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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. Your staff application has been accepted. Welcome back Bleach ! // Moved to accepted
  2. You were accepted in your interview ! Welcome back to GM Dennis. //Moved to accepted
  3. Thank sniff for you being deployed ! Thankyou for the feedback
  4. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, McFisher, Craig/Kronos Event Name: Black Arms: The 7 boxes Summary of the story: DU, NULL and Shock were deployed to an unknown planet to deal with a guerilla. Specialized Operations Commander Slicer deployed them to take the boxes with armory cells to forge weapons that are extremely strong. They recovered it and captured one of the Guerilla Lieutenants, however they did not know that Slicer was working for them and they still do not know that. What was the result of the event?: Secrets not revealed, "victory" for the republic. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up and a tiny bit of RP
  5. You were accepted. // Moved to accepted
  6. I forgot, you were accpeted // Moved to accepted
  7. Your staff application has been accepted Welcome back Kurama ! // Locked // Moved to accepted
  8. You were accepted, someone forgot to move this //Moved to accepted
  9. Congratulations, you've been accepted for an interview! Contact a GMO by 11/1/2019 or be Denied. // Locked ; Moved to pending
  10. Your staff application has been accepted for interview Contact an HA by 10/25/2019 or you will be denied Good luck on your interview Kurama ! // Locked // Moved to pending
  11. Your staff application has been accepted for interview Contact an HA by 10/25/2019 or you will be denied Good luck on your interview Valkyrie ! // Locked // Moved to pending
  12. 8/10, solid RP and shoot em up event with nice RP opportunities. Some parts idk what was going on but keep it up
  13. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome back Harte! // Locked // Moved to accepted
  14. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome back KillJoy ! // Locked // Moved to accepted
  15. There is currently 56 staff, 49 without High staff (Only counting HAs). Might be in your timezone where there is too many staff but from my experience there is 0 staff on at points in the day. Just putting this out here cuz I don't believe there is too much staff. We used to be at 70 ish before.
  16. Your staff application has been accepted for interview Contact an HA by 10/20/2019 or you will be denied Good luck on your interview Harte ! // Locked // Moved to pending
  17. Your staff application has been accepted for interview Contact an HA by 10/22/2019 or you will be denied // Locked // Moved to pending
  18. Your staff application has been Denied User has voided application through discord dms. // Locked // Moved to Denied
  19. You were accepted after your interview ! Welcome to the program Gadget ! // Moved to accepted
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