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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. Name: Doom / Jayarr Who helped (If applicable): - Event Name: A wim for a sit Summary of the story: Injured jedi requested to land under watch of medics, unknown to them they were followed by the ones who injured them. 3 sith came on board for the two jedi but killed more clones than anything. After there was all but 1 sith left, they called in backup. What was the result of the event?: They all died (rep one) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Kinda a mix
  2. Is this a meme? For real? Have we transcended? -1 Acorn is a good dude imo.
  3. I agree with this. SOBDE is peachy, it can handle its self, it mostly is small groups of people anyways. I cannot speak for specialized though. I give no vote.
  4. +1 Just don't go on a power trip like the past few foxs
  5. This all happened in one day and I couldn't be happier, even if it only lasts for that day. For all the people I've argued with lately and all the people that take me as a minge, I am truely sorry. Behind it all it's just a stress relief for how much i'm pouring into this battalion, I promise it will grow and I will be a good role model in time. ~With love Jayarr
  6. +1 There it is, long awaited and long deserved.
  7. Maybe the torment of you following me calling me a furfag will finally end :] u were a gud dude
  8. Hey, atleast you didn't suck your way up the ranks like him.
  9. Name: Jayarr / BCMD Doom SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196846752 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Since the start, but in hours? God I don’t know, maybe 500-700? I’ve had 300 hours in the past 2 weeks so that’s my rough estimate. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7-8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Perfectly fine, BCMD has bumped those up a little. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I understand. Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: This is going to be more of a deployment event then anything. I would take a battalion that needs to do their specialization, like 91st or 104th, and put them on a universal mission (meaning anyone can use their specialization if they want but it’s the same mission). We will use 91st for an example here. I would bring them and maybe another battalion to a briefing room on ship, and give them a rundown of this: “You will be deployed to [PLANET] in succession of bringing two things back; The data on the tacticals droid head, and/or retrieval of base plans/code provided on the planet. You can use your specialization, in which is [BLANK (i.e Speeder)], to help you along the journey. You are expected to get the droids head and the data, but you may take one and one only if you so desire. Your options are of stealth, or loud. Loud will call for many droid reinforcements, while stealth will keep most at bay.” Once that briefing is finished, I will deploy them to the planet and get started right away. I have no plans for what planet yet, but all that matters is I have the idea ready to go. Planet is easy enough to figure out by any means. Anyways, once they are on planet, like I stated they will have the option to go stealth or loud. I am giving them options, because if they do so, getting the data in the second phase will be harder, whilst getting it when stealth will be easier. This applies for the first phase as well. That is as far as I have planned ahead of time.
  10. +1 Legit the only person I see fit.
  11. I lost the remaining low IQ I have from this.
  12. This applies with all DU except the regular trooper.
  13. Honestly you're a good dude, if you can actually be active and do shit, then +1.
  14. Best moments of all of this in ranked order: Red Guard DU 104th
  15. +1 This guy is the only guy I've got to sit down and talk to about things in rancor. His activity is there (no shade but I don't see active blitzs/BCMDs) and hes willing to help others when they are in the position of need. He helped me out with a few ideas for DU.
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