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Everything posted by CBlake

  1. CBlake

    K-Company Re-add

    i beg a differ and if activity was an issue adding a sub would prolly help them gain rep..
  2. +1 anything other than this venator PLEASE a planet map a fucking rock idc im getting space sick!
  3. CBlake

    K-Company Re-add

    it is being discussed on what could be compromised. right now it might be 2ndAC since ghost company was seen more and also had more lore than 2ndAC plus, 2ndAC activity is lacking bad.
  4. CBlake

    K-Company Re-add

    im with you on the normal jobs. im talking to Zim about it. back in the day 212th had one job specially for Ghost Company known as a 212th Elite Trooper. suggest 212th remove one job in replace for said trooper to allow room for K-Company. nvm we will just see how this ends.
  5. CBlake

    K-Company Re-add

    its not about fairness 212th can't help that they had 2 subunits this is about the removal of the job not GC as a whole.
  6. CBlake

    K-Company Re-add

    I suggest a removal of all GC models and replace a current 212th JOB to replace for ONE GC model. that way GC can keep their custom to distuigish themselves at the same time, giving room for K Company
  7. this gai fam. lol house? what? can i keep my cardboard box thou? i still have rent to pay
  8. -1 hey look this is prolly the worst fucking text ever. Not the reason im -1ing thou just it it tilts me aight sooo reasons 1. I didnt stuble across this like i wanted to. i found out you had an application up via some rant on another part of the forums. 2. just that rant makes me not think you are able to handle staff. 3. dont comment its big no no.
  9. -stops reading- -opens staff application- -applies -1 for making me read- as a former Commander Cody and former staff. its best to say "THATS BULLSHIT THESE FUCKERS ARE DUMB" in person rather than your rant that was only suppose to clear things up. but is just gonna hurrt you bc well WELCOME TO THE INTERNET no one is gonna give a shit that you ever posted this. Highly suggest voiding
  10. CBlake

    Agree and Disagree

    imma have to disagree with this autism love ya bolt oh -1 hehe
  11. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we go back with another episode offffffffffffffffff Drama with SYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNERGY
  12. @GideonAlistair can tell you if he can do that since i think he is the creator of the current CTs
  13. Uhhhh correct. Im a dev. Not important lmao.
  14. my dude. take your steam profile link and put it in this steamidfinder.com the ID you see highlighted IS YOUR STEAM ID please jesus fix aight so I don't know the full story but, I mean there is / was suppose to be a big ass sign on the CC Door that says call for a TR and NOT TO LEAVE THE CC Room but hey I don't get on much so. dude, common sense my dude. +1 get your head on straight no server allows you to just shoot up the place. regardless of if your weapon can kill or not.
  15. Hello, I am CBlake one of the 3 Synergy Model Developers and I'm sending this PSA on behalf of the dev team as a whole. Now, you may be wondering what this is all about and I'm gonna tell ya. Lately, When use Model Devs get finished with a pack. we like to notify the battalion just so they get that first look. however, that first look becomes other battalions finding out and then there is the issue. Just because a pack or 2 gets done, does not and will never mean, an update is gonna happen. that means stop trying to bother us devs wondering "hey is the update happening tonight? HEY when is the update?" keep this last thing in mind when you think about coming to us Myself, @GideonAlistair and @KyleJWest don't work on your time table. we work on our own time or on the time our "boss" has us on. and finally to those that bother Zim about these issues. @Zim is Zim aka Chairman aka Works on this time not yours. so please. be patient for now on and let us do our job why? well. "the more time we have to answer you is the more time it takes to get you what you want." Thank you so much for your time! - SR MD CBlake
  16. CBlake


    Go with your gut but as Medic said Frontline medicine is no joke. BUT If you choose to go for something like I did which was Respiratory Therapy expect to be secluded from life. Medical Field is no joke and requires a lot of attention. but, if you are up for it. go for it! it just wasn't for me lol
  17. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah im gonna just say. I dig the experience. but uh... do explain in more than one sentence you should be BCMD? and uh yeah where you want the battalion to be. Not for me but bud if you want this community that doesn't you to support you. i'd shine a lil bit more light on those 2 sections. trust me it helps. -1 I really wanna support you but. this needs to be known and I really see it as an issue with you being BCMD. bc it shouldn't happen.. remember that one time? you made your WHOLE battalion think I was gonna powerplay? all because you accused me of "blacklisting you" from 212th. even when I tried to approach you I couldn't one of your COMMANDERS hmm Bumblebee tried to get you to come talk so we could sort it out. since I mean I never blacklisted you in the first place. you wouldn't hear me and basically pushed me away even when I was willing to come help SO out. so ye I still support you as XO but SO needs a great leader. you are a good leader but I mean SO needs a LEADER I mean, if you think you can clean up your act, go for it. but it won't be with my support. Best of Luck my dude!
  18. Gonna say. Uhhhh Neutral. Im not on enough but do explain @Pratt (topic spoken above)
  19. medics are always to the back fam
  20. BE ADVISED IF YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE PACK. I am in the process of moving files around to lower the pack size. so if you do sub make sure to make sure it gets updated.
  21. Before anyone asks. Yes, this is not Neyos LORE strap. that is because upon uploading I didn't realize it was broken so it will be edited and added in within the next update. (after these models hit.) I did give him a replacement thou. steam link to my personal pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1517365211 Neyo and the Lightining Squad Bois Featuring Commander Neyo, Stak, Razor, and the Lightining Squad Trooper Commander Neyo's Lore Face with his tattoo (the hair is as close as I could get it without breaking anything) Commander Neyo and the rest of his troops
  22. i mean. im gonna say +1 bc i already tried and would try again. Security is good but come on. what about ease of access?
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