO+ for your interview before 6/30/20 or your app will be denied.
  12. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview! Please contact me, or any GMO+ for your interview before 6/29/20 or your app will be denied.
  13. I'm not able to move it, I @'d the HA's and I guess they haven't moved it.
  14. Name: Teaa Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Maulwatch Plant Summary of the story: Maul's deathwatch planted a virus into a human and sent him to cause havoc in the republic base. Their plan was to cause as much damage as possible. What was the result of the event?: Medics cured the virus and wiped out the deathwatch from mustafar. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up PS: Sorry it was a shit ass event, could've gone better if I had gotten the GH that I needed and the rest of the EJ's buuuut oh well <3
  15. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview! Please contact me, or any GMO+ for your interview before 6/24/20 or your app will be denied.
  16. o7 Ninjaman, make sure you fix your real life first. After all this is just a game mode on a 10$ game. <3
  17. Teaa

    Wrecker Big Bad

    +1, as the current wrecker, The new size comes with advantages and disadvantages. They are pretty obvious so having a health boost will make it easier to be the meatshield I was destined to be!
  18. 3/4 Pretty fun, standard shoot em up. Only problem is that some of the droids were weak. ;+)
  19. Teaa

    Moisture Farming!

    -1 theres a difference between passive RP and darkRP. BH's would never be seen on the server if this was added.
  20. +1 if it wasn't me it was you, good luck!
  21. +1 would like to see what you can bring to Null
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