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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. Anotha one. Sad to see you go. The community isn't how it used to be (fukin putting my ban appeal in your thing, what are you, gay?)
  2. If it bothers you, you should have told him it would be 7.5mil so it would have good stats. This post is focused on the gun so of course someone will mention how bad it was/is.
  3. Damn. You were good while it lasted, even if my ass got cucked, it was justified slightly. Hope to work with you again
  4. Damn thats a shame. What is it, 7mil for that garbage? Defiantly needs change
  5. The spread is bad, I know that. As captain of the red guard I got this weapon and it's spread while you weren't zoomed was like a drunk man shooting a moving target. But when you were zoomed (dont know if this changed or not) it's accuracy was greatly improved as well as spread. But if they changed it, that is no good. +1
  6. smh taking up a whole tab menu and more
  7. +1 give me my fucking red guard for the love of god
  8. they are if you want them to be
  9. i dont think he even knows about good boi ven
  10. Oh, I see. Yeah, I know a certain someone who wants it desperately in this post lel
  11. I think hes wondering what you mean by selected, as am I
  12. @Dargon @Ginyu @Max @Camilo Tiplar should have died, and so it is. I was teaching someone how to make a scene, and what a better way to do it than this (fingers n stuff are off but he is new, he posed the dudes in the back, I did doom and tiplar)
  13. great idea, will suggest when suggestions open in 3 years
  14. honestly we need to import battlefront 2 classic models and use those. that'd be sick as hell
  15. finally someone else who sees that CGI are shit. fucking playdough plastic lookin ass
  16. i fucking loved the HD models tbh
  17. still in love with big boi bacara?
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