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Everything posted by Rose

  1. -1 if you aren’t a part of the community why should you get a say on the forums... if you really want to talk with people then get in TS and find them. The forums are for constructive things. Sorry bro
  2. While at this time I think Kessel has more of my support there is no reason to -1 you have always had shock in your heart and I don’t think you would do anything to hurt the battalion so good luck +1
  3. These right here sum up this man... he can run mean PT and still be "one of the boys" he is the most hard working dedicated XO there has been. He is MORE than qualified for Fox and would run an amazing battalion. Good luck and +1
  4. o7 you’ll be missed even though you ordered my first real PT ever lol.
  5. I really do like what I have read and seen from you recently and while I do not like the dupe spawning during the event the way you seem to have handled the aftermath of it was mature and honest. You have my +1
  6. +1 you treat everyone with such respect and you run an amazing battalion.
  7. @DennisI am sure everyone would benefit from reading what happened today from your perspective because of all my time working with you, you have a reason for everything. Sometimes your actions are justified to yourself and not everyone can see that. But I know the people in your battalion would all get arrested for you because they respect you and you have built an incredible battalion these last few terms and its been so stable (from the outside) and that really speaks to you as a leader. while you do have the most arrests on server lol. most if not all you had a reason for or admitted was dumb, but that aside you have great potential and I believe you could really be a great Reg if you put your heart into it. Not gonna vote until I see a response this is just my opinion of you RN
  8. This last week you have shown great improvement in your activity and you are the only one with the qualifications and experience to fill this position currently. I look forward to working with you and if you need someone to help ill definitely be there for you. But please don't go inactive or get removed... lol but FR FR +1 good luck just remember there are people that can and will help.
  9. Please follow the chart lol
  10. Name: Rose Who helped (If applicable): Haes screwball, Knight VR Event Name: Marauder Attack Summary of the story: A group of Sith Marauders tried to gain access to the temple by showing some paper work that they were meeting with some jedi. but after being shown nothing but hostility they decided to kill all the jedi scum that were there What was the result of the event?: The temple got secured but only after one of the apprentices got a Holocran of an old jedi temple. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Jedi battle
  11. Rose

    Hades GM App

    @TR2ndACHades You have now been formally accepted to become a Game Master. Please contact any GMO+ (list found on TS event room 1) before the date of 11/13/19. Best of luck to you and we look forward to working with you more.
  12. You have some mistakes in your app but that’s not a big deal it looks good otherwise so +1
  13. Rose

    Callo's Staff App

    +1 good lad and could help out. Good luck
  14. +1 you resigned seeing you were going inactive. When you were staff you did good work. I think you should definitely take everything said above into thought. But you seem to be active on your clone so good luck with the results either way
  15. Rose

    Claw's staff reapp

    +1 good man. Good Luck
  16. the AAR accounts that there is a traitor in the republic which will be a later event.... and the cloak was force cloak he couldn't get it to turn off, they can still shoot and what not
  17. Name: Rose Who helped (If applicable): cipher, tetra, coil Event Name: Bounty hunter attack Summary of the story: a group of bounty hunters and asajj ventress attacked the base to capture Padme Amidala, they were unable to do so. Asajj then found a lightsaber in solitary confinement which was left by an unnamed individual who was working as a Spy for asajj incase she got captured during this mission. The Spy attacked the main computer in BCC as well which Master kelleon found What was the result of the event?: Republic fended off all attacks and realized a spy was amist. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both but mostly shooty
  18. -1's aren't a thing 0/10-10/10 10 God Tier event, only the best of the best events should recieve this rating. 9 Extremely well put together event, high quality and unique idea/roleplay/story 8 Very well put together event, lots of thought was involved and story/roleplay unfolded very well 7 Also well put together event, however starting at this rating the execution may have had some flaws to it 6 Very good idea for event but there were some minor complaints about the story or how players were involved in the event 5 Decently put together event with moderate effort made to create but lots of room for improvement 4 Slightly above average event, had effort put into it but there were either moderate complaints or the idea could be improved 3 Average event, typical shoot em ups that players will enjoy to just have something to do will recieve this rank. 2 Below average event with some moderate complaints and was only quickly put together for a shoot em up 1 Low grade event with moderate-serious complaints and/or poorly put together for execution 0 Bottom of the barrel event, terribly put together and serious complaints about it, no credit recieved for events with this rating
  19. Rose

    Rose-event server map

    Yepper that’s the goal. #makeitofficial
  20. Rose

    Rose-event server map

    “When it first dropped” like marvel said it’s better. Also the HUGE MAP is exactly the reason why I want it the size allows for more creativity and options
  21. Rose

    Rose-event server map

    But if it isn’t in the content Pack people won’t have it hence the suggestion
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