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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. 1. Was removed from Ahsoka due to something that happened and it was already dealt with. Jedi, Clone, and Sith are all separate and shouldn't be linked together. 2. I believe I am fit as I have been working hard in the battalion, and have spent a lot of time with them. I am passionate about the troopers, and have gained a strong relationship with each of them. 3. I am on daily.
  2. ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]========== Steam Name: RP Name: 187th CT-1997 MEDL Major Hayley Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90950366 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 187th Legion Experience: I have no experience as a battalion commander, however I have had numerous experiences with Medical Lead, as well as I am one of the most active officers currently in the 187th Legion. I have also been working numerously on my leadership skills during ARC. While being in the 187th Legion I have earned a lot of respect from the troopers due to the fact that I am always there to support them and know when to step in and take lead when things may get out of hand. In the 187th I was one of the first to get an officer role, as I am trusted, and have gained that trust through my time on the server. In the 187th I have been working on enhancing our discord and roster and have taken the leadership role into working in the 187th. I have created requirements for SGT+, I have created event/encounter trackers, I have also created training/simulation trackers. I am also continually making sure everyone is working well together within the battalion, and if I see or hear about an issue, I am doing my best to resolve in a professional manner. I also have taken great leadership within the 501st as there Torrent Company Commander. While being the Torrent Company Commander I was and still am actively recruiting, and taking a leadership role on guiding and teaching new Jedi who may not understand how our system works. I have also done this outside of the battalion, and will continue to do so. As I would love to continue to show my leadership skills in the Jedi Order and with the Republic. I am also an administrator on Synergy Roleplay and have been for a few weeks now. During my time as admin I have been active, taking an active leader role when it comes to dealing with situations, and am using my knowledge, skill, and passion to be the best that I can be. I was also a TR for a long period of time and was always on my best behavior as well as I was always training the CCs with extreme detail, explanations, and with a positive attitude. I then earned my way to getting TRO and since I have been actively using my skills to help make the TR program a better place. It is my goal, and I say this to all TRs that I train, that I want the TR program to something you want to do, not have to do. I am willing to use my knowledge, skills, and passion from working in the TR program and use it in the 187th Legion. While working in the 327th I worked and earned my way to 2ndLT, and was also the role of Medical Officer, and then earned my way to Medical Executive Officer. During this role I was actively taking leadership in doing AMED and BMED trainings, as well as, working with my peers to make our medical program within the battalion better. While working within this battalion I gained a lot of respect from the work I put in, as well as my attitude within the battalion. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I wish to become the Battalion Commander as I have been actively working hard within the 187th, and was working hard throughout my time in the 327th. I may not have the experience of being a Battalion Commander under my belt, but I do have great leadership skills, and have troopers that really enjoy the way I play, and the way I act. I believe I should become the Battalion Commander, as I have gained a lot of respect from those in my battalion and those outside of the battalion. I have also been in the 187th Legion since day 1 and have been working my hardest not only to gain trust and respect, but also to show you guys I truly enjoy this server, and have a passion for whatever battalion I may be in. I have people urging me to be posting this application, as they wish to see me in this role. I have the knowledge, the skill, and the passion to make a change for the 187th Legion, and would love the opportunity and chance to show you what I can do. I believe having an active and passionate battalion commander will be beneficial to the battalion as we would love to get things rolling in terms of Jedi in our squad, more active officers, and some other amazing ideas. I believe becoming this role will help the 187th Legion, as I have been there when it first came back on the server and am actively listening to what the active players are saying. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes. Availability: I am available Monday thru Sunday. Usually Friday and Saturday Nights I am at gigs, as I am a full time musician. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: When checking my hours I have over 1500 hours, and have been apart of Synergy when they split with Icefuse, but my laptop had broken, and only about 4 months ago I was able to come back and actively play. Do you have a microphone?: Yes. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be active, strong, with all of our jobs filled, plus I would also love to see some Jedi be part of our battalion. I also want to try and make Paratrooper Medics a job as well, and have heard really good feedback from my suggestion. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes.
  3. Hayley

    Remove Defibs

    I am a MEDL. I medical roleplay and I love medical roleplay. Why take something that makes reviving someone on the field more realistic? Yeah the moaning can get annoying, maybe that can be changed, but removing the whole defib I don't agree with.
  4. Hayley

    Remove Defibs

    -1 gives the medical roleplay more things to do. We need to stop trying to change the medical things so frequently as it is getting the medics annoyed.
  5. +1 one of the best applications I have seen so far! So much effort put into it, and love the amount of work and thought put into it.
  6. +1 told me when I did brute trials that I made his helpers mad by clapping them fast
  7. Hayley


    This wasn't for attention. I had multiple people constantly messaging me urging for me to make an application as they wanted me to become BCMD for 187th. But I do not want the position of BCMD so I decided to make an application here to get them to stop. There's honestly no reason to be rude to people, we are all here for fun and to have fun as a community, not just tear people down.
  8. Hayley

    Oh God

    @Joah Please go full Joah mode
  9. Hayley

    Oh God

    @Joah Elijah said you'd be upset and would ban me. guess what @Elijah IM TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL
  10. Hayley

    Oh God

    Well here it is the anticipated wait for the Joah disstrack after the anakin one. Also cringe warning, I am not a rapper, dont judge me. Btw shoutout to Jabaku, Bbstine, and Nightmare. Disclaimer this is a joke, not to be taken seriously...
  11. Goofy I like ya, but theres a few things you need to work on. First off, I caught you scamming someone on the server. You gambled 300k and lost and only gave him 200k at first, in which he made a staff ticket about. So I teleported took a look into it, and you admitted that you only gave him 200k because you didn't have 300k. You then proceeded to give him 50k, but you still owed him 50k. I told you don't gamble what you dont have. Today I also saw you switching back and forth onto youngling from padawan to try and get "emergency youngling trials". I then told you not to do it, however less than 10mins later you do it again. I also have seen some things in the TR program, where you were being very unprofessional to CCs, and were hot micing you burping in your microphone. For now I will be giving you a -1 please keep playing on the server and making a more positive impact, and I may change my mind.
  12. -1 Have had many encounters where he has not been the most respectful person. Also reading this application the bare minimum was put into it. Would like to see more effort, and details.
  13. -1 Since someone wants to dumb it, heres my reason. Not a lot of effort put in to the application, and I have seen you around on the server and have not heard good things.
  14. Hayley

    Ban Appeal

    Tons of evidence that shows what you have done, and tons of claims that you are saying 4 months when its been just 2. -1 for me.
  15. Positives: 1. Decreases clutter in ooc (ex. COMMS ARE DOWN) 2. People who are afk or haven't been told comms are down, won't accidentally type in there. 3. Will add in more roleplay, making it a real event when comms are down, and people have to work to actually get them back up. 4. If text screens/overlay is added players won't need to ask if comms are up/down. Maybe making a button in BCC for it, and only certain people/ranks have access to it. Or a certain command that certain people/ranks have access to. I don't think it will be abused, staff have access to a lot of responsibilities such as banning, muting, teleporting, and spawning in certain things, what makes you think they will abuse it? I have not seen many or close to any reports about staff abusing. For those negatives: 1. TRs can use /advert Enroute! 2. Any risk of that is bound to happen with any command, with a mute of a player, a staff may forget to turn it off. A staff may forget to ban, someone may even forget to host a debrief. 3. Don't give access to any staff that aren't a gamemaster, or above. 4. Then good advert is out of character no need to worry about that then. 5. Sith and Event jobs should maybe have separate communications as players seem to metagame, and then we hear about it in ooc and that also gets cluttered. People keep saying its just a mistake, yet one after the other, even after ooc is spammed with COMMS DOWN, or DONT METAGAME, people still do it. So why not just fix that problem from the stem. People want more roleplay.
  16. We can change the /comms enroute to advert or OOC. Don't give certain staff the ability.
  17. I already tried that and then everyone spams saying its not AOSable, and other staff start getting pissy at me.
  18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hayley Suggestion: Removing access to /comms when they are down. Lore: Both players and staff are complaining that players aren't roleplaying properly. When communications are down players are still using /comms. Yes it might be a mistake, but then the ooc gets cluttered with people spamming COMMS ARE DOWN, and yet people still use /comms. Why not instead make it so that gamemasters+ and certain staff have access to it, so that when comms are down, there won't be anyway for people to do it by accident. Cause spamming ooc doesn't seem to work, people still do it even when you warn them. And then if you threaten an AOS people get all pissy at you. So why not make it so it won't be a problem? And then when comms are back give back access to the command /comms. And maybe a text in the middle of your screen can pop up saying comms are now online and comms are now offline. Workshop content if applicable: Require development? (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
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