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BlueBeetle last won the day on March 22 2023

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  1. You always did good work in SOBDE. Glad to see you working your way up. +1
  2. I want to preface this stating that this is a full-resignation. I'm resigning from BCMD and any other positions I may hold. It's been over a year since I've made a return to the server after two years of not having time for Synergy. It seems that I've found my way back at that position. After weeks of contemplation, along with a week of trying to clear my mind of everything during the break, I've come to the realization that I just do not have the time to focus on the server anymore. My classes have continued to hit me with an intense amount of work week after week, and it’s not close to finals season. I thought I would be able to balance it all like I did last semester when running 104th, but it’s not the case this semester. I am currently starting LSAT prep as well, which will take up a lot of free time I once had to play on the server. In addition, I am starting an internship soon in a Criminal Defense Law Firm. Life is moving quickly for me, and I can’t push everything back anymore. I’m moving onto bigger and better things. I've had a lot of great memories on this server with a lot of great people. Those memories will continue to stay with me. I've had a wonderful ride in my year here, and I'm leaving knowing that everyone here will continue to do great things in their lives. I can't thank some of you enough for all the great times, experiences, and guidance in my year, from 104th PVT to Commander Wolffe, from NA to Head Admin, and even in my short-lived time as BCMD Boss. Everyone here has made an impact on my life in a positive way. For my goodbyes: @Ollie_ @Zeros - To the only two people who somehow were able to keep me sane throughout all this time, I can't thank you enough for all the memories. You two are the reason why I stayed, even after my most stressful moments in every position. Without you, I'd probably have a Joker Arc. Thank you for being my closest friends on here. @Xaze @Tec @Turtle @Deku - My biggest supporters in 104th, and the people I originally looked up to. I couldn't have started my line of leadership and responsibilities on the server without your help. You all taught me a lot, and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else. @Mavelle @Daytona211 @Stockings @Conrad @Brooklyn @Guac - Piling you all together solely because you're my D&D Pals, but because you all have done so much to help and support me, whether you know it or not. From helping me to break out of my shell and passively roleplaying a lot more, to guidance in both staff and position leadership, you've all been some of the most insightful motherfuckers ever. I promise I'll be at more sessions once things slowly die down again in real life. @Crisp - You get a special place you pea-brained idiot. Somehow you've managed to support me in every battalion I've been in. You always say you're done but you're a great leader and you hold responsibility very well. I trust you to do great things both in and out of the server, and I hope to prosecute you one day in court for your eventual crimes against humanity. @shroud - Love you man. Do great things. To my SOBDE brothers, sorry it was short lived. I wish I could've done more. If I were to leave with a single quote, it would be this: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." It's been one hell of a ride, and I'm glad to have called this place home for a year. Farwell, and I wish you all best of luck wherever you go, whatever you do.
  3. RP Name: Delta 38 BCMD Boss Battalion: SOBDE Who is in command until you return?: @Ollie_ @Boof @Marvel Length of Absence: 10 Days Reason: Spring break + midterms, will be away from my computer during the break, and I can't focus on both the stress of academics and the stress of BCMD duties together right now.
  4. Even though you updated and fixed this, this still seems incredibly barebones. You added more on experience than you did in your goals and plans. Please continue to elaborate on what you want to do if you get the position. -1
  5. Sounding like a broken record here, but what Mavelle, Squishy, and Jayarr said pretty much sum up my thoughts. Your actions are indefensible, and while you've certainly shown maturity and growth, as seen in your responses to Squishy and Mavelle, your consequences are not outweighed here. You've definitely scarred a few people with what you sent, and ultimately, you drove members of the community away with your actions. You've shown growth, and I can respect that. But you're far from forgiven and welcome back into the community. -1
  6. I've had this issue since I joined Synergy. I believe it's just a resolution issue.
  7. I think Hansen's a great guy, genuinely. And I feel as if your ban was unjustified, as you were easily connected with the rest of the Breaking Bad crew. Even after the downfall of your group and the resignations, you were still genuine about playing. You've always been a great guy, and I never had any real hatred for you, unlike the others. I do think you deserve the appeal. You're an asset to the community. You have my trust. +1 - The Long-Awaited Redemption Arc has begun
  8. Naz is very devoted and determined to the Specialized Regiment. While not having as much experience as the other candidate, I still firmly believe that Naz would make an amazing Spec RCMD. Definitely an underdog but I know you have what it takes! +1!
  9. Bro thought he could have a redemption arc -1, Learn to live with the consequences of your actions
  10. Like you said, this has been one of your weakest terms as Regimental. And because of that, a lot of people don't see you fit to hold the position. But this term cannot outweigh the months of success you've poured into this server as Regimental for a year now. I've seen many battalions come and go under your watch, and they have all been strong and successful. Even with you being more distant this past term, 212th and 501st have shown to bounce back from tough times and thrive. While I am genuinely concerned with your activity, I still feel like you know what's best for your regiment, and you are a strong asset to not only High Command, but the server. +1, FOUR MORE TERMS! FOUR MORE TERMS!
  11. I'm with Gears on this one. I have barely seen you online nowadays, and I haven't seen Senate in any good state for a while under your time as Mas. As much as I think you're an awesome person, I personally feel like you're a bit disconnected with the rest of the Civilian faction, unlike the other applicant. If it was another time, you'd have my vote. But right now, I feel like you're not the best candidate for Governor. -1
  12. I can finally vote on these things again!! I've had long talks with Kirara about her plans and goals if she were to get the position of Governor. With everything she showed me and explained to me, I was truly blown away with the work and dedication she put in. She wants to really revitalize and shape the Citizen role to its full potential, and I believe she has what it takes to make the Citizen faction something that rivals the other factions in strength and uniqueness. +1!
  13. Name: Beetle Staff Rank: HA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 2/3/2023 Reason for Leaving: THIS IS NOT A FULL SERVER RESIGNATION! JUST FROM STAFF AND GM! I need to step away from staff leadership for the time being. I feel accomplished with the work I’ve done, and I don’t see myself going any further, nor do I want to. I want to focus on my responsibilities in game rather than out of game. Farewells: @Cubby - You’re the one most worthy of Director. Work hard for that goal. I believe in you. @Ollie_ - My strongest supporters and best friends in the staff team. Keep up the work, and continue to go far. @Mavelle @Daytona211 @Dono @Conrad - Thank you for getting me to GMD. Without your guidance, I don’t think I would have gotten this far in staff. Now I may have more time to do D&D. @Mystic @meowthemeower @BadDog - Next HA’s on god @Zeros - One more for the retirement home
  14. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete. I don't understand why they did that. I mean if you're not using it, they shouldn't charge you extra. My friend didn't have a roommate for the entire second semester and he didn't pay extra. BS if you ask me but take your time, please. Don't overwork yourself.
  15. You'll be remembered in my waiting room forever, o7
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