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Rexko Xeros

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About Rexko Xeros

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  1. 10/10 first BH event I've done it was fun.
  2. Me trying to read this shit. But in all seriousness just leave it to one reply don't argue on the post take it to dms After reading some of the fucking essays on here I'm changing mine to a -1
  3. +1 Aaron is an idiot but he doesn't deserve a fucking perma ban
  4. I have to agree theres too much stuff on this server, some of of has to go. I know that Im going to get downvoted for suggesting this but I think we should remove RANCOR and Just Keep Hammer Havoc,Colt and Blitz as high command jobs and make Alpha ARC part of SOBDE and remove all the other Rancor jobs
  5. +1 Okay first of this guy deserves a 2nd chance there are some many people that are worse than maverick on the server In my Opinion even though what he did was fucking stupid Second of all I have seen High staff advertise their Twitch stream over team speak global chat, 3rd of all I said to him that he can let people know that he could that he was streaming (But i didn't know that he would ping the whole discord). There are people who have done worst shit on this server that got unbanned.
  6. -1 Give dreams a chance to fix the damn battalion.
  7. -1 after reading some responses it going to be a no from me dawg
  8. After reading some of the responses and talking to keegan more I'm going to -1 this, I want to give him a chance to fix the battalion
  9. well oof I was off the server for a while and was slowly returning to help out the battalion, I know that a lot of officers left but some of the reasons why the officers/people left were super pity and some of them have been blacklisted for reasons I wont say here. To be honest both sides have valid points so I'm not going to +1 this or -1 this I just thought I should add in my 2 cents.
  10. o7 damn good pilot, you saved my ass in sith so many times
  11. +1 good luck on getting unbanned
  12. +1 as well though if its been a long time
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