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Posts posted by Arizona

  1. 8/10 I enjoyed the whole stranded vibe where we just were all spread out and a it was good chaos. The only one thing i would want more of is a more clear objective on what to do. But other than that it was a LOT of fun please do more of this in the future 

  2. +1 the name is much easier to understand and makes a lot more sence imo. 

    5 hours ago, Gadget said:

    I really don't want to see


    HOEs, set up on the ridge and prepare for the assault

    HOEs moving up to the enemy front

    HOEs are ready for action, where are we needed

    This HOE is ready to smash


    If this was a suggestion to call them Assault or seige troopers,  I would be all for it.

    why not that sounds awesome lmao 

  3. So when i try and load into synergy my game loads and then stops and closes. No error messages no nothing. I havent done anything to my PC its been off for a couple days while i was dealing with stuff and i just came back to enjoy the server and nothing. 


    I have re installed Gmod 

    I have verified all my game files

    I have removed all addons 

    I have tried to join synergy fresh 

    nothing has worked and the game just shuts off. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

    So, one thing that sticks out to me, is that you got waived as a SGM. Not including your 1 year as Yularen, that is still a big thing. Did you bring any of these issues or potential changes up to the current CG High Command before going for a waive? If not, why?

    Ik im not brace but I am CG HC member. I knew brace wanted to go for it and I gave him my full support as well as telling the rest that brace indeed wanted to go. 

    • Informative 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Voidio said:


    You're a great person, the majority of conversations or interactions I have had with you are always fun and enjoyable however, this is the reason I am giving a minus over a plus.

    When I returned to the community my first place back was in CG where it was quick to notice the lack of discipline, overall quantity over quality ideal where a punishment seemed to be giving them a reward over a necessary punishment. You were the Executive Officer, while Odric is partly to blame his entire High Command staff are on the same boat. You had all the rank and power along-side Arizona and Zynth to fix it at the time, however you didn't. It festered and kept growing, while the ship was sinking you were on Shaak Ti. 

    Even now with these "new rules" which were in place before hand, however it seems that they were removed previously. It just seems more for show than actual care for the battalion. Let me be frank, not a single person in the current CG Officer Corp is ready for Fox, even then some of them are not ready for Officer it seems paired with activity and overall attitude as a whole. 

    Maybe over the coming week you main change my mind, however at the current moment CG baffles me, I'm aware that I didn't leave it in a great shape and I shouldn't be getting onto someone for issues in the battalion. However, at the current moment, CG has numbers but an overall poor quality. Which either stems from that CG are not receiving the correct mentorship or training, or that the Officer Corp simply doesn't care.

    Before the excuse "I'll be able to fix it as Fox", you can fix it now. You have been able to fix it for sometime, so why haven't you?

    Not sure what ur talking about. You aren’t involved in any day to day operations in the battalion. You haven’t talked to anyone about anything to my knowledge. Just because Zynth, ren and I had the power to do something doesn’t mean Odric wanted us to. Go take a look in the announcements when I started to go really hard on people and get CG back on track with all the reports I got and everyone flipped out. To say we had “quantity over quality” just isn’t as easy as you claim it to be. Last time I checked we can’t just deny people entry into a battalion also we don’t go removing people Willy Nilly just because we can. We want to give people opportunities in CG. We can only do things that the BCMD would let us. When we go out and try and be hard on our troops and get people to clean up their act we get yelled at for “being too harsh”


    You may still be a legacy but you don’t actually know the full story. Things that happen in some channels may not be the full story. You have been mostly absent from any and all CG affairs and to tell us the things you THINK you know what’s happening isn’t necessarily the full picture. 

    I can’t speak for any other issues you listed but that specific issue I’m arguing is what I’m positive on.

    • Informative 2
    • Dumb 3
  6. +1 I believe that ren can be a great help for us. He’s tough and ready to make big changes to CG to make us a better battalion and bring CG to a more outgoing type of battalion. No more CG standing in brig and more GOOD interactions with BH and other battalions. He will be a biggg help with that and I believe we will do great things.

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