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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. Good luck on your future endeavors. Definitely an amazing TRM, and player.
  2. well shit i didnt mean to hit no ffs
  3. In no way am I trying to get him removed. I did not see him online, on the server. So I made a report, as this needs to be dealt with. If there are certain rules about a length of time in debrief that no one but a few are aware of, there is some sort of miscommunication here. And it needs to be made clear. I do not believe making a report was out of proportion. I as a player have the right to report, that's why there is a tab for it on the forums right? And people saying Technodad does this on purpose? I don't think so, he was talking about the pros and cons of the event/troopers, this was all relevant to the situation. What happens if one day I do a long PTS because I have a lot to say? Will I get arrested for FAILRP?
  4. The PTS wasn't useless. He was talking in character, never once did he go out of character. The PTS was useful.
  5. RP Name: TRO 187th MEDL WO Hayley Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90950366 Suspected Player's Name: Recon Commander Grum Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): Couldn't get it as he left the server. Rule Suspected Player Broke: Made a false AOS/Abused his power Explain to us what happened: Technodad was doing his PTS that he got granted during a debrief. Technodad was talking in character the whole time, and was then arrested for FAILRP. Grum made an AOS on him, because he apparantly had too long of a PTS. I then went to higher ups and asked them what the rules for a PTS are. I was told there is no time limit, and it is not FAILRP if the PTS is in character and is relevant to the situation. Evidence (If applicable): May ask anyone on the server/Check public arrest logs/Ask Shock
  6. Rocksteady you know I like ya, but aren't you/haven't you been on LOA for a while? I haven't seen you on for the past week/weeks. NEUTRAL
  7. I'm gonna give this a fat -1 first encounter I had with you was you getting into the LAAT and attempting to take off, during an event, and when we told you to get out, you wouldn't. So yeah, I physgunned the LAAT down, not only could it kill you, it could've killed a massive amount of troopers, event jobs, and ruin the event for everyone. After you finally got out of the LAAT you then proceeded to whine in ooc chat, and call me names such as "dumbass", "pleb", etc... I also heard from other players that you were saying some nasty things and that's why you were also arrested. Not too sure what that was about. But during my encounter with you, I see really no intention to roleplay properly.
  8. Hayley

    vip fists

    well fuck JOAH YOU GET 5$ DONATION
  9. Hayley

    vip fists

    Then did I waste 5$?
  10. Hayley

    vip fists

    I thought fists were something you bought separately? Cause they are on the store to purchase for 5$ and I purchased them after buying VIP.
  11. Did not meet the application requirements, nor did you answer all the questions. Such as how much time do you have on the server. Have not really seen you much. -1 from me.
  12. Shhhhh we don't talk about that
  13. LOL, I aint no rapper, but Imma singer/songwriter, your close tho
  14. As most of you know, yesterday Anakin Skywalker attempted to promote Ahsoka Tano. This was done during our time on Kamino. When Anakin attempted to promote Ahsoka he forgot his lines, and didn't finish the promotion, and then about an hour later he tried again, got a little further in the lines, and forgot them again. So... I decided to make a meme out of it using the melody of Let It Go. PS. This is not to hurt or offend anyone, in any form. This was just for fun
  15. Thank you all for the amazing amount of support. I truly appreciate you guys.
  16. RP Name: TRO 327th MEDO 2ndLT Hayley | Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano | Sith Acolyte Hayley Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90950366 VIP (Y/N): Yes. Age: 21. Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time. Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator as I have now been playing on this server for about three months. I believe I can use my knowledge, skills, patience, and passion, towards helping the community be even greater than it is now. I have now been made a TRO and would love to expand my trainings, and shadowings by being able to use commands such as cloaking, taking tickets, and getting TRs, and CCs trained as fast, efficient, and at full quality as possible. Being an administrator is a big role which requires a huge trust of responsibility, and honesty. Throughout my time playing on Synergy Roleplay, I believe I have shown that I have qualities of being honest, and being responsible. Whether it being an officer in the 327th, and a Jedi Commander of Torrent Company. Playing on Synergy I have made tons of friendships, and have made people smile, laugh, and have fun throughout their trainings, events, and even throughout TR and CC training. My goals as an administrator is to focus highly on TRs and their ability to train in full detail, without losing focus of the new recruit. I plan on doing this by giving detailed feedback, and encouraging tips, to keep the TRs enjoying being a TR, and also making sure they are trained to proper quality. I believe becoming an administrator would greatly help me with this role. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): For those of you who do not already know me, I am a full time country musician, that enjoys inspiring others through songwriting. Since I was young I always had a love for music, I grew up in the church scene, and sang with the church choir when I was just 7 years old. The more I grew up the more I wanted to do my own independent solo career. I fell in love with country music because I always grew up listening to it, whether it be my family going to festivals, or just playing it in the car with the CD player. I also used to be a professional five-pin bowler, but did not pursue that as a career, as in Canada bowling isn't really a career path that will make you a living. Now talking about video games, I have always been a "gamer" as when I was younger I started playing minecraft, and eventually July of 2014/2015 (cannot exactly remember), I bought myself Garrys Mod and Counter Strike Source, as it was a deal on the Summer Deals page of steam. I then got addicted and haven't stopped playing since. Some of you may already have known me from when I used to play on this server just over a year or two ago. I was 91st MEDL Grape. The reason why I haven't played Garrys Mod in over year, is my laptop that I had, had stopped working, and left me to save up, and spend my money on a new laptop, which I was heading into college at that time, and spent the money I had saved up on a Macbook (was required for my college program). After graduating from college, I then set out and started to save up once again, for not a laptop this time, but a desktop! And for three months now, I have been playing on Synergy once again. Do you have any previous staff experience? -ICE- Community - Head Admin Icefuse - Was an admin before the server actually got big. I used to play there when the server was not custom yet, and was just a regular darkrp server. Digital Delta Gaming - Was an admin before the server unfortunately had fallen. There were many others servers, that I have been staff on before, as I have been playing Garrys Mod for over 4 years. Unfortunately, I cannot name them all, as I cannot recall what their names are now. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 849:13:49. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No.
  17. Have been playing with him for a while, and have seen his roleplay, and admin skills. He definitely has high potential to be a great addon to your Game Master team. +1
  18. Sorry to see you go CFN, definitely was fun playing with you. Good luck with your future endeavors, and streaming.
  19. I'm not the biggest fan of rhino, solely to the fact of how you actually can use it to hit someone. To me its lame, and doesn't make jedi fighting seem real. With wiltos jedi can actually use a larger amount of force powers, which makes fighting seem different, and more real, as not everyone fights the same, and having the use of difference stances makes the fighting more enjoyable. I also like the stamina portion, because you need to play smart and keep watch of your stamina. Yes, people still manage to spam their shit, but you know their gonna run out of stamina pretty fast, which you can take advantage of. Also, if someone paid for a custom crystal/etc... on your store, what would happen to it? Would they lose it if rhino was brought back? (I don't believe rhino works with custom crystals) But everyone has there opinions, everyone has their reasons for why or why not. Whatever happens, happens.
  20. I was not there for the event, but I was watching BCNS's stream from YouTube. From what I could see and hear (as I could hear talking from teamspeak, throughout the stream) there was a lot of miscommunication from both ends. 1. I noticed from a few of the event jobs that they somehow knew which battalions or a person was alive. Ex. ("we killed all of the 327th) or ("only the 104th are left guys") I understand you are in teamspeak and it may slip out, but from what I could see on stream, was that some event jobs knew who each player was before even talking to them. This also goes for some of the clones as well, I saw some of you go right at Cad Bane, before you could confirm it was him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think both clones and event jobs, need to be careful when it comes to this. I totally understand its hard sometimes, and it may be an accident as you can clearly see their names when you get close to them. Mistakes happen, we are all human, but we should always keep this in mind. 2. I did hear alot of name calling, back and forths, both in game, and in teamspeak. I understand you may get angry or annoyed at someone, because of a miscommunication, or a mistake they made. But instead of jumping to conclusions that such and such may be a metagamer, or trying to powergame, step into their shoes. During a heavily roleplayable event, the roleplay is bound to change a little bit, especially when we have the use of /roll, luck can be our friend or sometimes it can be our worst nightmare. Maybe instead of getting upset or stressed out about it, just realize anything can happen whether you like it or not, and you just gotta go with it, and be creative. We are meant to be a community and have fun. You gotta remember this is a game, things aren't always going to go your way. In conclusion, instead of getting upset with each other, try and understand each point of view, before jumping to conclusions. We don't need to name call, give someone a bad rep because they made a mistake. Instead try to teach them, and give them some tips and improvements on how to play!
  21. -1 If you were banned by Joah, it was probably a valid reason.
  22. It is If you don't know I am a country singer/songwriter.
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